鼓 みどり
富山大学人間発達科学部紀要 (ISSN:1881316X)
vol.1, no.1, pp.261-271, 2006-12-14

Where can we find …Where can we find exoticism in this age of globalization? Can you stand for a wired ethnic stereotype of yourself? Actually there are plenty of ethnic stereotypes in films,video clips,TV programs,CM and so on. This paper discusses on different cultural images in recent films and video clips. Firstly we look on exotic images in video clips from 80's(Duran Duran,Clash,Men at Work,Petshop Boys) to 90's (Madonna,U2) and recent (Beck). Secondly we analyze absurdity,daydream and nightmare in video clips (Massive Attack,Tricky,Sonic Youth,Chemical Brothers,Petshop Boys,Square Pusher,Bjork and Madonna). Thirdly we observe Japanese images in Sofia Coppola's film <<Lost in Translation>> (2003) and Peter Greenaway's film <<8 1/2 Women>> (1999). We find a kind of Japonisme images in these clips and films. However they can convey a new view on ourselves.20世紀は「映像の世紀」と呼ばれ、映画やテレビ、ビデオそして最近ではインターネット上で世界のさまざまな地域の風土や、そこで生活する人々の姿を見ることが出来ると信じられている。モニタは珍しい風景、耳慣れない音声、或いは人々の胸中をも再生する。異文化の中に身を置かずに異文化を体験することは、娯楽として消費されている。しかしながら私たちはステレオタイプに依存しながら、異文化を受容している。日々眺めるイメージがその地域を想起させる細部を示すと、またかと思いつつも落ち着いた気分になる。機会があれば現地を訪れ、ステレオタイプを実体験して満足する。また自身の文化をとらえるときも、その姿に伝統的な型をあてはめがちである。伝統的類型はしばしば実生活とはかけ離れているが、私たちはそのことをあまり問題とは思わないだろう。しかし私たちはどのような類型として表象されているのであろうか。メディアに登場する類型は、たとえ諷刺を意図していなくても共感しがたいものであることが多い。時代錯誤であったり、アジア諸国の文化を適当に混ぜていたり、その理由はさまざまであろう。ただし報道ネットワークが発達した現在、たとえば海外テレビCMにごく普通の日本人家族が登場するなど、奇をてらったイメージばかりが作られているわけではない。また視点を変えれば、私たちが何も疑問に思わずに受け入れている外国のイメージも、同じように当該地域の人々にとって違和感があるかもしれない。異文化をあらわす類型は、報道やドキュメンタリーよりも、娯楽性の強い映像、すなわち映画やビデオクリップ、CMに登場する頻度が高い。本稿ではビデオクリップを中心に、異文化表象が担っている役割を検討する。
鼓 みどり
富山大学人間発達科学部紀要 (ISSN:1881316X)
vol.10, no.2, pp.277-289, 2016

Does video clip claim for political or social issues? How the artists represent their opinions in their clips? This paper focuses on claims of clips on environmental issues, victims of the war and racism. Firstly we invest clips claiming environmental issues and victims of the war. Their message is quite political even though they were made for promotion. Clips present opinions of artists. Secondly we look into claims for racism in clips, especially of Michel Jackson's. His message is quite strong in his clips such as "Bad", "Black or White" and "Jam". Thirdly we examine the films "Marcom X", "Do the Right Thing" and "8 Miles" to follow the history of the racism in the States. We notice the expansion of Hip Hop culture.
鼓 みどり
富山大学教育学部研究論集 (ISSN:13446401)
no.8, pp.95-105, 2005-09

How can the other world be represented in films? This paper deals with `picture in picture' of recent films and video clips. Firstly we look into holes in the Beatles'<< Yellow Submarine >> (1968) , Spike Jonze's<< Being John Malkovich >> and Peter Gabriel's video clips. Secondly we analyze the motives of `picture in picture' , i. e. window, mirror, screen, picture frame). We also notice zapping and monochrome effect. Thirdly we observe the function of television in picture of video clips. It conveys the message from artists to viewers. It may be looked as the person displayed. It brings supporter or disaster. It may be able to be fetish.
鼓 みどり
富山大学教育学部研究論集 (ISSN:13446401)
no.7, pp.133-142, 2004-09

What is the meaning of moving bodies in recent video clips ? How they are represented ? Video clips establish their own formular ; ambiguous story line, moving cameras in every angle, flashing light and dancing people. This paper discusses on moving bodies in film and video clips in 1990's. It will observe running heroin in Tom Tykwer's film " Lola rennt " to find the influence of video clips. Moving bodies except performing musicians seems to have increased in 90's. We look their tips to attract audience with thier visual effects. We also focus on violent imagges in clips to find out their visual cutral context.
鼓 みどり
富山大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:1344641X)
vol.58, pp.241-251, 2004-02-27

Who has the privilege to gaze? Who are subject for gaze? These questions are repeated not only in art history but also in visual culture studies. The visual power is strong in photographs and moving images where female bodies are exposure to Camera and male gaze. This paper analyzes a few video clips of Madonna to observe who rule its visual power first. Then it looks into a setting of peep show in Madonna's clip "Open Your Heart" in 1986 and Peter Weir film "Truman Show" in 1998 to reveal how Peeped gained power to watch. Finally it presents webcams, a broadcasting one's private life via internet. It looks similar to peep show or Truman Show, however this is a new type of expression since gazed cam girls / boys produce and distribute their image from their web site. We shall put these questions on gaze to webcams to see the possibility for new communication.