明仁親王 目黒 勝介
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.22, no.3, pp.127-142, 1975-12-29 (Released:2010-06-28)

フタゴハゼGlossogobius giuris (Hamilton) と見なされていたウロハゼ属の1型は新種と認められたのでG.aureus (新称: コンジキハゼ) として記載した.本種の最も重要な特徴は孔器の配列にある.ウロハゼ属の他の種と比較し, その特徴を明らかにした.
明仁親王 目黒 勝介
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.27, no.3, pp.215-236, 1980-11-30 (Released:2011-07-04)

Six species of the genus Bathygobius collected in Japan were compared with each other and with the type specimens of nominal species considered as synonyms of three species of the genus Bathygobius: B.petrophilus, B.scapulopunctatus, and B.fuscus listed by Koumans (1953).The genus Bathygobius has the following combination of characters: a protuberance below the anterior nostril bordered by a groove containing pit organ line 6 on the upper side and by a groove containing pit organ line 7 on the posterior side, a median longitudinal groove containing pit organ line 10, which runs from the anterior margin of the cheek and divides into two posteriorly, the trapeziform mental flap bordered by a groove containing pit organ line 13 on the lateral side and by a groove containing pit organ line 14 on the posterior side, and free branched rays on the upper part of the pectoral fin.Six species of the genus Bathygobius were found in Japan, i.e., B. fuscus, B.padangensis, B.cocosensis, B.petrophilus, B.cyclopterus, and B.cotticeps.The differences between B.fuscus and B.padangensis are the least among the six species.Clearcut differences between them are only in the number of free branched rays on the pectoral fin and in coloration, although there are some specific differences in the number of pectoral fin rays and the angle between the lower and posterior axes of the first pterygiophore of the first dorsal fin. The number of differences between B.padangensis and B. cocosensis and between B.fuscus and B.cocosensis are only slightly greater. Although more differences are found between B.cyclopterus and B. cotticeps than those among the three species mentioned above, both of them have many common characteristics, some of which are specialized and are only found in these two species.Based on the number of common and distinctive characteristics, the six species are divided into three types: B.fuscus, B.padangensis, and B.cocosensis; B.petrophilus; B.cyclopterus and B.cotticeps.B.fuscus, B.padangensis, B.cocosensis, B.cyclopterus, and B.cotticeps are found in the tidal zone of rocky beaches, while B.petrophilus is collected near shore on substrates of sand or mixed mud and sand. B.fuscus, B.padangensis, and B.cocosensis are collected north of 35°N, but specimens of B.padangensis and B.cocosensis collected in the northern area of their range are extremely small in number compared with those of B.fuscus.B.petrophilus is collected between 33° and 35°N in Japan, but as the type specimens of Gobius petrophilus and Gobius villosus were collected in Indonesia, it is conjectured that B.petrophilus inhabits southern Japan south of 33°N.The examination of the type specimens revealed that Gobius poecilichthys should be synonymized with B.fuscus which is different from Mapo fuscus sensu Jordan, Tanaka and Snyder (1913).M. fuscus sensu Jordan, Tanaka and Snyder is presumed to be synonymous with B.padangensis from the description of M.fuscus sensu Snyder (1912a) from Tanegashima, in which the difference between M.fuscus and Mapo poecilichthys was recorded, and from the specimens of M. fuscus sensu Snyder (1912b) from Naha.Bathygobius sp.reported by Arai and Ida (1975), Zama and Fujita (1977), Hayashi and Itoh (1978) was identified as B.cocosensis on the basis of comparison with three specimens of that species (RMNH 4533) collected and identified by Bleeker.
明仁親王 目黒 勝介
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.24, no.2, pp.113-127, 1977-09-15 (Released:2011-07-04)

Callogobius sclateri (Steindachner) is newly recorded from Japan;Callogobius moroanus (Seale) is synonymized with Callogobius hasseltii (Bleeker) and Callogobius snyderi (Fowler) is synonymized with Callogobius okinawae (Snyder), after comparison with the types.Therefore the species of Callogobius found in Japan are five species: C.snelliusi Koumans, C.sclateri, C.hasseltii, C.okinawae and C.tanegasimae (Snyder).
明仁親王 目黒 勝介
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:18847374)
vol.34, no.4, pp.409-420, 1988

ロクラハゼ属の2種キマダラハゼ<I>Astrabe flavima-culata</I>とシマシロクラハゼ<I>A. fasciata</I>を新種として記載し, シロクラハゼ属の模式種であり, 今まで知られていた唯一の種であるシロクラハゼ<I>A. lactisella</I>についても前2種と比較して再記載した.キマダラハゼは日本産魚類大図鑑の中でキマダラハゼ<I>Astrabe sp</I>.として明仁親王 (1984) が解説を付したものである.キマダラハゼはシロクラハゼとは眼の上縁にある皮摺の上後部が突出しないこと, 縦列鱗数が少ないこと, 第1背鰭前方と腹部に鱗があること, 胸鰭基部を通る白色横帯の幅が狭いこと, 生時には胸鰭基部を通る白色横帯を除き, 暗褐色地に黄色模様が見られることによって区別される.シマシロクラハゼはシロクラハゼとは横列鱗数が少ないこと, 体側の鱗のある部分の幅が狭いこと, 胸鰭基部を通る白色横帯の幅が狭いこと, 第1背鰭前部から体の腹側に向かう白色横帯があることによって区別される.この度の標本の調査により, Snyder (1912) が記録した種子島産の<I>A. lactisella</I>はキマダラハゼであり, 本間・田村 (1972) が記録した佐渡島達者産のシロクラハゼはシマシロクラハゼであることが判明したので, これらの標本はそれぞれの種の副模式標本とした.また道津.塩垣 (1971) がシロクラハゼとして扱ったものの中, 標本を調べることが出来た鹿児島県馬毛島産のものはキマダラハゼであった.長崎県野母崎産の標本は図から判断するとシマシロクラハゼと考えられる.明仁親王 (1984) のシロクラハゼとキマダラハゼの解説は訂正しなければならない.
明仁親王 目黒 勝介
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.22, no.2, pp.63-67, 1975-12-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

ゴマハゼPandaka lidwilliに類似する小型のハゼの新種Pandaka trimaculataを記載し, ミツボシゴマハゼの和名を附した.本種は沖縄県石垣島と西表島およびフィリピンのミンダナオ島で採集された.ミツボシゴマハゼとゴマハゼの相違は縦列鱗数と腹部の斑紋にある.ゴマハゼの属名として用いられたBerowraはPandaka属との類似のため, Pandaka属のシノニムとした.
明仁親王 目黒 勝介
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.26, no.2, pp.p192-202, 1979-09
明仁親王 目黒 勝介
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.21, no.2, pp.72-84, 1974-11-30 (Released:2011-07-04)

Ophieleotris aporos was originally described by Bleeker (1854: 59) as Eleotris aporos.After Gill (1863: 270) established the genus Ophiocara based on Eleotris ophicephalusValenciennes, a synonym of Ophiocara porocephala (Valenciennes), E.aporos wasassigned to the genus Ophiocara by Bleeker (1877: 27).Aurich (1938: 132) established a new genus Ophieleotris for O.aporos based on the study of sensory canal pores, arrangement of pit organs and other characteristics. However, his genus has not been used by others but Whitley (1964: 55), as far as it is known to us.Our study on comparative morphology on O.porocephala and O.aporos with other species, listed on p.74, has revealed further different characteristics between two species and other species, some of which can be used for separating O.aporos from the genus Ophiocara and for recognizing the genus Ophieleotris for O.aporos.The characteristics of the two species are listed in Table 1.The most importantcharacteristics of the two genera, Ophiocara and Ophieleotris, in comparison with othergenera listed on p.74 are: 1) The presence of a process on the inner side of themaxillary in Ophiocara (Fig.1A) and the absence in Ophieleotris (Fig.1B).2) Thepresence of oculoscapular canal from nasal to posttemporal with the pores A to Lexcept for G, of preopercular canal with the pores M to Q and three supratemporalsin Ophiocara (Fig.2A);the absence of oculoscapular canal and supratemporals andthe presence of short preopercular canal with the pores N'and O'in Ophieleotris (Fig.2B). 3) 17 segmented caudal fin rays in Ophiocara and 15 segmented caudal finrays in Ophieleotris.4) 26 (or rarely 27) vertebrae and the first and second pterygiophoresof the first dorsal fin are inserted between the third and fourth vertebrae in Ophiocara (Fig.3A);25 vertebrae and the first pterygiophore between the third and fourthvertebrae (Fig.3B) or the first two or three pterygiophores between the fourth andfifth vertebrae in Ophieleotris (Fig.3C).5) The presence of a short, low longitudinalridge on frontal in Ophieleotris (Fig.4A);the absence of the ridge in Ophiocara (Fig.4B).6) The size of a scale of interorbital space of Ophiocara smaller than thatof caudal peduncle;the size of a scale of interorbital space of Ophieleotris larger thanthat of caudal peduncle and the largest of all the genera;the size of a scale of caudalpeduncle of both genera is not different.Although O. porocephala has no suborbitalwhose presence is thought to be an unspecialized characteristic, it has common characteristicsin 1) to 4) with the species with a suborbital, except for the loss of thepore G.Thus O.porocephala closely resembles the species with a suborbital whichare thought to be the most unspecialized species. As for O.aporos, when compared with them, it has no characteristics which are as unspecialized as those found in O.porocephala.
明仁親王 目黒 勝介
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.34, no.4, pp.409-420, 1988-02-25 (Released:2011-02-23)

ロクラハゼ属の2種キマダラハゼAstrabe flavima-culataとシマシロクラハゼA. fasciataを新種として記載し, シロクラハゼ属の模式種であり, 今まで知られていた唯一の種であるシロクラハゼA. lactisellaについても前2種と比較して再記載した.キマダラハゼは日本産魚類大図鑑の中でキマダラハゼAstrabe sp.として明仁親王 (1984) が解説を付したものである.キマダラハゼはシロクラハゼとは眼の上縁にある皮摺の上後部が突出しないこと, 縦列鱗数が少ないこと, 第1背鰭前方と腹部に鱗があること, 胸鰭基部を通る白色横帯の幅が狭いこと, 生時には胸鰭基部を通る白色横帯を除き, 暗褐色地に黄色模様が見られることによって区別される.シマシロクラハゼはシロクラハゼとは横列鱗数が少ないこと, 体側の鱗のある部分の幅が狭いこと, 胸鰭基部を通る白色横帯の幅が狭いこと, 第1背鰭前部から体の腹側に向かう白色横帯があることによって区別される.この度の標本の調査により, Snyder (1912) が記録した種子島産のA. lactisellaはキマダラハゼであり, 本間・田村 (1972) が記録した佐渡島達者産のシロクラハゼはシマシロクラハゼであることが判明したので, これらの標本はそれぞれの種の副模式標本とした.また道津.塩垣 (1971) がシロクラハゼとして扱ったものの中, 標本を調べることが出来た鹿児島県馬毛島産のものはキマダラハゼであった.長崎県野母崎産の標本は図から判断するとシマシロクラハゼと考えられる.明仁親王 (1984) のシロクラハゼとキマダラハゼの解説は訂正しなければならない.