暮沢 剛巳 江藤 光紀 加島 卓 鯖江 秀樹 飯田 豊

鯖江 秀樹
美學 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.59, no.1, pp.127-139, 2008-06-30

This paper aims at investigating the peculiar aspects of Italian architectural culture under the fascist regime. Edoardo Persico, the most important critic of architecture between the two wars, recognized well that political powers and architecture crossed on the critical discourse. From this point of view, he defined the short history of this Italian movement as a process from 'europeismo' to 'romanita', and to 'mediterraneita'. These notions do not imply the supremacy of Italian ethic and nation, but demonstrate that young architects, who had been eager to introduce European modern building styles into their own country, was subordinated to political requests of fascism. Yet it was more important for Persico to reveal the rhetorical mechanism that obstructed the European artistic taste ('gusto europeo') and also disguised the Italian one ('gusto italiano') as they were. Hence his analysis of a lot of reviews appeared on the catalogues or magazines proved the diversity of the modern culture. Persico was the only writer that could describe the whole space of critical discourse as a matrix of fascist cultures with some paradoxical characters.
鯖江 秀樹
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.59, no.1, pp.127-139, 2008-06-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

This paper aims at investigating the peculiar aspects of Italian architectural culture under the fascist regime. Edoardo Persico, the most important critic of architecture between the two wars, recognized well that political powers and architecture crossed on the critical discourse. From this point of view, he defined the short history of this Italian movement as a process from 'europeismo' to 'romanita', and to 'mediterraneita'. These notions do not imply the supremacy of Italian ethic and nation, but demonstrate that young architects, who had been eager to introduce European modern building styles into their own country, was subordinated to political requests of fascism. Yet it was more important for Persico to reveal the rhetorical mechanism that obstructed the European artistic taste ('gusto europeo') and also disguised the Italian one ('gusto italiano') as they were. Hence his analysis of a lot of reviews appeared on the catalogues or magazines proved the diversity of the modern culture. Persico was the only writer that could describe the whole space of critical discourse as a matrix of fascist cultures with some paradoxical characters.
鯖江 秀樹
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.56, no.1, pp.14-27, 2005-06-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

Il pensiero di Antonio Gramsci e considerate alia stregua di quello politico. Tuttavia in base al contesto della storia moderna italiana, insieme alle voci dei critici del tempo, esso si ripercosse anche sui vari aspetti dell'arte e della cultura. Il testo gramsciano fu falsificato da P. Togliatti all'indomani della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. In virtu di cio, si diffuse la convinzione che il pensiero di Gramsci e la metodologia che potesse condurre l'Italia alia "via della rinascita". Cio nonostante questo orientamento si estese all'arte, generando un termine quale "neorealismo", cioe una catena di rappresentazioni realistiche. Gramsci divenne un "combattente" contro il fascismo e il suo pensiero altero l'estetica della organizzazione "immediata" e "semplicistica" del pathos artistico. Il programma del pensiero gramsciano fu quello di organizzare l'Italia a unica "nazione", sebbene la caratteristica di pensiero sull'arte differiva da quella che i critici della dopoguerra immaginavano e da quella che altre correnti antifasciste avevano proposto nello stesso periodo. I brani sulla critica dell'estetica di B.Croce e sull'architettura razionale nei "Quaderni del carcere" indicano che Gramsci provo a organizzare strategicamente l'arte quale campo culturale, osservando le condizioni politiche e sociali sotto il regime. Dal punto di vista storico, la sua riflessione sul concetto "intellettuale" fu alia base di una visione estetica "mediata" e "complessiva" abbastanza incisiva da riscuotere una vasta eco sull'arte e sulla cultura italiana non solo nel dopoguerra, ma persino prima il conflitto bellico.