北村 栄美子 萩原 隆子
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.24, no.5-6, pp.472-476, 1970-02-28 (Released:2009-08-24)
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Different theories have been proposed as to the original causes of Myopia. These include heavy literary work, heredity, eye strain as well as some kinds of illumination and the habits of sleeping. Other theories have proven negative. Since the end of World War II the percentage of myopic students has increased with a present percentage of 15%. This includes the upper class student of primary schools, 28% and over for all junior high school students, 39% and over for all senior high school students, 50% and over for all college and university students.Recently physical examination data has been obtained which had been continued all through the war. This data contrasted with nation wide statistical data of physical examinations collected by the Dept. of Education enabled examination of each raw regression coefficient and the standard regression coefficient of the transition of Myopia. This was divided into the three periods of Prewar-Wartime and Postwar. The result was a mutual relationship between an annual change and occurrence in Prewar days as well as Wartime. It showed from -0.37 to -1.00 standard regression coefficient except for primary school students in agricultural districts. This tendency was especially remarkable regarding junior high school students upwards.On the contrary, in Postwar days the mutual relation reveals from 0.74 to 0.99 in remore locations the occurrence rate is decreasing in recent years.In view of these findings it has been concluded that Myopia conditions can be attributed to reading and studying habits rather than a nourishment or illumination situation.
萩本安昭木下勝博萩原隆一 三橋 信男 椎木 淳一 杉本 良一
安全工学 (ISSN:05704480)
vol.20, no.3, pp.127-132, 1981-06-15 (Released:2018-02-28)

一般家庭用電気器具の電源スィッチを用いて,これをON,OFFする際に接点間で発生する需気火花による可燃性混合気への着火実験を行なった.実験用スイッチとしてはキーソケットスイッチ,中間スイッチおよび埋込スィッチを使用し,負荷用の電気器具としては白熱電球,換気扇,螢光灯および抵抗器を使用した.また可燃性ガスとしてはメタンおよびプロパンを使用した.その結果,1)キーソケットスイッチのOFF時が最も着火しやすい,2)スイッチON時よりもOFF時の方が着火しやすい 3)誘導性負荷である電気器具のスイッチをOFFした場合の方が,抵抗負荷の場合よりも小さなエネルギーで着火する 4)着火に必要なエネルギーはスイッチの種類や回路条件などによって左右され,数mJで着火する場合もあれば,数Jでも着火しない場合もあることなどがわかった.
恒吉 宏亮 平田 京一郎 鈴木 健一郎 髙橋 志宗 飛田 祐志 上田 篤 渡邊 慎太郎 市川 俊和 仲川 政宏 萩原 隆男 本間 正勝 岡本 勝弘
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.27, no.2, pp.137-150, 2022 (Released:2022-07-31)

In the case of a fire incident such as arson, the combustion experiment that reconstructed the fire scene will be conducted to clarify the facts. However, various problems such as construction costs and securing an experimental environment must be dealt with. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to utilize fire simulation for the investigation of fire incidents. In this study, combustion experiments and FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator) simulations assuming gasoline arson in the kitchen, which have not been reported so far, were conducted and compared. Next, the observation of fire damage using the accumulated heat-flux was evaluated by a newly developed analysis tool for visual evaluation. The simulation results such as burning behavior, temperature changes, and the burned away phenomenon of the door showed good agreement with those experimental results. Burning behavior in the kitchen, that couldn't be observed in the combustion experiment were grasped in detail in the simulation. Furthermore, the relationship between the fire source and the fire damage on the floor, which couldn't be explained only by the observation results after extinguishing the fire, could be reasonably explained by the visual evaluation of burning behavior and the accumulated heat-flux in the kitchen by using the simulation. Therefore, the fire simulation was shown to be an effective tool for analyzing fire phenomena.
永田 宏文 萩原 隆一
安全工学 (ISSN:05704480)
vol.20, no.6, pp.379-385, 1981

<p><tt><b>ガソリン注油中のポリエチレン製携行缶での発火事故,ネオプレンゴム製ボール圧送による油送管内の残油処理中の爆発事故,LPGタンク車から貯蔵タンクヘLPG移充填中の火災事故,およびアルミ粉製造プラントにおけるアルミ粉回収用パグフィルタ室爆発事故の以上4件の事例は,事故原因の調査解析の結果,いずれも静電気が着火源と考えられた.ここでは,静電気の災害に結びつく帯電過程を明らかにするための実験や,事故の発生要因等の検討結果について解説し,静電気災害防止のための一資料として提 </b></tt><tt><b>供する. </b></tt></p>