三原 正和 片山 善章 伊藤 敬一 中島 伸之
一般社団法人 日本輸血・細胞治療学会
日本輸血学会雑誌 (ISSN:05461448)
vol.30, no.5, pp.334-339, 1984 (Released:2010-03-12)
5 5

Total of 102 patients who received blood transfusion for their cardiovascular surgery were the materials of this investigation.The incidence of post-transfusion hepatitis in correlation to guanase (guanine deaminase) activity was studied.Diagnosis of post-transfusion hepatitis was made when a patient showed elevation of s-GPT over 100 units in three weeks after surgery. The follow up periods were ranging from three to six months.13 patients were developed post-transfusion hepatitis which accounted 12.7% of incidence. Patients were divided into two groups according to the level of guanase activity. Significantry high incidence was observed in the groups of patients who received transfusion with guanase activity over 2.6IU/L (12.7% VS 64.3%, χ20=18.06>χ20 (1, 0.001)=10.83)The guanase activity in transfusion blood may be feasible as a parameter for the prevention of posttransfusion non-A, non-B type hepatitis.
藤井 隆 小嶋 俊一 大江 透 今西 政仁 木村 玄次郎 唐川 真二 飯田 達能 平田 結喜緒 倉持 衛夫 下村 克朗 伊藤 敬一 尾前 照雄
社団法人 日本腎臓学会
日本腎臓学会誌 (ISSN:03852385)
vol.30, no.4, pp.347-353, 1988-04-25 (Released:2011-07-04)

The mechanism of polyuria associated with paroxysmal supraventicular tachycardia (SVT) was investigated in 8 patients whose SVT was provoked artificially by esophageal pacing. SVT was sustained for 60 minutes. Blood and urine samples were collected every 30 minutes from one hour before provocation to one hour after termination of SVT. Urine volume increasd in all patients more than two fold (on average 2.5 fold) of the control volume. Urine osmolality decreased from 546±66 (S. E.)mOsm/kg at the control period to 197±32 mOsm/kg at the peak of urine volume. Urinary Na excretion increased significantly (p<0.01) about 1.5 fold for 30 minutes after termination of SVT. Urinary antidiuretic hormone (u-ADH) was suppressed to one third of control period during SVT (from 30±11 pg/min to 8±2 pg/min), then increased significantly (p<0.05) to 74±15 pg/min after termination. Although plasma ADH level did not change during SVT, it tended to increased after termination. Plasma concentration of atrial natriuretic polypeptide (p-ANP) increased to 5 fold on average at termination of SVT and maximally attained value was 400 pg/ml. Urinary prostaglandin E2(u-PGE2) excretion increased after termination of SVT and percent changes of u-PGE2 had a positive correlation with those of urinary Na excretion (r=0.64, p<0.001, n=5). Positive correlation was also found between percent changes of u-PGE2 excretion and those of u-ADH excretion (r=0.72, p<0.001, n=5). The findings suggest the following conclusions: 1) The polyuria during SVT period was attributed mainly to the inhibition of ADH secretion, 2) Natriuresis after SVT period was due to i) the increase of p-ANP and ii) the release of renal PGE2 associated with the increased ADH secretion.
伊藤 敬一
日本文學誌要 (ISSN:02877872)
vol.8, pp.21-32, 1963-01-25
長谷川 清三郎 伊藤 敬一
日本作物學會紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.24, no.4, pp.315-316, 1956-07-01

Experimental researches were performed on the growth and yields of kidney bean plants as affected by the treatment of pinching-off one or two of the three leaflets of every leaf at its very young stage. 1) The growth in the stem length was retarded, while the numbers of leaves and flowers were increased by the treatment. 2) The leaflets left on the treated leaves developed generally larger than those of the corresponding positions on the untouched control plants. While the areal ratio among the three leaflets on every normal leaf was nearly 1 : 1:, the ratio between the two leaflets left on every treated leaf was still found to be 1 : 1, not disturbed by the treatment, though they developed respectively larger in their absolute areas. The central leaflet however proved itself somewhat peculiar in areal growth, differing from the side leaflets. 3) There were obseved a tendency that pinching one of the leaflets of every leaf favoured the yield, while to pinch two of them reduced the yield.
磯野 誠 堀口 明男 田崎 新資 黒田 健司 佐藤 全伯 朝隈 純一 瀬口 健至 伊藤 敬一 早川 正道 淺野 友彦
一般社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.103, no.6, pp.691-696, 2012-11-20 (Released:2013-12-03)

(目的) 尿道狭窄症に対する内尿道切開術の有効性について検討した. (対象と方法) 当院で内尿道切開を行った尿道狭窄症19例を対象とした.狭窄部位は球部尿道17例,膜様部尿道1例,振子部尿道1例であった.狭窄長は1 cm未満13例,1~2 cmが2例,2 cm以上が4例で,狭窄原因は騎乗型損傷7例,経尿道的手術後7例,骨盤骨折1例,不明4例であった.全例とも手術はガイドワイヤーを併用した,cold knifeによる切開で行った.術後尿道カテーテルの留置期間は5~35日(平均12.8日)であった.術後観察期間は1カ月から139カ月で,術後再狭窄の定義は画像上の再狭窄,もしくは自覚症状の悪化とした. (結果) 術後19例中13例に再狭窄を認めた.術後3カ月,6カ月,5年時点での無再狭窄率はそれぞれ44.4%,38.1%,20.3%であった.再狭窄例のうち7例に2回目の内尿道切開術を行ったが,6例に再々狭窄を認めた.再々狭窄を認めた6例のうち2例に3回目の内尿道切開術を行ったが,2例とも尿道カテーテル抜去直後から再狭窄により尿閉となった.統計学的有意差は認めなかったが,1 cm以上の狭窄例は1 cm未満の例に比べて再狭窄率が高い傾向にあった. (結論) 内尿道切開術の有効性は低く,過剰に適応されている可能性がある.内尿道切開術は長い狭窄や術後再狭窄例に対しては適応すべきではない.
伊藤 敬一 毛呂 真 月舘 敏栄

三上 洋 伊藤 敬一 吉井 秀彦 小坂 威雄 宮嶋 哲 加地 辰美 浅野 友彦 早川 正道
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.54, no.1, pp.23-27, 2008-01

68歳, 男。PSA値上昇を指摘され, 経会陰式前立腺生検よりatypical cellが検出された。6ヵ月後の再生検で前立腺右葉中心に低分化型腺癌と診断され入院となった。臨床病期T2aN0M0の診断で後腹膜鏡下根治的前立腺摘除術および両側骨盤内リンパ節切除を施行した。病理組織診断は低分化型腺癌(Gleason score 3+5)であった。術後3日目にドレーンが自然抜去し, 14日目の膀胱造影で吻合部リーク, ダンベル型の膀胱を認めた。19日目には発熱, 下腹部膨隆が出現し, 骨盤CTにて右側に巨大な液体貯留を認めた。同部にカテーテルを留置し, 内容液はリンパ液と考えられ, リンパ嚢腫と診断した。カテーテルを持続吸引式バッグに接続し, その後ミノサイクリン注入を行った。術後27日目の膀胱造影でリークはなく, 42日目のCTでは嚢腫は消失していた。退院後は外来フォローしているが, リンパ嚢腫の再発は認めていない。A 68-year-old male visited our division with an elevation of PSA level. He underwent a needle biopsy of the prostate, and the histopathological diagnosis was poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (Gleason score 4+3). The cancer was clinically diagnosed as T2aN0M0, and he underwent extraperitoneal laparoscopic radical prostatectomy and bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy. Cystography 14 days after the operation still showed leakage at the vesico-urethral anastomosis and a dumbbell shaped bladder. A few days later, prominence of lower abdomen and a slight swelling of right leg presented with a high fever. Computed tomography revealed a giant lymphocele in the retroperitoneal space. We percutaneously punctured the lymphocele by using ultrasonography, inserted a pigtail catheter, and drained 1,000 ml of lymphatic fluid. After the puncture, sclerotherapy with minocycline was performed four times. Twenty days after the puncture, the lymphocele cavity was found to have shrunken and the pigtail catheter was removed. The lymphocele was diminished and did not recur thereafter.