野平 慎二
富山大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:1344641X)
no.58, pp.27-37, 2004-02

J. Habermas and M. Foucault sind in der Analyse des Kant-Textes 'Beantwortung der Frage : Was ist Aufklarung, (1784) trotz gleicher textlichen Voraussetzungen zu unterschiedlichen Resultat bezuglich Kant's Aufklarungsverstandnis gekommen. Beide identifizieren zwar Aufklarung mit Mundigkeit. Wahrend aber Habermas Mundigkeit als Fahigkeit der Kommunikation mit dem Anderen versteht, sieht Foucault Mundigkeit in der Sorge, um sich selbst. Dieser Aufsatz zeigt, dass beide-trotz ausserlicher Unterschiede-kommunikative Beziehungen als latente Voraussetzung zur Aufklarung benotigen und diese Beziehungen zugleich Basis der Bildung und der Emanzipation des Subjekts darstellen.
橋爪 和夫 松田 明子
富山大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:1344641X)
vol.57, pp.161-165, 2003-02

研究目的: 本研究の目的は, 逆上がりの手の握り方と熟練度及び評価の観点とのを明らかにすることであった。研究方法: 被験者は, 富山大学教育学部の学生男子66人, 女子120人, 計186人である。測定項目は,1)鉄棒の握り方, 2)親指が鉄棒の下から回っているか否か,3)順手と逆手の両方の握り方で逆上がりができるか否か,4)握り方と逆上がりの評価との関連性, 5)逆上がりの握り方の履歴に関する調査であった。結果:逆上がりができない被験者は18%であった。順手で行った被験者は88%であり, 逆手で行った被験者は12%であった。順手・逆手の握り方と逆上がりができる・できないことの関連性は認められなかった。順手で鉄棒を握った時に親指が下から回っていない被験者は逆上がりができる被験者のうち11人, できない被験者のうち2人であった。順手で逆上がりができるにもかかわらず逆手でできない被験者は20人であった。逆上がりの熟練度と握り方との間に統計的に有意な関連性は認められなかった。逆上がりのできる評価者は, 評価の重要な観点として手の握り方を回答したが, 逆上がりのできない評価者は手の握り方の項目を選択しなかった。実際の握り方とやりやすいと思っている握り方の出現率の間に有意な関連性が認められた。また, 教師の指導で逆手から順手に握り方を変更した被験者は61%であり,自分で変更した被験者は33%であった。握り方を変更した時期について, 33%が小学生の時に, 13%が中学生の時に, 51%が大学生の時に変更していた。結論:鉄棒の握り方は教師の指導によるところが多いが, 昭和60年代に小学生時代を送った被験者は握り方の指導を必ずしも受けていないと考えられる。握り方は, 逆上がりの重要な要因として認識されていないことが明らかになったが, 親指を鉄棒の下から回して握る基本の学習の必要性が明らかになった。
山本 都久
富山大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:1344641X)
no.58, pp.61-69, 2004-02

田上 善夫
富山大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:1344641X)
vol.58, pp.159-172, 2004-02-27

In this paper, the local sacred places in Hokuriku, southern Tohoku, and southern Kanto were investigated mainly from the viewpoint of pilgrimage ways. In many sacred places, the sacred point has moved around since the time of establishment, and therefore, its pilgrimage way can not be specified. Cluster analysis was used for those sacred places to set up the pilgrimage order, and the pilgrimage way was reconstructed using GIS. Furthermore, the change of the meaning of a pilgrimage way was considered with regard to the sacred places established in recent years. The main results obtained then are as follows. 1) In Hokuriku, many Kannon sacred places etc. were established mainly on Echizen in the late Edo period. And the starting points are distant from the end points in many of their pilgrimage ways. 2) On the southern Tohoku, many sacred places were established in the farm villages and the cities after the Age of Civil Wars. The influence of asceticism was strong and the sacred places of various kinds overlap. 3) Many urban sacred places were established in Tokyo, and there was a tendency to pilgrimage to agroup of some sacred points. On the other hand, the pilgrimages to everywhere in an area was taken in the Tokyo suburbs. 4) Suitable pilgrimage ways were set up using a map software etc. However, the software is for going by car, and they are often unnatural as pilgrimage ways. 5) The sacred point group which exists in a sacred place was extracted by cluster analysis. Furthermore, by combining a neighboring sacred point, a suitable pilgrimage order will be known. 6) A pilgrimage way was reconstructed with the shortest path that avoided the rise and fall considering the angle of inclination. They are considered to resemble the ways made spontaneously. 7) A pilgrimage is one of the annual events having been performed in the shrines, etc. from ancient times. The form of pilgrimage around sacred points came to spread gradually. 8) A pilgrimage is performed individually or by a local group. In the former, pilgrims visit the sacred point group occasionally, and in the latter, a pilgrim group visits everywhere in the area. 9) In the recent pilgrimages, sightseeing and friendships are important besides faith and a mass for the dead. Furthermore, health, culture, etc. are also important. 10) In the aging society, a sacred place connected with temporal benefits is called for. To establish one, the influence from related contractors is large.
鼓 みどり
富山大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:1344641X)
vol.58, pp.241-251, 2004-02-27

Who has the privilege to gaze? Who are subject for gaze? These questions are repeated not only in art history but also in visual culture studies. The visual power is strong in photographs and moving images where female bodies are exposure to Camera and male gaze. This paper analyzes a few video clips of Madonna to observe who rule its visual power first. Then it looks into a setting of peep show in Madonna's clip "Open Your Heart" in 1986 and Peter Weir film "Truman Show" in 1998 to reveal how Peeped gained power to watch. Finally it presents webcams, a broadcasting one's private life via internet. It looks similar to peep show or Truman Show, however this is a new type of expression since gazed cam girls / boys produce and distribute their image from their web site. We shall put these questions on gaze to webcams to see the possibility for new communication.