田村 行弘 真木 俊夫 嶋村 保洋 西垣 進 直井 家壽太
Japanese Society for Food Hygiene and Safety
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.20, no.3, pp.173-180, 1979-06-05 (Released:2010-03-01)
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In 1977, there was an outbreak of photosensitivity dermatitis by among persons who had ingested a certain brand of chlorella tablets. At least 23 patients were identified in and around the Tokyo metropolitan area.The unconsumed chlorella tablets collected from these patients invariably induced photosensitivity dermatitis in mice. These chlorella tablets contained large amounts of pheophorbide and its ester, which are well-known phototoxic pigments derived from chlorophyll, while chlorella tablets from another maker, which contained less than a tenth as much pheophorbide induced no photosensitivity lesion in mice.Furthermore, a linear dose response relationship was observed between the severity of photosensitivity dermatitis in experimental animals and the content of pheophorbide in chlorella administered. However, the reaction induced by pheophorbide extracted from the suspect chlorella was weaker than that induced by the original chlorella sample.It was confimed that ethanol, used in forming granules of chlorella before pelleting, activates chlorophyllase, which in turn hydrolyzes chlorophyll naturally contained in chlorella into pheophorbide and its ester.We concluded that the photosensitivity dermatitis was caused by the chlorella tablets, which had been treated with ethanol. We believe that pheophorbide and its ester found in large amount in these tablets, have played a major role in inducing the photosensitivity dermatitis.
井部 明広 西島 基弘 斉藤 和夫 安田 和男 上村 尚 永山 敏廣 牛山 博文 直井 家壽太 二島 太一郎
公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.25, no.4, pp.334-341_1, 1984

食品中のオクラトキシン (OCT) A及びBの分析法を検討した. 試料からメタノール-1%炭酸水素ナトリウム溶液 (1:1) で抽出後, エーテルに転溶した. 抽出物は15%含水シリカゲルカラムでクリーンアップ後, カラムに Finepak SILC<sub>18</sub>, 移動相にアセトニトリル-0.1%リン酸 (50:50), 検出器に蛍光を用いた高速液体クロマトクフフィー (HPLC) で測定した. 添加回収率は20,100ppb添加で87-101%であり, 定量限界は試料あたり約2.5ppbであつた. また, 確認法としてメタノール-硫酸によりOCTのメチルエステル誘導体を作製し, HPLCにより確認を行った. 本法を用い市販品171検体に適用したところ, らい麦粉15検体からOCTAをTrace-20ppbの範囲で検出した.