野村 泰之 濱田 敬永 斎藤 雄一郎 吉田 晋也 遠藤 壮平 鴫原 俊太郎 木田 亮紀
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.57, no.6, pp.608-614, 1998 (Released:2009-10-13)
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Recently, because of the development of MRI, it is becoming apparent that there are some cases of cerebellar vascular disorder in the posterior cranial fossa among cases of sudden onset of rotatory vertigo. We reported two cases of sudden onset of rotatory vertigo caused by cerebellar infarction in the territory of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) due to cervical occlusive injuries.Case 1. A 48-year-old male sustained a slight whip lash injury and after ten hours, experienced rotatory vertigo and hoarseness. When he came to our hospital, we could only detect hoarseness. However, vascular disorder in the posterior cranial fossa was suggested by the interview. MRI revealed left cerebellar and medulla oblongata infarction.Case 2. A 29-year-old male felt rotatory vertigo and vomited after clicking his neck. Upon closer examination, pure rotatory spontaneous nystagmus, sensory disorder accompanied by sensory dissociation in his face and disability in standing and walking were found, suggesting vascular disorder in the posterior cranial fossa. MRI showed infarction in the left inferior cerebellar region, vermis and left lateral-dorsal medulla oblongata. A dissecting aneurysm in the vertebral artery was found on subsequent angiography.In the Japanese literature, we could find only nine reported cases of cerebellar vascular disorder in the posterior cranial fossa due to the cervical occlusive injuries, in addition to our two cases.The severity of injuries and the period until onset of diagnostic symptoms varied. Therefore, tracing cerebellar vascular disorders due to cervical occlusive injury required not only neurological and neuro-otological findings, but also attention to the history of the original injury and the development of subsequent symptoms. Without a careful interview, it is very difficult to correctly establish the cause of the disorder.
中里 真帆子 遠藤 壮平 冨田 寛 吉村 功
一般社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.98, no.7, pp.1140-1153,1255, 1995-07-20 (Released:2010-10-22)
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正常人461名に対して3対の部位の電気味覚閾値を電気味覚計 (TR-06, リオン株式会社) のワイドレンジで1人の検者が測定した. 年齢区分間で多重比較を行ったところ, 加齢により鼓索神経領域と舌咽神経領域では60代より, 大錐体神経領域では70代より閾値が有意に上昇していた. 性差は10代後半で有意に女性の閾値が低下していた. どの部位でも女性の方が閾値が低い傾向があった. 左右差は, 大体6dB以内であった. 部位差は, 軟口蓋の閾値は常に舌尖や舌根より高かった. 舌尖と舌根の閾値はほとんど差がなかったが, 10代後半では, 舌尖の閾値の方が舌根より有意に低かった. 非喫煙者に比べて喫煙者では, 30代, 40代では軟口蓋の閾値が有意に低下していた.