村田 亮 黒田 重史 石毛 徳之 荻野 修平 三笠 元彦
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.36, no.3, pp.1015-1018, 2012 (Released:2012-10-25)

Background: The scapula rotates upwardly during shoulder elevation. If the rotation center wasn't fixed on the scapula but on the humeral head, the movement of the glenoid would be regarded as the rotation along the humeral head. We have analyzed throwing shoulder injury cases using this concept of “functional glenoid”.Methods: Patients with throwing shoulder injury (TSI group; n=22) and normal control (n=8) were included in the study. Two radiographs were taken of each subject (anteroposterior in internal rotation; IR1, zero position). Two straight lines were drawn from the superior and inferior tubercle to the center of the humeral head in IR1 image, and the angle of the lines was measured (α angle). The TSI group was divided to two groups according to slipping of the humeral head in zero position images. The difference of the glenoid inclination angles between IR1 and zero position (β angle) were then measured, and the glenoid extension ratio (α+β/α) was calculated. Each set of data was statistically evaluated.Results: In the TSI group, β angle and the glenoid extension ratio did not show significant difference compared to the control group, but the slipping-negative cases showed significantly larger β angle than slipping-positive cases and the control group.Discussion: These results may be derived from multifactorial pathology of throwing shoulder injury. Significantly large β angle in slipping-negative TSI cases may indicate an adaptive pattern of movement of the scapula. The glenoid extension ratio could not reflect the scapular kinematic change of throwing shoulder injury.
森石 丈二 黒田 重史 住吉 徹是 斎井 政憲 李 鐘勲
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.15, no.2, pp.338-341, 1991-09-01 (Released:2012-11-20)

Two cases of infraspinatus muscle atrophy in athletes were treated operatively. [case 1] A 21 year-old left-handed volleyball male player.We performed a two stage-operation on his left shoulder. At first we released the suprascapular nerve ( resection of the superior transverse scapular ligament, neurolysis and partial shaving of the base of the spinoglenoid ) and two months later, we performed a repair of the rotator interval.[case 2] A 17 year-old right-handed student pictcher.We perfomed decompression of the suprascap u lar nerve in the same way as in case 1.In all the operations, we found the supascapular nerve was swollen and inflamed at t h e region between the suprascapular and the spinoglenoid notch. In case 1, he was free of pain and able to resume of pitching successfully after surgery. In case 2 however, he got little relief of pain and was still weak. In his case, not only did he have suprascapular neuropathy but also disorders of the infraspinatus muscle.
酒井 清司 阿部 由美子 金森 昌彦 黒田 重史
Japan Shoulder Society
肩関節 = Shoulder joint (ISSN:09104461)
vol.23, no.2, pp.277-279, 1999-07-30

Our objective was to elucidate the effective factors for atrophic changes of a torn supraspinatus muscle quantatively.<BR>Patients and Methods. We analyzed the data of 100 patients with shoulder pain and examined their MRIs due to shoulder pain; the clinical features and the measured data from the MRI; the severity of the cuff tear, the area of the supraspinatus muscle sectioned oblique sagittally at the articular edge of the glenoid (S). To revise the physique differences, the maximum transverse diameter of the humeral head (D) was also measured. The severity of the cuff tears were divided into 6 grades; no tear (grade 0), partial thickness tear (grade 1), small tear (grade 2), medium tear (grade 3), large tear (grade 4), massive tear (grade 5). A stepwise regression analysis was used for the detection of the effective factors.<BR>Results.1) 67 cases had no-cuff tear and 33 cases had a cuff tear.2) In the no-cuff tear group, the sectioned area of the supraspinatus muscle (S) simply correlated with the maximum transverse diameter of the humeral head (D) no relation with sex or the side, hence the S/D was used as the revised marker of the sectioned area of the supraspinatus muscle. The stepwise regression analysis resulted in S/D=550.9-2.5x(age) in the no-cuff tear group (P<0.01).3) In the cuff tear group, stepwise regression analysis resulted in S/D=705.0-53.3x(cuff tear grade)-4.5x(age) (P<0.01).<BR>Conclusion. Deterioration of the rotator cuff tear may be a more of a causative factor for atrophic changes of the supraspinatus muscle than aging.
酒井 健児 荒木 寿和 佐藤 和貴 黒田 重史
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
理学療法学Supplement Vol.36 Suppl. No.2 (第44回日本理学療法学術大会 抄録集)
pp.C3P3398, 2009 (Released:2009-04-25)

坂本 浩樹 平島 俊弘 遊佐 隆 黒田 重史 森石 丈二
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
vol.20, no.6, pp.407-410, 1993-11-01

腱板断裂の手術後の固定肢位として stockinette-Velpeau固定を用い, 理学療法をおこなった30例31肩に対し術前, 術後の成績を日本整形外科学会肩関節疾患治療成績判定基準に基づいて比較検討した。総合点は術前平均68.3点から術後平均95.4点と良好な成績が得られた。術前に高度な痛みを訴えていた者, 長時間上肢挙上作業に従事している者, 筋力の回復が遅い者に術後痛みが残存する傾向を認めた。術後患側を下にして寝る事のみ不能なものが 5肩に認められた。術後自動挙上はすべて15点, 自動外旋は平均 7.8点と良好な成績を示した。