藤田 盟児
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.196, pp.53-90, 2015-12

宮島にある厳島神社の門前町には,オウエという吹き抜けになった部屋をもつ町家群があり,中部・北陸地方の町家形式に酷似する。平成17年度から18年度にかけて実施した伝統的建造物群保存対策調査で,それらの建造年代を形式や技法の新旧関係から推定する編年を行ったが,18世紀後期と推定した田中家住宅と飯田家作業所について¹⁴C年代調査を行ったところ,両方とも17世紀後期の建築である可能性が高まった。このことから,厳島神社門前町の町家建築の編年を見直して,¹⁴C年代調査が民家調査の編年に及ぼす影響について述べた。さらに,両遺構はこれまで実在しないと思われていた17世紀の平屋の町家建築である可能性が高まったので,従来は洛中洛外図屏風など中世末期から近世にかけての絵画史料や文献史料で行われてきた中近世移行期の民家史と都市史に新たな知見をもたらす非常に重要な町家遺構であることを述べた。そして最後に,伝建調査では吹き抜けになったオウエをもつ町家形式が中近世移行期の町家の形状を残す古い形式である可能性があることを示したが,厳島神社門前町の町家遺構の年代観の変化と,関連する史料と類例の追加によって,それについても修正し,町家形式の変遷過程に対する展望として提示した。厳島神社門前町の町家は,そうした全国の類例の中でも間口が狭く,中世の町家の特色をよく残していると推測されるが,それは厳島が中世の住民と都市環境を近世まで継承した希有な宗教都市であったという歴史の反映であると考えられる。Like in Chūbu and Hokuriku Regions, there are townhouses with open-ceiling rooms called "oue" in front of Itsukushima Shrine in Miyajima Island, Hiroshima Prefecture, Chūgoku Region. The dates of their construction were estimated by chronologically comparing their architectural styles and techniques in the Study for Historic Building Preservation from FY2005 to FY2006. Among them, the Tanaka family's residence and the Iida family's workshop were dated to the late 18th century; however, radiocarbon dating results indicated that they were more likely to have been built in the late 17th century. Therefore, in this study, the dates of the houses estimated by the Study for Historic Building Preservation are reviewed and re-estimated as necessary.The above-mentioned two buildings can disprove the assumption that there was no one-story townhouse in the 17th century. In this regard, they are important buildings that may lead to new findings in the medieval-to-early-modern townhouse research, which has been mainly based on historical documents and pictures from late medieval to early modern times, such as Rakuchu-rakugai-zu screen paintings. Moreover, although the Study for Historic Building Preservation presumed, based on its analysis of similar cases across Japan, that townhouses with oue may have been one of the oldest models, because the dates estimated by the Study were found incorrect, this paper considers the prospect of further detailed analysis of transitions in the model of townhouses by examining a wider range of historical documents and cases.With narrower frontages, townhouses in front of Itsukushima Shrine are presumed to preserve features characteristic of medieval townhouses. This seems because they are situated in a religious town that had preserved the medieval urban environment and residents until early modern times.
藤田 盟児
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.594, pp.163-169, 2005

Of the housings designed for Hojo during Kamakura era, history of two types of housings are studyed. These two residences were at the west of Okurra residence. The west residence of it became a housing called Akahashi and it was inherited from Nagatoki to Yoshimasa, then to Naritoki, Akitoki, Hisatoki and Moritoki of Hojo. The east residence of it became a housing called Nishi and it was inherited from Masamura to Munemasa, Akitoki and Morotoki of Hojo.