石原 由紀夫 守田 了
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.12, no.3, pp.270-286, 2005 (Released:2009-10-16)

During reading spaced text such as English, each word is not refixated very often when eyes initially land on slightly right side of the middle part of the word. However, in identifying an isolated word, the word will be identified more quickly when eyes initially land on slightly left side of the middle part of it. These two initial eye landing positions are called optimal viewing position or OVP, and these two phenomena are called optimal viewing position effect or OVP effect. This paper aims to simulate eye movements using a computer to realize these two OVP effects. Previous studies indicated that the reason for OVP in identifying an isolated word was that letters could be identified more correctly in the right visual field than the left. In our study, in order to get the higher probability of letter identification in the right visual field than the left one, we considered the asymmetry of the number of pixels sampled in the left and right visual field. And we used the gap between subjective and objective viewpoints to quantify the asymmetry. Here, a subjective viewpoint is defined as the point that people look at on an object. Meanwhile an objective viewpoint is defined as the point of the object, on which the straight line passing through the center of pupil and fovea falls. In our experiments, eye movements in identifying an isolated English word and reading English text were simulated using a computer while shifting the objective viewpoint around the subjective viewpoint. As a result, OVP appeared on the left half of a word and on the right half when identifying an isolated English word and reading English text, respectively. These happened only when the objective viewpoint was shifted to the right from the subjective viewpoint by the width of 1 letter.
守田 了 石原 由紀夫
電子情報通信学会論文誌. D-II, 情報・システム, II-パターン処理 (ISSN:09151923)
vol.84, no.8, pp.1645-1654, 2001-08-01
