金城 優美 崎原 徹裕 川満 豊 国島 知子
日本小児アレルギー学会誌 (ISSN:09142649)
vol.34, no.3, pp.351-358, 2020-08-05 (Released:2020-08-20)

【背景】卵白感作陽性の乳児に対する鶏卵の早期導入法は定まっていない.導入前のスクリーニング経口負荷試験(OFC)や導入後の自宅摂取の安全性について前方視的に検討した.【方法】生後6か月で卵白感作陽性の鶏卵未摂取例に対し加熱全卵0.2g OFC(1st OFC)を行った.1st OFC陰性例に対し加熱全卵0.2gの摂取を開始,生後9~11か月に卵白1/4個OFC(2nd OFC)を行った.各OFC結果と自宅摂取の安全性を評価した.【結果】1st OFC陽性は15/63例(23.8%)で,陰性48例中42例が自宅摂取を開始し1例が中途脱落した.8/41例(19.5%)に自宅摂取で軽微な皮膚症状を認めた.2nd OFC陽性は4/41例(9.8%)であった.各OFC陽性例は陰性例と比較しオボムコイドsIgE値が高かった.【結論】卵白感作陽性の乳児への加熱全卵0.2g OFCは陽性割合が高く,陰性例でも一部に自宅摂取中に軽微な症状を認めた.感作陽性児ではより安全な導入法の検討が必要である.
伊良皆 拓 金城 優志 田中 創大 恒田 雅人 平島 英明
公益社団法人 日本医学物理学会
医学物理 (ISSN:13455354)
vol.42, no.2, pp.88-105, 2022-06-30 (Released:2022-06-30)

Details of Young Researchers’ Association of Medical Physics (YRAMP) was introduced. In addition, several questionnaire surveys on medical physics education (MPE) or medical physicist training system (MPTS) in Japan have been conducted, none have targeted the current status and issues of MPE and MPTS. The purpose of this study was to investigate those from the perspective of researchers and students under 35-year-old (y.o.). The questionnaire survey was conducted between 14th September to 14th October 2021, for 112 members of the Young Researchers’ Association of Medical Physics via Google Forms. The questionnaire was in two parts: MPE (Part1) and MPTS (Part2). Three subparts were constructed in Part1: Classroom lecture, Clinical training, Education course accredited by Japanese Board of Medical Physicist Qualification. Out of a total of 126 questions, 38 were mandatory to be answered. No personal information was collected. Ninety-three members (83.0%) were answered. The age structure of the respondents was as follows: 18–21, 22–26, 27–30, and 31–35 y.o.=5.4%, 36.6%, 39.8%, and 18.2%. Of the respondents, 74.2% and 11.8% answered that they first heard of “medical physics” or “medical physicist” when they were undergraduate students and in high school or younger, respectively. In Classroom lecture, 61.3%, 17.2%, and 21.5% of the respondents answered that they were “satisfied” or “moderately satisfied”, “dissatisfied” or “moderately dissatisfied”, and “Not sure” with the current MPE, respectively. In Clinical training, Education course, and MPTS, 58.1%, 21.5%, and 20.4% of the respondents answered that they were “satisfied” or “moderately satisfied”, “dissatisfied” or “moderately dissatisfied”, and “Not sure”, respectively. In both MPE and MPTS, approximately 88% and 51% of the respondents answered that “holding lectures and study sessions for high school and undergraduate students” and “utilizing YouTube” would be useful in promoting MPE and MPTS in Japan, respectively. The results of the questionnaire survey will provide useful data for MPE and MPTS in Japan.
松田 まり子 伊志嶺 敏子 清水 肇 中本 清 平良 啓 金城 優
一般財団法人 住総研
住総研研究論文集・実践研究報告集 (ISSN:2433801X)
vol.46, pp.273-282, 2020

「蒸暑地域の住まいのあり方を『外皮』概念の見直しを通じて提起する」 建築物省エネ法に基づく省エネ基準に対して建築設計者の活動団体である「沖縄の気候風土適応住宅連絡推進会議」(連絡会議)は,蒸暑地域の住まいづくりの原則を示し,省エネ施策の改善を求める活動を行ってきた。住宅の外部から内部までの多様な要素で熱を制御し風を活用する遮熱,湿度対策などは,外皮基準と異なった考え方による住まいづくりの方法である。連絡会議は沖縄の気候風土に適した住まいづくりの考え方の十原則を公開研究会で提示し,提言を作成し,沖縄県や国土交通省に意見を伝える活動を行った。この間,国土交通省が沖縄県での冷房期の平均日射熱取得率の数値の見直し案を示すなど,国の対応の展開も見られた。