生田 奈穂 畑野 相子 蓑原 文子
vol.14, no.1, pp.29-35, 2016-03-31

本研究は、死期が迫った患者の心理面への看護の実際の特徴とそれを支える要因を記述することを目的とした。緩和ケア認定看護師3名を対象とし、半構成的面接調査を行い、逐語録を作成し、看護の実際とその要因分析を行った。 その結果、97の語り、34のサブカテゴリー、15のカテゴリーが得られた。看護の実際では、【希望を具体的に聞き取るように情報収集】【その人らしさを支えるように条件整備】【信頼関係が築けるように普段の会話】【自身の介入分野を見極めてスタッフと協働】【告知や死の受け入れ方に合わせて対応】【死に関する発言を受け止めて寄り添う】【患者のこれからの過ごし方を模索】の7つ、看護を支える要因では【緩和ケアに関する知識とその実践】【看取りの経験を知識に変える努力】【安心して逝ってもらえたと思えた体験】【看護師仲間での看取りの振り返り】【死との向き合い方の振り返りと模索】【死を否定せず生物体の死としての受け止め】【死に関する応答は自分自身が技術やスキル】【死生観を高めるためには日々の精進】の8つのカテゴリーが得られた。この中で終末期看護の特徴的なものとして【希望を具体的に聞き取るように情報収集】【告知や死の受け入れ方に合わせて対応】【死に関する発言を受け止めて寄り添う】が抽出された。
辰巳 桂子 出口 弘 長尾 ひろみ 杉浦 元亮 ジョン ヒョンジョン 生田 奈穂 橋爪 寛 松縄 順子 川島 隆太
論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.55, no.1, pp.89-104, 2008-06

One of human-being specific activities, interpreting (oral translation), has been adopted as a popular method to enhance second language acquisition lately. The question, however, how interpreting is executed in human brains, remains largely unknown. In this paper, we present our fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) experimental results to investigate how cerebral cortices are activated when subjects are engaged in interpreting exercises. Twenty-one healthy, right-handed university student subjects participated in this study. We directly compared English to Japanese consecutive interpreting (EJ) to Japanese to English consecutive interpreting (JE) using subtraction method, as well as with sentence reconstruction tasks in Japanese (JJ) and English (EE), and with resting condition (Rest, or baseline). The direct subtraction analysis between EJ and JE left only a limited area: left superior temporal gyrus remained. In JE minus EJ (masked by EJ-Rest: P<0.05image), right and left precentral gyri, left thalamus, left and right superior temporal gyri, and left middle temporal gyrus are left, suggesting that JE recruited more extensive regions in comparison with EJ, despite that all sources of sentence recorded and used as stimuli were constructed to be at the same level of difficulty, either directly taken from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) -authorized popular textbooks used in Japanese public junior high schools, or translation of such sources. The conditions EJ, EE, and JJ showed very similar patterns of cortical activation, indicating that the conditions recruited similar brain regions: left and right superior temporal gyri, mainly left middle temporal gyrus,, left inferior frontal gyrus (opercular part and triangular part), left temporal lobe's lateral surface, and mainly left supplementary motor areas. EJ and JE commonly activated Inferior frontal gyri (opercular part and triangular part) and supplementary motor areas in both hemispheres. Kawashima (2004) reports that even a different-activity-related cortical activation serves as a preparatory activity for the individuals' following activity and enhances learning or delays development of dementia in older subjects. From the results, we infer that EE and JJ sentence reconstruction exercises that activated similar regions to those activated in consecutive interpreting might fit the purpose of consecutive interpreting training preparation.