米山 兼二郎 八木 昇一 川村 軍蔵
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.58, no.10, pp.1867-1872, 1992 (Released:2008-02-29)
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To determine the individual catchability of fish, angling experiments were conducted using five groups of tilapia in an outdoor concrete tank 10×5×0.65m in dimensions. The effects of previous experience of hooks, the hunger level, and the presence of eggs on catchability were determined using chi-square analysis. Five different baits were used at random to eliminate the effect of bait preference. At the start of experiments, about half of each group were hooked, marked by fin clips, and released back in to the tank with the unmarked fish. A recapture trial was repeated twice by angling and tallying marked and unmarked fish. Fish were thus hooked a total of three successive times, twice, only once, or_not at all. After the angling experiments, fish were given pellets and allowed to feed for 10-20 minutes, then examined for the amount of intake and the presence of eggs. Results indicated that fish that had been hooked earlier tended significantly to be hooked again. Fish did not learn to avoid hooks. Fish that had been hooked tended to eat more. Fish with eggs tended to be less catchable, but individual differences in catchability were also found among those without eggs.
米山 兼二郎 松岡 達郎 川村 軍蔵
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.60, no.5, pp.599-603, 1994-09-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
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An outdoor-tank angling experiment was conducted for wild and domestic groups of Tilapia mossambica to clarify the cause of different catchabilities of fish. A series of release-recapture trials was conducted, in which angled fish were counted for release and subsequent recapture; three times for the wild group and twice for the domestic group. Angling experiences of individuals were examined based on the marks after each series. Pellets taken by fish were weighed after the experiment to examine the potential relationship between feeding intensity and catchability. It was significant that wild fish angled in the first trial were hooked repeatedly in the subsequent trials, while domestic fish were hooked at random in any trial, demonstrating that catchability can be altered by rearing. In addition, the catchable wild individuals were hooked quickly and the uncatchable fish remained unhooked for a longer period in each trial. Large fish took more pellets but there was no correlation between fish size and catchability, implying that the hierarchy in feeding is not related to differences in catchability. Individual differences in the catchability were ruled by precaution behavior, which may change with culture conditions.
米山 兼二郎 川村 軍蔵 掘切 圭美
Japanese Society for Aquaculture Science
水産増殖 (ISSN:03714217)
vol.56, no.4, pp.543-549, 2008-12-20 (Released:2012-09-15)

釣り針を回避することを学習したニジマスの脳から抽出したtotal RNAを釣り針未経験のニジマスに注射し,total RNA注射によって学習行動が転写するか否かをみた。1個体からのtotal RNA量は脳組織1.0 g当たり0.06-0.33 mgであった。対照魚は生理食塩水を注射した個体とハンドリング以外の処理を行わない個体とした。total RNA注射魚と対照魚を識別するために鰭に標識し,実験池に混ぜて収容して釣り試行に供した。用いた6群のうち4群で,total RNA注射魚は対照魚より明瞭に釣られにくかった。この結果より,釣り針回避学習がtotal RNAを介して釣り針未経験の個体に転写したと解釈された。どの群でも対照魚が比較的釣られにくかったのは,total RNA注射魚の釣り針回避行動が群内の他個体に社会的影響を及ぼしたためと考えられた。
山内 正仁 今屋 竜一 増田 純雄 山田 真義 木原 正人 米山 兼二郎 原田 秀樹
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
環境工学研究論文集 (ISSN:13415115)
vol.42, pp.545-553, 2005

To help develop a technology for the conversion of the solid matter contained in sweet potato shochu lees, which is a food industrial waste, into a new resource, a study was conducted on the use of dried shochu lees as a nutrient material in the culture medium of hiratake mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus). Mushroom cultivation could be shortened by 4-8 days by using the shochu lees medium in lieu of the conventional rice bran medium. The mean yield in a test plot with 60% shochu lees was 137g, which was 1.6 times the yield from rice bran medium. Moreover, hiratake cultured in the shochu lees medium contained more protein than mushrooms grown on rice bran medium, indicating that the use of dried shochu lees could make it possible to commercially produce mushrooms with higher protein contents than conventionally grown mushrooms and open a way for large-scale utilization of shochu lees.