ISHIJIMA Kentaro TSUBOI Kazuhiro MATSUEDA Hidekazu TANAKA Taichu Yasumichi MAKI Takashi NAKAMURA Takashi NIWA Yosuke HIRAO Shigekazu
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2022-017, (Released:2021-12-10)

Temporal variations of atmospheric radon-222 (222Rn) observed at four Japan Meteorological Agency stations in Japan by the Meteorological Research Institute were analyzed using an on-line Global Spectral Atmosphere Model–Transport Model (GSAM-TM). Monthly and diurnal variations, and a series of synoptic high-222Rn events were extracted from 5-12 years of 222Rn observations during 2007-2019. Observed seasonal patterns of winter maxima and summer minima, driven mainly by monsoons, were well reproduced by the GSAM-TM based on existing 222Rn emission inventories, but their absolute values were generally underestimated, indicating that our understanding of 222Rn emission processes in East Asia is lacking. The high-resolution model (∼ 60 km mesh) demonstrated that observed consecutive high-222Rn peaks at several-hour timescales were caused by two 222Rn streams from different regions and were not well resolved by the low-resolution model (∼ 200 km mesh). GSAM-TM simulations indicate that such cold-front-driven events are sometimes accompanied by complicated three-dimensional atmospheric structures such as stratospheric intrusion over the front, significantly affecting distributions of atmospheric components. A new calculation approach using hourly 222Rn values normalized to daily means was used to analyze the diurnal 222Rn cycle, allowing diurnal cycles in winter to be extracted from 222Rn data that are highly variable due to sporadic continental 222Rn outflows, which tend to obscure the diurnal variations. Normalized diurnal cycles of 222Rn in winter are consistent between observations and model simulations, and seem to be driven mainly by diurnal variations of planetary-boundary-layer height (PBLH). These results indicate that 222Rn in the near-surface atmosphere, transported from remote source regions, could vary diurnally by up to 10 % of the daily mean owing mainly to local PBLH variations, even without significant local 222Rn emissions.
Nakamura Takashi Sato Katsuyuki Akiba Mitsuo OHNISHI Masao
Japan Oil Chemists' Society
Journal of Oleo Science (ISSN:13458957)
vol.55, no.4, pp.191-197, 2006

In these experiments, the antioxidative activity of urobilinogen, a major fecal pigment-related compound and reduced metabolite of bilirubin, was shown. Urobilinogen was synthesized from commercial bilirubin by reduction, and the structure was confirmed with mass spectroscopy and NMR analyses. The product was identified as <i>i</i>-urobilinogen. The DPPH radical scavenging activity of urobilinogen was higher than other antioxidants (α-tocopherol, bilirubin and β-carotene). Moreover, the formation of hydroperoxides of linoleic acid with 2, 2'-azobis (2, 4- dimethylvaleronitrile) in methanol was suppressed by the addition of synthesized urobilinogen. On the other hand, in the NMR spectrum measurement, we found the signal decrease of a proton from C<sub>10</sub> methylene. It was shown that this proton was exchanged with a deutrium of CD<sub>3</sub>OD. This methylene can easily release the hydrogen as proton donor. These results suggest that urobilinogen can inhibit the radical chain reaction by trapping free radicals.<br>
中村 尚史 Nakamura Takashi
川崎医学会誌 = Kawasaki medical journal (ISSN:03865924)
vol.40, no.1, pp.1-11, 2014

思春期,青年期の適応障害患者において広汎性発達障害(Pervasive Developmental Disorders,PDD)を基盤にもつ患者の割合を検討し,その場合,どのような臨床的特徴があるかを調査し,PDDの有無に関連する要因について検討した.DSM-IV-TR(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,Fourth Edition,Text Revision)によって適応障害と診断された12歳以上30歳以下の患者58名を対象とし,以下の自記式質問紙を用いて臨床的特徴を評価した.精神症状の評価は,日本語版パラノイアチェックリスト(JPC:Japanese version of Paranoia Checklist),思春期の精神病様体験(PLEs:Psychotic Like Experiences),精神症状評価尺度(SCL-90-R:Symptom Checklist-90-Revised)を用いた.PDDの評価については,詳細な養育歴の聴取と,患者に対して自閉症スペクトラム指数日本版(AQ-J:Autism Spectrum Quotient-Japanese Version)を用いて,養育者に対しては,自閉症スクリーニング質問紙(ASQ:AutismScreening Questionnaire)を用いて総合的に判断し評価した.その結果,1)58名のうち,PDDと診断されたのは,32名(55.1%)であった.2)AQ-Jについては,PDDの有無に関してコミュニケーションが有意な関連性を示した.3)JPCについては,PDD群が,非PDD群と比較して総得点,確信度において有意に高い結果となった.PDDの有無に関して,確信度が有意に関連していた.4)SCL-90-RについてはPDD群では,恐怖症性不安,妄想,精神病症状,強迫症状,対人過敏,抑うつ,不安,その他の8項目において非PDD群に比較して有意に高かった.PDDの有無に関して強迫症状が有意に関連していた.5)各質問紙の総得点とPDDとの関連を見ると,JPCの総得点のみがPDDと有意な関連性を示した.思春期,青年期の適応障害患者では,PDDを基盤にもつと,被害妄想や,強迫症状など様々な精神症状を自覚する可能性があり,JPCなど質問紙も併用して,PDDの存在を念頭において診療を行う必要があることが示唆された.
Ogawa Kyohei Nakamura Takashi Terada Yasuhiko Kose Katsumi Haishi Tomoyuki
American Institute of Physics
Applied physics letters (ISSN:00036951)
vol.98, no.23, pp.234101, 2011-06
81 12

We have developed the first magnetic resonance (MR) microscope using a high critical-temperature superconducting bulk magnet. The bulk magnet comprises six annular bulk superconductors (60 mm outer diameter, 28 mm inner diameter, 20 mm high) made of c-axis oriented single-domain EuBa2Cu3Oy crystals. The magnet was energized using a superconducting NMR magnet operating at 4.7 T. The inhomogeneity of the trapped magnetic field measured with MR imaging was 3.1 ppm (rms) in the ϕ6.2 mm×9.1 mm cylindrical region. Three-dimensional MR images of a chemically fixed mouse embryo acquired with voxels of (50 μm)3 demonstrated the potential of our system.