佐藤 義彦 土師 岳 叢 花 潘 儼 上田 恵理子 間瀬 誠子 山本 俊哉 山口 正己 廬 春生
植物遺伝資源探索導入調査報告書 = Annual report on exploration and introduction of plant genetic resources (ISSN:24347485)
no.23, pp.137-151, 2007-11

A survey for the distribution, utilization and conservation of fruit tree genetic resources was conducted in south-western part of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous District of China in cooperation with scientists of Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences from September 2 to 10, 2006. The abundance and diversity of the pear and stone fruit were observed in the region visited. Local varieties and seedlings of peach (Prunus percica ) and Xinjiang peach (P. ferganensis ) were observed in the region surveyed. Local variety 'Suan Mei', which is thought to be P. domestica , is cultivated in south-western part of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous District. Local varieties of three Pyrus species, P. × bretschneideri, P. armeniacaefolia and P. communis and their interspecific hybrids are distributed mainly in south-western part of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous District. Besides these three species, P. betulaefolia is used as rootstock for Pyrus. But the diversity of these local varieties is rapidly declining with the spread of commercial cultivars that were introduced from other provinces. Analyses for genetic diversity of pear and stone fruits based on molecular markers were carried out.
澤村 豊 間瀬 誠子 髙田 教臣 佐藤 明彦 西谷 千佳子 阿部 和幸 増田 哲男 山本 俊哉 齋藤 寿広 壽 和夫
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN:18823351)
vol.82, no.3, pp.222-226, 2013 (Released:2013-10-12)
4 13

ニホンナシは配偶体型自家不和合性を有し,結実には他家受粉が必要となる.本研究では,ニホンナシの自家和合性個体を作出するため,自家不和合性品種の‘幸水’にガンマ線を緩照射し,その‘幸水’より採取された花粉を無照射の‘幸水’に受粉し,交雑実生を獲得した.その結果,自家受粉で 74.4%の結実率を示す自家和合性個体 415-1 を得た.PCR 法により S-RNase の遺伝子型を解析したところ,415-1 は‘幸水’と同じ S4S5 であった.415-1 の自家和合性が花粉側変異,花柱側変異の何れによるものかを受粉試験により調査した.415-1 に同じ S 遺伝子型をもつ品種(‘秀玉’および‘王秋’)の花粉を受粉しても結実が確認できなかったことより,415-1 の S4- および S5-RNase は機能していると考えられた.一方,‘秀玉’および‘王秋’に 415-1 の花粉を受粉したところ,種子を有する果実の結実が確認された.これらの結果から 415-1 は花粉側の自家和合性変異体であると判断した.