横山 雅彦 水谷 雅彦 山崎 康仕 三浦 伸夫 宗像 恵 片柳 榮一 櫻井 徹 山田 広昭

我々は平成6年度から平成8年度までの3年間にわたって本研究を行ない、その結果、概略的にほぼ下記のような成果を得た。片柳は、ヨーロッパの自然法思想に独自の緊張を与え続けた旧約聖書の宗教的法思想が、古代イスラエル民族の苦難にみちた歴史的体験と密接不可分に結びついていることを、聖書解釈学の視点から明確にした。横山は、古代末期から12世紀のシャルトル学派にいたるまでのプラトン主義的な思想的系譜の展開の中に、中世ヨーロッパにおける自然法則概念の確立の重要な契機があることを、具体的な史料分析によって明らかにした。桜井は、17世紀後半のイギリスの宗教家カンバーランド主著『自然法の哲学的探究』の緻密な分析によって、彼の自然法思想が、当時のイングランドの支配階級の利害関係を強く反映するとともに、また王立学会の重鎮たるボイルの自然法則観とも通底していたことを実証的に示した。宗像は、17世紀のデカルトから18世紀中葉のルソーにいたるまでの自然法と自然法則に関する様々な思想を概観するとともに、それらの思想全体の相互関係を哲学史的視点から明確にした。三浦は、イスラム文化圈における自然法則概念の歴史的展開という、これまで全世界的にほとんど無視されてきた研究テーマを開拓し、その歴史的展開が近代西欧科学に対するイスラムの現代的対応とも連関していることを示した。山崎は、近年ますます大きな問題となりつつある生命倫理の問題に対する多様な法学的対応の中にもしばしば自然法的な思想が隠れていることを、妊娠中絶論争や尊厳死問題論争という 問題と関連して具体的に分析した。水谷は、パソコン文化の急激な大衆化と絡む電子ネットワークの情報倫理的問題に着目し、旧来の問題とのアナロジーに依拠した伝統的な法律的対応が引き起こす混乱の諸相を具体的な事例に基づいて明確にした。
片柳 榮一
西田哲学会年報 (ISSN:21881995)
vol.9, pp.36-56, 2012 (Released:2020-03-22)

One of the causes of the difficulty of understanding Nishida’s essay “I and thou” is the ambiguity of his use of the word“thou”. This word means not only a human other to whom I can call, but also means the I of the past, because the I of yesterday, for example, is qualitatively different from the I of now, this moment. The “thou” of Nishida’s philosophical construct extends to the full expanse of the universe. It is not easy to clearly decipher his definition of the term “thou,” used as it is in various contexts, but in the aggregate, it is possible to infer that Nishida intends the term “thou” to refer to the being whose presence gives an individual his true existence, despite that individual’s independence. Nishida emphasizes the fact that all things have their existence only in a transient instant and that in the next moment all things transmute. The thing that is now should not, indeed cannot, be considered as the same thing that it just was. What bridges the thing that was and thing that is? Nishida asserts that what bridges each independent thing is true love which he terms Absolute-nothingness. This love finds new life through its own death.
片柳 榮一
西田哲学会年報 (ISSN:21881995)
vol.3, pp.71-85, 2006 (Released:2021-01-16)

Nishida quoted several times the sentences of British philosopher, B. Bosanquet in the middle period of the formation of his own philosophical thought. The sentences express the assertion that the true logical subject is always reality and the logical predicate is always the meaning of an idea and the judgment always appears as a revelation of something which is in reality. This assertion inspired Nishida to the build up his own unique understanding of the judgement. Bosanquet's thesis expresses that the judgment is not the connection of two abstract concepts but that the subject in judgment indicates always the reality of the actual world. Nishida's endeavor consists in the further elucidation of the structure of judgment. The reality that Bosanquet saw behind the logical subject is understood by Nishida as the concrete universal. Nishida defines the concrete universal as the universal that embraces in itself what can be subject without being ever predicate. According to Nishida mathematics can define their concrete universal, but the experience of facts can not define its own concrete universal. The concrete universal in the world of experience suffers the split between the subject-sphere and the predicate-sphere of the concrete universal. What is perceived by the intuition is the subject-sphere which has in itself infinite depth. Nishida owes this understanding to Bosanquet. Nishida's uniqueness consists in elucidating the predicatesphere. The infinitely deep subject-sphere is embracedby the infinitely wide universal which is the predicate-sphere.These two spheres do not coincide with each other in the knowledge of experience. But Nishida finds what bridges this split. That is the concept o f what I experience. Nishida's unique term transcendent predicate-sphere which is Nishida's definition of ego originates from this insight.