野村 豊子 照井 孫久 本山 潤一郎
日本福祉大学社会福祉論集 = Journal social Welfare, Nihon Fukushi University (ISSN:1345174X)
vol.135, pp.1-21, 2016-09-30

本研究はリーダーケアマネジャーに対するスーパービジョンの意義と課題に関して,最近の英国のスーパービジョン研究における展開を踏まえ,2 つの調査研究を元に検証したものである.第1 の研究はケアマネジャーの現状と課題分析を目的に実施した主任介護支援専門員に対する質問紙調査であり,第2 の研究は主任介護支援専門員を対象に行ったグループインタビューである.この調査の結果としてリーダーケアマネジャーとしてのスキルアップ,他の人との関わりの意義,他者への期待と,自身に対する自信のなさ,時間的・精神的ゆとりのなさの間に乖離が生じている現実が示された.スーパービジョンの手法の不明確さの改善については,ケアマネジメントの知識・技術の向上のための方法と,スーパーバイジーとその環境の調整を目指す目的を達成する多面的な方法が求められる.英国のモリソンらのモデルの応用も視野に入れることが示唆された
野村 豊子
日本福祉大学社会福祉論集 = Journal social Welfare, Nihon Fukushi University (ISSN:1345174X)
vol.136, pp.15-38, 2017-03-31

回想法は,1960 年代の始め,アメリカの精神科医Butler が,「現実からの逃避」等と否定的に見られがちだった高齢者の回想の価値観を変えたことに始まる.回想法とライフレヴューは,現在,内外において多様な展開を見せている.しかしながらその方法を巡る倫理に関しては,明確な提示には至っていない.本稿では,回想法とライフレヴューの歴史的展開を概観し,その臨床実践・研究に関わる倫理や背景としての価値観について考察を行う.回想法・ライフレヴューの効果と倫理上の課題,回想法・ライフレヴューにおける時・時間の意義と倫理,開始時の同意・契約に関する考慮点,語り手と聴き手の関係性とコミュニケーションにおけるパワー関係の特徴,死の回想を巡る課題という論点を筆者の臨床実践の振り返りも含めて検討した.回想法の適用の是非への議論,また,回想をしない自己決定という根柢の理解も必要であることが示された.
野村 豊子
岩手県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:13448528)
vol.2, no.1, pp.69-79, 1999-09

This research note provides an overview of what care conference is about. It begins by positioning care conference. Care conference is defined to have important functions in care management as mediator, supporter and realizer, of client-oriented approach. The author points out sources of confusion around care conference to be clarified in improving the effectiveness and quality of future care conference. In the second section, the development of case management concept within the context of Japan is outlined. Issues of accessibility and availability of services, which call for strategic approaches to meeting client's needs and means, are brought up. Three conceptual models of care management (Minimum Model, Coordination Model, Comprehensive Model) originally proposed by Ross (1980) are presented. Each model reflects the phase of care management, functions and goals. Third, care-package as potential focal point of care conference is considered. As a proposal of conditions towards effective care planning, Hardcastle et al. (1996)'s conceptualization of SMARRT is mentioned. SMARRT stands for Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic, Result Oriented and Time Specific. Care conference can be viewed as decision making stage of care planning in the process of care management. Care-package as home-care service plan can be one of the care plan themes to be discussed and explored. As the term speaks to itself, care management is managing care as a whole rather than case-by-case. Thus, care conference is holistic and cohesive in nature. Defining significance of care conference, then, is necessarily multiple dimensioned by the webs of human relations of individuals involved in and through the process of care conference. As the forth section, the significance of care conference is delineated in relation to client, client's families, care providers, care manager, service providers and social resource of the community. Finally, the view of care conference as collaboration among teams of multidisciplinary professionals is pursued. Teams can be classified into client team or manager's provider group, network association team and formed teams (Ovretveit 1993). Recognizing care conference as an essential procedure of care management and examining team relational patterns can contribute to make care conference more effective. As a conclusion of the research note, key issues of care conference in relation to the implementation of the new system are briefly pointed out. In addition, future necessity of developing theoretical framework of care conference is proposed.
野村 豊子
岩手県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:13448528)
vol.5, no.2, pp.45-53, 2003-03

This research note examines three studies on care managers' professional understanding of care conference and discusses the content and process of care conference under the new Health Insurance Act. The studies outlined here sequentially follow the implementation of the Act and focus on different groups of care managers. The first field research looked at those who have passed the official examination before the new Act. The second was conducted two years after the new Act and involved those who were in practice. The third highlighted those who actively participated in the training opportunity. One of the findings shared among the three studies is that the care managers' understanding of care conference was at the developing stage. Their further understanding of the significance of care conference holds the key to their professional growth and improvement in their practice.