篠原 尚吾 山本 悦生 田辺 牧人 辻 純 宗田 由紀 坂本 達則 金 泰秀 寺下 健洋
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.92, no.7, pp.779-783, 1999-07-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
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Papillary microcarcinomas (PMCs) which are 1.0cm or less in diameter are a specific subgroup of thyroid cancer. As the prevalence of these tumors found in autopsy cases was reported to be 10 to 28.4% in Japan, the necessity of surgical treatment of PMCs has been questioned. However, PMCs are often found in conjunction with advanced metastases in cervical lymph nodes, lung, etc..We reviewed eight cases with PMCs revealed by the presence of cervical metastases over the past 10 years. Five cases were revealed by manifest cervical lymph node metastases. Two of the other three cases were operated on for treatment of metastatic lesions subsequent to other diagnoses, notably a parotid tumor and lateral cervical cyst. The PMCs were revealed in a postoperative histological study of these two cases. The remaining case was discovered incidentally during neck dissection for laryngeal cancer. Preoperative ultrasonography was undertaken in seven cases. Two cases showed multif ocal small high echoic spots without tumors and one case showed no abnormal findings in the thyroid.In all cases, total thyroidectomy, unilateral or bilateral neck dissection and postoperative radioiodine scintigraphy were performed. Multifocal tumors in the thyroid were proven histologically in four cases. In one case, the primary lesion was not found even in a postoperative histological study.In accordance with these observations, PMCs revealed by cervical metastases shoul be treated as advanced thyroid carcinomas.
諸頭 三郎 山崎 博司 内藤 泰 眞鍋 朋子 山本 輪子 藤原 敬三 篠原 尚吾
一般社団法人 日本聴覚医学会
vol.55, no.1, pp.68-76, 2012 (Released:2012-03-28)

当科で人工内耳手術を行った小児内耳奇形例11例をSennaroglu分類による奇形の型と人工内耳使用マップ, 術前聴力と術後人工内耳装用域値, 術前後の語音聴取や言語発達の成績, 発話明瞭度との関連を評価し, この分類法の臨床的妥当性について検討した。内耳奇形の内訳は2例がcommon cavity (CC), 2例がincomplete partition type I (IP-I), 5例がincomplete partition type II (IP-II), 1例がcochleovestibular hypoplasiaとcochlear nerve deficiencyの合併例 (CVH/CND), 1例が内耳道狭窄とCNDの合併例であった。11例中8例において人工内耳で音感を得るのに通常より大きな電荷量を必要とした。嚢胞状の蝸牛を呈するCCとIP-Iの4例中2例は術後語音聴取成績, 言語発達は良好であったが2例は不良でばらつきがあった。IP-II5例はすべての検討項目で術後成績が良好で言語メディアに聴覚-音声を使用していた。CND合併例2例は術後も語音聴取や言語発達の成績が不良で視覚言語の併用を必要とした。IP-IとIP-IIを峻別するSennaroglu分類とMRIによる蝸牛神経の評価の臨床的意義が確認された。
平野 滋 篠原 尚吾 庄司 和彦 児嶋 久剛
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.89, no.1, pp.75-80, 1996-01-01
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Intracapsular enucleation is thought to be a suitable method for preserving post-operative function of the original nerve following treatment for cervical neurilemmomas. In previous studies, however, post-operative palsy occurred in most cases and there have been seen several cases in which nerve funtions did not recover. In the present study, we performed a modified method of Intracapsular enucleation for two cervical neurilemmomas, the first case involved the facial nerve, the second the hypoglossal nerve. In these cases, post-operative palsy has not been observed since immediately after surgery. Important points in this procedure include (1) making the incision line at a point on the capsule where few nerve fibers exist, (2)ablating the capsule from the tumor as gently as possible, (3) monitoring nerve function using a nerve stimulator throughout the procedure.