白木 優馬 五十嵐 祐
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.87.15040, (Released:2016-09-10)

We examined two psychological processes of prosocial behavior: feeling gratitude and indebtedness. First, we asked if the value of the behavior for the receiver promotes gratitude; and second if the cost of the behavior for the giver promotes indebtedness. Gratitude and indebtedness were measured as behavioral indices of a quid pro quo (indirect reciprocity and direct reciprocity) to avoid social desirability effects in self-report measures. In Study 1, 119 undergraduates recalled a past experience in which they had been the recipients of prosocial behavior while emphasizing the value, cost, or situation (control) of the event. The level of gratitude was higher, and indirect reciprocity was observed more frequently, in the value condition than in the cost and control conditions. Indebtedness, however, did not differ across the conditions. In Study 2, 59 participants received a gift (the value and cost of which were manipulated) from an imaginary confederate. The value manipulation promoted indirect reciprocity, and both value and cost manipulations encouraged direct reciprocity. Implications for adaptive functions of gratitude in social selection processes are discussed.
白木 優馬 五十嵐 祐 SHIRAKI Yuma IGARASHI Tasuku
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.62, pp.97-106, 2015-12-28

The development of Information Technology has unraveled a new form of employment, crowdsourcing. With the spread of crowdsourcing, psychological researchers began collecting data with crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing enables them to collect data from a wider range of people in a shorter timespan relative to the conventional methods. Although the application of crowdsourcing has gained popularity in foreign psychological research in recent times, Japanese researchers have not yet tapped this resource. Therefore, this paper presents the available framework of crowdsourcing service for Japanese researchers and its usage aiming for the spread of crowdsourcing in Japanese psychological research. Furthermore, we underline the required precautionary measures while collecting data using crowdsourcing.
白木 優馬 五十嵐 祐
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.87, no.5, pp.474-484, 2016

<p>We examined two psychological processes of prosocial behavior: feeling gratitude and indebtedness. First, we asked if the value of the behavior for the receiver promotes gratitude; and second if the cost of the behavior for the giver promotes indebtedness. Gratitude and indebtedness were measured as behavioral indices of a <i>quid pro quo</i> (indirect reciprocity and direct reciprocity) to avoid social desirability effects in self-report measures. In Study 1, 119 undergraduates recalled a past experience in which they had been the recipients of prosocial behavior while emphasizing the value, cost, or situation (control) of the event. The level of gratitude was higher, and indirect reciprocity was observed more frequently, in the value condition than in the cost and control conditions. Indebtedness, however, did not differ across the conditions. In Study 2, 59 participants received a gift (the value and cost of which were manipulated) from an imaginary confederate. The value manipulation promoted indirect reciprocity, and both value and cost manipulations encouraged direct reciprocity. Implications for adaptive functions of gratitude in social selection processes are discussed.</p>