Go Watanabe Daisuke Nakajima Akinori Hiroshima Haruo Suzuki Shigetaka Yoneda
一般社団法人 日本生物物理学会
Biophysics and Physicobiology (ISSN:21894779)
vol.12, pp.131-138, 2015 (Released:2015-12-22)

A precise 100-ns molecular dynamics simulation in aquo was performed for the heterotetrameric sarcosine oxidase bound with a substrate analogue, dimethylglycine. The spatial region including the protein was divided into small rectangular cells. The average number of the water molecules locating within each cell was calculated based on the simulation trajectory. The clusters of the cells filled with water molecules were used to determine the water channels. The narrowness of the channels, the average hydropathy indices of the residues of the channels, and the number of migration events of water molecules through the channels were consistent with the selective transport hypothesis whereby tunnel T3 is the pathway for the exit of the iminium intermediate of the enzyme reaction.
Daisuke Nakajima Yusuke Kawashima Osamu Ohara
Japanese Proteomics Society
Journal of Proteome Data and Methods (ISSN:24346454)
vol.5, pp.8, 2023 (Released:2023-04-29)

To analyse deep protein profiling of dried blood spot (DBS). We developed a simple method using sodium carbonate precipitation (SCP). SCP enriches hydrophobic proteins from DBS, allowing substantial removal of soluble proteins. In combination with SCP, we used quantitative LC-MS/MS proteome analysis in a data-independent acquisition mode (DIA) to enhance the sensitivity and quantification limits of proteome analysis.
Ryo Kamata Fujio Shiraishi Shinji Takahashi Akira Shimizu Daisuke Nakajima Shiho Kageyama Takushi Sasaki Kyosuke Temma
The Journal of Toxicological Sciences (ISSN:03881350)
vol.38, no.6, pp.903-912, 2013-12-01 (Released:2013-11-09)

In the 1950s to 1970s developed countries reported declines in populations of raptorial and fish-eating birds and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites were considered causative substances because they accumulated significantly in the tissues of wild birds and animals. However, except for the estrogenic effects of o,p’-DDT, a minor component of commercial DDT, there has been no compelling evidence that DDT directly affects avian reproductive systems. To assess the possible impact of DDT on development and reproduction of birds, exposure experiments to the major component of commercial DDT, p,p’-DDT, and its persistent metabolite, p,p’-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), were performed using Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) eggs; the test substances (3 to 100 μg/g) were injected into the yolk prior to incubation, and hatched chicks were raised to adulthood. p,p’-DDT had no significant effects on the morphology and function of the reproductive systems, although the hatchability of treated eggs was reduced at the highest dose (100 μg/g). High doses of p,p’-DDE slightly enhanced the eggshell forming ability of female quails; eggshell mass and thickness were increased at 30 μg/g or more although no morphological changes were observed in the oviduct. Transcriptions of the CYP11A1 gene in the ovaries, and of AHR and ARNT in the livers, of adult females were significantly increased at 3 μg/g or more of p,p’-DDT. Except for low hatchability, transovarian exposure to p,p’-DDT or p,p’-DDE did not markedly impair the avian reproductive systems, but the hormonal actions of these compounds are likely to change reproductive and hepatic functions even after maturation.