名取 伸行 花輪 和己 鈴木 正彦 花輪 剛久 小口 敏夫
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.34, no.3, pp.289-296, 2008 (Released:2009-09-04)
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A questionnaire survey of inpatients of widely varying ages was conducted to investigate the ease of taking internal medicines and desired dosage forms.A similar questionnaire survey of nurses and pharmacists working in a university hospital was also conducted to compare awareness of dosage forms by profession.The results of this survey clearly demonstrated the difference in awareness of patient preference regarding internal medicines among pediatric nurses,nurses working at other hospital wards,and pharmacists.This discrepancy seemed to reflect the difference in awareness of different health care workers concerning impairment of deglutition capability with aging.Awareness of patients' desired dosage forms also varied between pharmacists and nurses,which could be due to the difference in knowledge of pharmaceutics between these 2 professions.Based on the results of this study,it was felt that pharmacists should provide medication instruction to individual patients and provide pharmaceutical information to nurses,and that information sharing is important to ensuring that proper pharmaceutical care is conducted in the hospital.
堤 きく江 土屋 千佳子 花輪 和己 鈴木 正彦 花輪 剛久 小口 敏夫
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.128, no.6, pp.965-970, 2008-06-01 (Released:2008-06-01)
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Beraprost sodium (BPS) is often used for pediatric patients with pulmonary hypertension. The purpose of this study was to determine the expiration date of the powdered medicine prepared by grinding tablets. In the present study, the hygroscopicity and stability of the beraprost tablet (DORNER® tablet), ground Dorner tablet and powder formulation (Doener powder) consisting of the ground DORNER® tablet and lactose (EFC® lactose) were investigated after storage at various relative humidities (RHs) and light exposures. While the DORNER® tablets and ground DORNER® tablets were found to adsorb significant amounts of water vapor at an RHs of greater than 51.0%, Dorner powder scarcely adsorbed water. The stability of BPS in the Dorner powder decreased after storage under 3000 lux for 90 days. From these results, the expiration date and storage conditions of Dorner powder were determined to “90 days without exposure to light.” We also investigated the stability of BPS in solutions of various pH values on the assumption that Dorner powder may be given to pediatric patients after dissolving in soft drinks. Because BPS degraded significantly below pH 2, pharmacists should alert patients not to take Dorner powder with acidic soft drinks.
花輪 剛久 青木 歩 花輪 和己 手塚 春樹 荒井 千春 河田 圭司 鈴木 正彦 中島 新一郎
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.2, pp.176-183, 2002-04-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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The stability of powdery dosage forms of drugs prepared by unsealing the packages was investigated. For 247 articles purchased by the Yamanashi Medical University Hospital, the variables related to the evaluation of stability after unsealing these packages and investigating the contents based of an “Interview Form”. A longterm preservation test was carried out on 153 items (94%), and the mean length of the test was about 36 months. The acceleration and the severity tests were carried out using 17 items (10.4%) and 114 items (69.9%), respectively. The mean conditions of the acceleration test was 40°C/6 months, which agreed with the guidelines proposed by the “Drug Manufacturing Guidelines”. On the other hand, for the severity test, certain conditions for the evaluation could not be arranged, and testing was carried out under various conditions. In order to improve the efficiency of dispensing and the quality of life for patients, a further increased standardization of the testing conditions is recommended.