大島 伸一 藤田 民夫 小野 佳成 加藤 範夫 松浦 浩 竹内 宣久 西山 直樹 水谷 一夫
日本泌尿器科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.85, no.11, pp.1673-1678, 1994

多発性嚢胞腎疾患症例における腎機能廃絶後の透析期の腎盂腎炎および嚢胞感染, 嚢胞出血等の発生頻度とそれらの治療における腎摘出術の有効性を検討した. 対象は透析をうけている多発性嚢胞腎疾患症例41例で, 男性25例, 女性16例, 平均年齢は55歳, 平均経過観察期間69ヵ月である. 腎盂腎炎および嚢胞感染は13例 (32%) 21回が, 嚢胞出血は13例 (32%) 16回にみられた. ともに保存的治療に反応しない場合やくり返す場合には腎摘出術を行った. それぞれ両側腎摘出術を10例, 片腎摘出術を1例に, また, 両側腎摘出術を5例, 片側腎摘出術を2例に施行した. 手術死は1例にみられた. 不明1例を除く14例の術後平均観察期間70ヵ月であったが, 両側腎摘出術後の無腎状態から生ずる貧血は13例93%に, 低血圧は5例33%にみられた. 以上の結果より維持透析をうけている多発性嚢胞腎疾患では, (1) 腎盂腎炎および嚢胞感染, 嚢胞出血等の合併症が高頻度で生ずること, (2) これらの合併症が腎機能廃絶後では透析と相まって保存的治療では治療困難であること, (3) 貧血や低血圧に対する治療は必要となるものの両側腎摘出術は有効な治療法となりうることが示唆された.
瀬戸 加奈子 松本 邦愛 高橋 絹代 藤田 民夫 高原 史郎 相川 厚 篠崎 尚史 長谷川 友紀
一般社団法人 日本移植学会
移植 (ISSN:05787947)
vol.52, no.4-5, pp.346-351, 2017-09-30 (Released:2017-11-24)

Although public opinion polls reported that over 40% of Japanese people want to donate their organs at death, the number of organs remains low (=< 1 donor/million population). This low donation rate is supposed to be due to the lack of an in-hospital system to confirm patient desires to donate organs to patients at hospitals. The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate the educational program to improve the quality of terminal care at acute care hospitals in the form of a QM (quality management) seminar at emergency departments, focusing on management methods and quality management to facilitate and establish an in-hospital system. From 2013 to 2015, there were 94 participants. Pre- and post-program test showed that the improvement rate was 15.9% for transplantation medical care, 6.9% for skills, and 10.5% for the management method. By the educational method, the improvement rate was 10.1% for lecture and 10.2% for group-work exercise (+ lecture). Compared with doctors, nurses had a lower improvement rate in the domain of management methods. A questionnaire survey showed that the participants evaluated that management method was difficult and their understanding level was low, but they highly recommended participation. To improve the quality terminal care, the role of nurses is important because they are the major players in patient care, and revision to improve the educational program is necessary to provide outcomes similar to those doctors produce. Other supporting methods, such as the provision of educational tools and sharing success cases, should be considered to facilitate in-hospital system development.