野村 泰之
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.78, no.1, pp.7-15, 2019-02-28 (Released:2019-04-01)
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The present status of usage and popular usage of the popularly used drugs for dizziness and vertigo in Japan are described herein. The agents are introduced These drugs are prescribed according to the phase of the patients' symptoms (emergency, acute, subacute or chronic) and the underlying pathology, with reference to the literature as evidence. Conservative therapy for dizziness and vertigo consists of three categories; drug therapy, cognitive therapy and physical and exercise therapy. The mutual strategy using An appropriate combination of these three therapies is important for successful treatment of dizziness and vertigo. Thorough history-taking is very important for a precise diagnosis of dizziness and vertigo. Appropriate treatment is selected according to the precise diagnosis. The mainstream anti-dizziness/vertigo drugs used in Japan consists of antihistamine agents (used as anti-emetic drugs), anti-motion sickness drugs, microcirculation agents, emulgents and vitamin B12 preparations. In this manuscript, we provide a detailed description of all the anti-dizziness/vertigo drugs used currently in Japan, along with a review of the relevant literature. However, most of these drugs are already well-dated and have been traditionally used for many years. In recent years, antidepressant agents and herbal medicines have also begun to be used. There are no new drug developments in this area of vestibular pathologies. We hope that treatments for these conditions will be updated with the development of novel anti dizziness/vertigo drugs, so as to bring this area of study into the modern age of medicine.
野村 泰之 戸井 輝夫
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.73, no.3, pp.167-173, 2014-06-30 (Released:2014-08-01)
1 7

After the huge earthquake in Japan on March 11th 2011 (magnitude 9.0), many people in the eastern area of Japan close to the epicenter felt dizziness, as if they were rocking at a time when no aftershocks were actually occurring. There are a few reports about dizziness after major earthquakes in the world, but there has been no study so far with analysis of large numbers of cases of earthquake sickness. We conducted an epidemical clinical study and called those symptoms “post earthquake dizziness syndrome; PEDS.” Affected subjects became aware of the rocking feeling within a minute especially when indoors and seated. A significant difference was found with respect to gender, with a prevalence of females, and with the people who were prone to suffer from motion sickness. Otherwise, there was no relationship with case histories of vertigo-related diseases. On the other hand, anxiety and social stress from the disaster seemed to be contributory factors. The underlying mechanism is associated with stimuli to the vestibular and equilibrium balance systems. Emotional disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were added to the etiology. For the prevention and treatment, maintaining fitness in daily life and avoiding anxiety caused by reports in the media seemed to be important. Physiotherapy and medication also proved important to prevent symptoms from getting worse.
野村 泰之
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.34, no.1, pp.17-22, 2010 (Released:2016-04-15)

池田 稔 生井 明浩 佐藤 正美 野村 泰之
耳鼻咽喉科展望 (ISSN:03869687)
vol.51, no.4, pp.208-214, 2008 (Released:2009-11-19)

Burning tongue syndrome is a collective name for diseases that cause a burning pain of the tongue, however, no clear clinical or laboratory abnormalities may be observed. The pain is a superficial, described as a burning sensation, and may occur in the tongue, palate, lips, buccal mucosa, gingiva, and teeth. Seventy-five percent of patients with burning tongue syndrome are middle aged women in their 50's and they are often post-menopausal. However, this syndrome may be observed in all ages regardless of gender. A variety of pathological causes have been proposed for this mysterious syndrome.Pain can be classified as nociceptive, neuropathic, or psychogenic, and the mechanism for the onset of burning tongue syndrome has been investigated in relation to all of these. Pain can be classified as acute or chronic. While acute pain may be alleviated with rest or analgesics, chronic pain lasts beyond a reasonable time needed for healing of an acute disease or wound and it may overlap with psychogenic pain. Many cases of burning tongue syndrome have been classified as chronic pain (psychogenic pain).Marked inflammation or tissue damage in burning tongue syndrome that are sufficient to account for the pain have not been detected. However, mild glossitis, micro-trauma caused by dentures, and dry mouth are often observed. Therefore, burning tongue syndrome may result from chronic pain caused by chronic irritation to the nociceptor in these minor lesions. In recent years, burning tongue syndrome has been proposed to be a neuropathic pain of the lingual nerve involving a taste disorder.Since the causes and background factors of burning tongue syndrome are not obvious, multiple treatments exist. The cases with dry mouth are treated with oral drugs such as pilocarpine hydrochloride, to promote salivation. For cases with taste disorder, zinc therapy using polaprezinc has been effective. For cases with suspected non-organic pain, anti-anxiety drugs or anti-epileptics, such as benzodiazepine, are recommended. The anti-epileptics, Rivotril® and Landsen®, enhance the GABA neuron activity specifically and are considered to be effective for neuropathic pain in burning tongue syndrome. For cases with masked depression, tetracyclic antidepressants or SSRIs are recommended. Patients with masked depression may have physical complaints and autonomous neurological symptoms, while the symptoms of depression are inconspicuous. Therefore, they have some common characteristics with patients with burning tongue syndrome.
野村 泰之 濱田 敬永 斎藤 雄一郎 吉田 晋也 遠藤 壮平 鴫原 俊太郎 木田 亮紀
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.57, no.6, pp.608-614, 1998 (Released:2009-10-13)
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Recently, because of the development of MRI, it is becoming apparent that there are some cases of cerebellar vascular disorder in the posterior cranial fossa among cases of sudden onset of rotatory vertigo. We reported two cases of sudden onset of rotatory vertigo caused by cerebellar infarction in the territory of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) due to cervical occlusive injuries.Case 1. A 48-year-old male sustained a slight whip lash injury and after ten hours, experienced rotatory vertigo and hoarseness. When he came to our hospital, we could only detect hoarseness. However, vascular disorder in the posterior cranial fossa was suggested by the interview. MRI revealed left cerebellar and medulla oblongata infarction.Case 2. A 29-year-old male felt rotatory vertigo and vomited after clicking his neck. Upon closer examination, pure rotatory spontaneous nystagmus, sensory disorder accompanied by sensory dissociation in his face and disability in standing and walking were found, suggesting vascular disorder in the posterior cranial fossa. MRI showed infarction in the left inferior cerebellar region, vermis and left lateral-dorsal medulla oblongata. A dissecting aneurysm in the vertebral artery was found on subsequent angiography.In the Japanese literature, we could find only nine reported cases of cerebellar vascular disorder in the posterior cranial fossa due to the cervical occlusive injuries, in addition to our two cases.The severity of injuries and the period until onset of diagnostic symptoms varied. Therefore, tracing cerebellar vascular disorders due to cervical occlusive injury required not only neurological and neuro-otological findings, but also attention to the history of the original injury and the development of subsequent symptoms. Without a careful interview, it is very difficult to correctly establish the cause of the disorder.
岸田 杏子 野村 泰之 地家 真紀 御子柴 郁夫 岸野 明洋 木村 優介 三浦 正稔 戸井 輝夫 増田 毅 鴫原 俊太郎 大島 猛史
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.78, no.3, pp.157-163, 2019-06-30 (Released:2019-08-02)
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Purpose: This present study was aimed at evaluating the effects of our original teaching method called “Bang Bang, Hu, Kacha” on the learning efficiency. Methods: We invented this method, which involves hand modulation and vocalization of words, for medical students to enable them to easily understand and memorize the anatomy of the inner ear and vestibular organs. We evaluated its effectiveness based on self-completed questionnaires by the students. Results: The results suggested that the comprehension level of the 30 medical students of the anatomy of the inner ear organs, especially the positional relationships of the semicircular canals and cochlea improved dramatically after they underwent training using this methodology. The medical students assigned high scores to this relational hand modulation method. Conclusion: This “Bang Bang, Hu, Kacha” method seemed to be a very useful for medical education, and allowed easy comprehension and memorization of the inner ear and vestibular anatomical structures.
松田 慶士 田中 真琴 野村 泰之 鴫原 俊太郎 大島 猛史
口腔・咽頭科 (ISSN:09175105)
vol.35, no.1, pp.55-61, 2022 (Released:2022-07-15)

症例は70歳代男性.数ヵ月前から39℃を超える発熱,咽頭痛,皮疹の出現を繰り返していた.初診時,口腔内および咽頭喉頭にアフタ性潰瘍が多発していたため,急性咽喉頭炎による重症感染症を疑い抗菌薬治療を行った.咽頭喉頭所見は加療により概ね改善し,皮疹も消退傾向であったが,軽微な炎症反応,弛張熱,大球性貧血は遷延していた.貧血の精査目的に骨髄生検を施行.精査中に新たな皮疹も出現したため,皮膚生検を施行した.生検の結果,骨髄異形成症候群を合併したSweet病の診断に至った. 急性咽喉頭炎に皮疹を合併した症例で,抗菌薬治療を行っても症状が遷延する場合には,背景にSweet病や自己免疫疾患などが存在する可能性がある.
野村 泰之
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.68, no.3, pp.149-153, 2009 (Released:2009-08-01)
増田 毅 鴫原 俊太郎 野村 泰之 齋藤 雄一郎 鴫原 じゅん子 肥田 和恵 辻 賢三 池田 稔
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.67, no.2, pp.121-129, 2008 (Released:2008-05-29)

Brainstem disorders are often characterized by abnormal eye movements, however, the type of abnormal movements vary depending on the localization and severity of the damage. Here, we report a case of pontine hemorrhage who exhibited horizontal conjugate gaze palsy and disorder of speech discrimination. The 34-year-old man presented with eye pain and dull feeling malaise?, disorder of speech articulation and torpor paralysis ?? of the left side of the body of sudden onset, that developed while he was driving a car. Clinical examination revealed horizontal conjugate gaze palsy, both rightward and leftward, while vertical gaze and convergence were normal. Although the pure-tone audiogram and DPOAE were within normal range, ABR showed prolongation of latency, and reduction of speech discrimination was recognized. MRI revealed evidence of hematoma and edema extending from the mid-dorsal aspect to the right side of the pons. Based on the findings, the patient was diagnosed to have pontine hemorrhage due to hypertension affecting the right facial nerve nucleus, right pyramidal tract, bilateral abducens nuclei, MLF, PPRF and the auditory neural pathway. Although the symptoms of pyramidal tract and auditory disorder resolved by day 19 when he was?? moved to another hospital, the other neurological symptoms were persistent.
野村 泰之 戸井 輝夫
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.73, no.3, pp.167-173, 2014

After the huge earthquake in Japan on March 11th 2011 (magnitude 9.0), many people in the eastern area of Japan close to the epicenter felt dizziness, as if they were rocking at a time when no aftershocks were actually occurring. There are a few reports about dizziness after major earthquakes in the world, but there has been no study so far with analysis of large numbers of cases of earthquake sickness. We conducted an epidemical clinical study and called those symptoms "post earthquake dizziness syndrome; PEDS."<br> Affected subjects became aware of the rocking feeling within a minute especially when indoors and seated. A significant difference was found with respect to gender, with a prevalence of females, and with the people who were prone to suffer from motion sickness. Otherwise, there was no relationship with case histories of vertigo-related diseases. On the other hand, anxiety and social stress from the disaster seemed to be contributory factors.<br> The underlying mechanism is associated with stimuli to the vestibular and equilibrium balance systems. Emotional disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were added to the etiology. For the prevention and treatment, maintaining fitness in daily life and avoiding anxiety caused by reports in the media seemed to be important. Physiotherapy and medication also proved important to prevent symptoms from getting worse.