細川 敏幸 山田 邦雅 宮本 淳
高等教育ジャーナル : 高等教育と生涯学習 (ISSN:13419374)
vol.25, pp.69-73, 2018-05

Japanese universities are recommended to introduce an assessment policy to certify the quality of education. The policy should have a checklist that shows the methods used to assess the degree of achievement of the diploma policy. We describe an example of the checklist in detail in this paper. It shows the important role of a survey of the students, including a questionnaire for alumni. It is important in this assessment that the survey uses common questionnaire items. It also should report the results of the assessment and ideas for educational reform. This will be the last step to create a PDCA cycle in our education system.


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細川敏幸・山田邦雅・宮本淳(2018).アセスメント・ポリシーの考え方:アセスメント・ポリシー研究会報告 高等教育ジャーナル:高等教育と生涯学習,25,69-73.[PDF]https://t.co/jAMsO7E3St(Twitter(@high190さん)で知る) https://t.co/eJkxoQ553X
“アセスメント・ポリシーの考え方 : アセスメント・ポリシー研究会報告” https://t.co/T0OomEhRpc #高等教育 #分野別質保証
NowBrowsing: アセスメント・ポリシーの考え方 : アセスメント・ポリシー研究会報告: https://t.co/BugphdEdPd

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