稲見 悦治
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.16, no.3, pp.225-246, 1964-06-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

Many of Japanese cities rapidly changed their forms and structures through the disaster brought by the last war; and above all, the changes of castle towns were thought to be great enough to make them a particularly noticeable appearance in the history of the city development in Japan.In this paper, Himeji City, one of the typical Japanese castle towns, is taken up and the changing process which Himeji City has undergone since the end of the last war, has been investigated with the results as follows:1) As to the road forms, the narrow winding roads peculiar to a castle town thoroughly disappeared after the war, and modern road network has been constructed throughout the city, improving the traffic condition both inside and outside the city while giving it a new aspect.2) At the same time, the old city plannings inherited from old feudalistic times, has collapsed; and there arose the necessity of improving the mode of administration, giving up the old town-unit system.3) In Himeji City, at the beginning of Meiji Era, an army division was stationed and, therefore, the central part of the city was monopolized by military institutions. After Japan was defeated in the last war, however, the army disappeared and the central part of the city was reborn as a center of government, public services, city sanitation, culture and education.4) Teramachi (Temple Quarter) was one of the quarters which gave peculiar aspects to Himeji Castle Town, but now it brings about its remarkable decline as a result of the war, disaster and the following new city-reconstruction plan which includes removal of cemetery to the suburbs.5) In old Himeji, the institutes of finance and amusement centers had tended to be concentrated and prospered along the Saikokukaido and Miyuki-dori. But after the war, the commercial area has shown the tendency of regional division as a result of the appearance of newly opened Otemae-dori according to the reconstruction plan.6) In Himeji, the development of industries was the motive power for the development of the urbanised area but after the war, not a few factories in the old city center were abolished and those factory sites have been used for the residential areas in many places.7) Himeji lost about half of the houses due to the war disaster but reconstructed them again rather rapidly. Nowadays it is remarkable that civilian, not governmental, residences are made annually in great number, and recently there is a tendency that the residential area is spreading to the surrounding farm lands and mountainous regions of the city.
稲見 悦治 藤岡 ひろ子
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.44, no.5, pp.333-346, 1971

都市における工業化は地域の開発を促す効果が高いため,新産業都市のごとく,工場の誘致によってそれを促進しようとする試みもあるが,長い間の伝統的な生産体系により形成された既成の工業地帯にば,都市の機能を健全に保つことの不可能な障害を地域に与える場合があり,工業化は必ずしも健全な都市化を招来しない.<br> 神戸市のゴム工場は神戸の主要輸出産業であったマッチ工業の衰退の時期にその余剰労力を吸収し,神戸港の地の利を得て西神戸に立地した.その生産体系は極めて零細で,マッチ工業以来の分業的地域集団を継承し,地域特有の貸工場制度を発展させてきたが,ゴム工業発達段階の高い地域ほど過密で,その結果おこる火災の多発・病害・大気汚染など都市の問題がきわめて多い.この地域の再開発計画や,既に着手された整備事業もあるが,地域の形成過程に歴史的要因がからんでいて再開発に種々の問題が残されている。