長谷川 清三郎 伊藤 敬一
日本作物學會紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.24, no.4, pp.315-316, 1956-07-01

Experimental researches were performed on the growth and yields of kidney bean plants as affected by the treatment of pinching-off one or two of the three leaflets of every leaf at its very young stage. 1) The growth in the stem length was retarded, while the numbers of leaves and flowers were increased by the treatment. 2) The leaflets left on the treated leaves developed generally larger than those of the corresponding positions on the untouched control plants. While the areal ratio among the three leaflets on every normal leaf was nearly 1 : 1:, the ratio between the two leaflets left on every treated leaf was still found to be 1 : 1, not disturbed by the treatment, though they developed respectively larger in their absolute areas. The central leaflet however proved itself somewhat peculiar in areal growth, differing from the side leaflets. 3) There were obseved a tendency that pinching one of the leaflets of every leaf favoured the yield, while to pinch two of them reduced the yield.
長谷川 清三郎 山口 禎
兵庫農科大學研究報告. 農芸化学編 (ISSN:04400216)
vol.3, no.2, pp.61-62, 1958

本実験は水稲の出穂直前に台風(暴風雨)にあてたものについて, その後の水分と炭水化物含量を測定した。茎葉3部位別の水分は処理区の方が対照区よりも常に[table]若干少く, その後回復の見込は殆んどない。また3部位別に水分の多少をみると葉身の含量は最も少く茎は最も多く葉鞘は両者の中間にあたり, これらの差は何れも僅少であるが全て有意差をもつている。全糖と澱粉含量は処理区の方が多い傾向を示した。これは前報の結果とともに出穂期或はその後に台風をうけた稲は穂への同化産物の移行が若干妨げられて3部位に貯蔵的な状態で一時存在しているものと思われる。