西村 薫 野村 亮太 丸野 俊一
九州大学心理学研究 : 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院紀要 (ISSN:13453904)
vol.13, pp.1-9, 2012

Changing self-efficacy is important for clinical support. Nonetheless, the past studies on self-efficacy do not explain (1) taking actions with low self-efficacy, (2) process of self-efficacy promotion, or (3) process of self-efficacy declination. To solve these issues, we proposed "Perspective Self-efficacy", which includes ambiguous expectations that the future self can be positively changed. Perspective self-efficacy refers to ambiguous feelings that the self, as future prospects, can affect and control others and situations, detaching from the current self. By viewing the present self from future-perspective self, perspective self-efficacy makes it possible to take different actions from what is motivated only by the present situations. Also, being detached from the present self, can perspective self efficacy facilitate taking actions and positive operations of information resources, even when self-efficacy is currently low. Thus, perspective self-efficacy can explain the change of self-efficacy, and be useful for clinical support.
香川 靖雄 西村 薫子 佐東 準子 所沢 和代 村上 郁子 岩田 弘 太田 抜徳 工藤 快訓 武藤 信治 手塚 統夫
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.38, no.6, pp.283-294, 1980-11-25 (Released:2010-10-29)
9 6

朝食の欠食は日周リズムを変え, これによって肥満, 高コレステロール血を増加させ, 各種の知的機能テストの成績を低下させると報告されている。そこで寮内学生 (19~21歳) につき分析を行い下記の成績を得た。1978 (人数=102) 1979 (人数=106)朝食 欠食者(85名) 摂取者(17名) P 欠食者(64名) 摂取者(42名) P〔摂取量/日〕エネルギー (kcal) 1,916 2,180 <0.1 2,105 2,459 <0.01たん白質 (g) 63.1 66.4 <n.s. 67.0 80.8 <0.01炭水化物 (g) 283.6 345.1 <0.01 295.4 352.2 <0.001カルシウム (mg) 296.4 408.8 <0.02 409.4 499.0 <0.02〔24時間尿中成分〕尿素 (g) 7.05 6.58 <0.5 7.49 8.43 <0.5カルシウム (mg) - - - 410.8 497.3 <0.05〔血清〕コレステロール (mg/dl) 190.8 186.4 n.s. 188.5 191.4 n.s.〔学業〕全学科成績 71.51 75.74 <0.01 72.97 75.29 <0.02平均得点順位 58.1 35.9 <0.01 59.4 44.1 <0.02年間欠席時限数 87.3 53.7 <0.05 89.2 63.4 <0.05コレステロール値は米国青年の値よりわずかに高い。身長 (169.9対170.7cm), 体重 (61.6対63.0kg), HDL-コレステロール (52.5対53.5mg/dl), トリグリセリド (116.8対123.7mg/dl), カウプ指数 (2.147対2.181), 出身地南北差等には上記両群の差はなかった。朝食の欠食は上記の表の栄養素摂取量を低下させたが, 食事の欧風化にも拘らず, 肥満やコレステロールを増加させなかった。また欠食者に学業成績, 出席率の不良なものが多く見出された。
下田 真利子 香川 芳子 西村 薫
公益社団法人 日本栄養・食糧学会
栄養と食糧 (ISSN:18838863)
vol.26, no.6, pp.385-389, 1973-12-29 (Released:2009-11-16)

Measurement of body fat contents is essential for a judgement of obesity, which is defined as an abnormal increase of the fat content in the body. The fat content estimated from skinfold thickness was compared with the value calculated from the whole body potassium content which was obtained by the counting of whole-body radioactivity. The obese and non-obese women were chosen as subjects for this study. It became clear that the fat value estimated from the potassium content is higher than from the skinfold thickness. The relation between two calculated values were investigated by regression lines. It was obvious that the regression line of obese woman group vary with age, but not of nonobese group.