笹山 健作 野々上 敬子 多田 賢代 足立 稔
一般社団法人 日本学校保健学会
学校保健研究 (ISSN:03869598)
vol.56, no.4, pp.282-289, 2014-10-20 (Released:2023-04-07)

Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between extracurricular activities, habitual exercise and academic achievement in junior high school students.Methods: The subjects were 627 junior high school students (330 boys and 297 girls). The subjects were divided according to their extracurricular activities such as sports and cultural clubs, or no activity. The number of hours per week the student exercises was surveyed by questionnaire. For academic achievement, the cumulative records from five subjects (Japanese, social studies, mathematics, science, English) and four subjects (music, art, physical education, and technical courses or home economics) were used. The academic achievement in each subject was rated on a 5-point scale.Results: Among the boys, the students involved in sports clubs had higher academic achievement compared to students who were not involved in any extracurricular activities (for the five subjects: sports clubs 16.9±4.4, no activity 14.1±4.5, p<0.05). Among the girls, students involved in both sports and cultural clubs had higher academic achievement compared to the students who were not involved in extracurricular activities (for the five subjects: sports clubs 18.0±4.1, cultural clubs 19.0±3.9, no association 16.3±4.4, p<0.05). With age as the controlled variable, positive correlation was shown between time spent playing sports and academic achievement in the five subjects (boys: r=0.182p<0.001, girls: r=0.125p<0.05).Conclusions: It was suggested that the academic achievement of male and female students involved in sports clubs was higher than that of students who were not involved in any activity, and there was a positive correlation between habitual exercise and academic achievement.
野々上 敬子 田村 裕子 岡﨑 恵子 多田 賢代 笹山 健作
関西福祉大学研究紀要 = The journal of Kansai University of Social Welfare (ISSN:24326828)
vol.25, pp.23-30, 2022-03-31

幼児と保護者の食や睡眠,運動習慣との関連性については十分に明らかにされていない.幼児と保護者の生活習慣(食習慣,睡眠習慣,運動習慣)の関連性を明らかにする.○○県O 市南部にある私立保育園3 園に通う保護者のうち,本研究の趣旨に同意が得られた133 名(3 歳児:42 名,4 歳児:45 名,5 歳児:46 名)を対象とした.調査期間は令和3 年6 月,保護者に調査票を配付し回収する留め置き法を用いた.質問項目は,家族構成,子どもの性別,保護者の健康状態,生活習慣・食生活,子育ての養育態度,子どもの様子,健康教育・食育への関心とした.幼児とその保護者を対象とし,生活習慣や食生活などについて調査した結果,保護者は睡眠が「十分とれていない」が約半数であり,子どもの睡眠時間は「10 時間未満」が約7 割,間食は「子どもが欲しがると与える」が約5 割であり,「健康教育,食育の必要性を感じる」は9 割,「イライラすることがある」は,保護者の約7 割,子どもの約4 割,「テレビゲームをする時間を決めていない」が約半数であった.幼児と保護者の生活習慣(食習慣,睡眠習慣,運動習慣)の関連性を明らかにした結果,保育所に子どもを預けている保護者において,時間的なゆとりがない人が半数を占めていたことから,睡眠時間が十分確保できない状況が窺われた.睡眠時間が十分確保されていないことから派生する生活習慣および食習慣への影響がみられた.保護者の健康状態や生活習慣は,良いとは言い難い状況であったが,子どもに対しては,しつけとして生活習慣を身につけさせたいと考えていた.これらのことから,保育所と地域および専門機関が連携協働し,保護者への支援が重要であると考えられた.
笹山 健作 西原 智子 大口 正行 芝田 孝 足立 稔
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.16045, (Released:2017-01-13)

This study examined changes in attitude toward endurance running in senior high school students with different levels of physical fitness, and this study assessed mood and calculation functions of students before and after endurance running. The participants were 250 senior high school students (119 boys and 131 girls). Endurance running was practiced at a slow pace (slow jogging pace; heart rate: 30-35 [15 s]; rate of perceived exertion (RPE): 11-13). Attitudes toward endurance running were assessed before and after the unit using a questionnaire. Attitudes toward endurance running, more specifically positivity and importance, were calculated in terms of a positive feeling score and cognitive score. In addition, negative attitudes toward endurance running were expressed as a negative feeling score. Changes in mood and calculation function were investigated in the participants and a control group. In the control group, comprising 75 boys and 41 girls, the changes of mood and calculation function were assessed before and after a health class. After the unit, the positive feeling and cognitive score increased significantly and the negative feeling score decreased significantly in both the lower and higher fitness groups. After endurance running, although levels of arousal in the control group were not increased in both boys and girls, arousal levels were increased significantly in both sexes in both the lower and higher fitness groups. The degree of mood change and the degree of attitude change were related significantly to the degree of change in perceived pleasure and the change in the positive feeling score for boys in the higher fitness group. Moreover, the degree of change in perceived pleasure and the degree of change in the positive and negative feeling scores were related significantly for girls in the lower fitness group. These results suggest that slow jogging in a unit, involving how students experience mood and calculation functions, leads to an increase in positive attitude toward endurance running. However, further investigation is necessary to examine the influence of slow jogging on mood and calculation functions, and the influence on attitude toward endurance running in this type of unit.