細川 敏幸 山田 邦雅 宮本 淳
高等教育ジャーナル : 高等教育と生涯学習 (ISSN:13419374)
vol.25, pp.69-73, 2018-05

Japanese universities are recommended to introduce an assessment policy to certify the quality of education. The policy should have a checklist that shows the methods used to assess the degree of achievement of the diploma policy. We describe an example of the checklist in detail in this paper. It shows the important role of a survey of the students, including a questionnaire for alumni. It is important in this assessment that the survey uses common questionnaire items. It also should report the results of the assessment and ideas for educational reform. This will be the last step to create a PDCA cycle in our education system.
宮本 淳 出口 寿久 伊藤 一馬 川西 奈津美 河野 未幸 鈴木 里奈 高原 めぐみ 中川 紗百合 柳川 仁美 細川 敏幸
高等教育ジャーナル : 高等教育と生涯学習 (ISSN:13419374)
vol.25, pp.49-54, 2018-05

Institutional research (hereafter referred to as “IR?) activities in Japanese universities have shifted from the introductory stage in which organizations were set up to the productive period of embodying their activities. The fundamental task of IR relating to education is to collect data from a questionnaire survey of students about their learning activities and various teaching data as provided by the university administrative office, and to thereby objectively determine the strengths and weaknesses of the university. Furthermore, it is important to promote detailed analysis by collaborating with each department in the university to make use of this in educational improvement. However, the IR organization structure varies depending on the university. Therefore, it is difficult to use a single educational evaluation model commonly applied to every university. For this reason, the IR staff at each university is seeking a number of concrete examples leading to educational improvement such as the type of data used, analysis examples, and useful procedures. In this paper, we report examples of IR seminars held by Hokkaido University through collaboration with the administrative staff and faculties. This is an important and meaningful example of one type of IR activity.
宮本 淳子 金子 彰
日本文學 (ISSN:03863336)
vol.106, pp.205-233, 2009-03-15
山田 邦雅 宮本 淳 細川 敏幸
高等教育ジャーナル : 高等教育と生涯学習 (ISSN:13419374)
vol.26, pp.67-76, 2019-04

Abstract - Institutional Research (IR) in higher education not only gathers information from within the instituiton, but also collects a wide range of data without limitation, connects the with the student ID as a key and adjusts data to a standard among universities. Data gathered via such a policy might be able to reveal new concepts that could not be shown clearly until now. In this paper, we focus on the characteristic patterns of the university students' lifestyles as a concept that has been hard to determine and made an attempt to simulate them using the data. Using IR data of the Universities IR Consortium that includes 40 universities, the universities were divided into 6 types of students. In some combinations of these types, there were large differences in questionnaire results. We ran a simulation to determine unique features of the university using data from Hokkaido University according to a policy in which the characteristics appeared based on reference points of the categories in the university.
宮本 淳子 増田 靖
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.48, no.1, pp.5-27, 2019-11-30 (Released:2019-12-03)

This paper presents characteristics of “interactive” communication to promote innovation. In recent years, many researchers have shown interest in “interactive” communication in science and technology communities as a means of promoting innovation. However, collaboration and “interactive” communication do not guarantee success, which is dependent on the quality of the communication and the methods employed. This paper investigates the development of successful collaboration in the field of innovative technology. We examined the specific case of removing old paint using laser beams to elucidate an “interactive” communication method that promotes innovation. We conducted three in-depth interviews with key members of the development team and a group interview involving all participants and analyzed and interpreted the data using the framework of “Katari=Antenarrative” theory. As a result, the following factors were identified as characteristics of “interactive” communication promoting innovation: “chains of awareness and meaning transformation in a ternary relationship,” “Katari to create empathy,” “mutual responsiveness,” and “listener’s flexibility.” Furthermore, we brought up “Katari-tsutae” as a new concept of “Katari=Antenarrative” theory. In conclusion, we suggest that innovation will be promoted by recognizing and practicing these four characteristics of “interactive” communication when working on technology development.
細川 敏幸 山田 邦雅 宮本 淳
高等教育ジャーナル (ISSN:13419374)
vol.27, pp.45-54, 2020-06-23

Abstract -- Using a questionnaire survey of a university in Japan, we examined whether the College Impact Theory proposed by A. W. Astin in 1993 could hold in Japan. In addition, we clarified what experiences in high school and university affect learning outcomes. The IR data used were the results of a freshman survey, a junior survey, a graduation survey, and a graduate student survey. As a result, it was proved that the college impact theory was applicable even in Japanese universities. In addition, learning styles that contribute to good learning results at universities and the acquisition of competencies after graduation were extracted. Learning behaviors that lead to good results were also revealed in the science major group and humanities major group. Such specific research results make it possible to verify the characteristics of individual universities and are expected to contribute to future educational reform.
細川 敏幸 山田 邦雅 宮本 淳
高等教育ジャーナル : 高等教育と生涯学習 (ISSN:13419374)
vol.26, pp.59-65, 2019-04

Abstract - The questionnaire on learning situations used by the University IR Consortium was introduced by Yamada et al. in 2004 with reference to the Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) used in the USA. A questionnaire based on the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) used in USA was also introduced in Korea in 2009. The questionnaires (CIRP and NSSE) referred to in both countries have been gradually reorganizad after that, and there are several different parts. In this report, we focus on the CIRP compared with the other three questionnaires, and summarize recent trends in US questionnaire contents. This will assist in future discussions about the contents of student survey questionnaires.
宮本 淳 久留 友紀子 仙石 昌也 橋本 貴宏 山森 孝彦

医学部初年次チュートリアル教育においてクラウドを用いたレポート課題を課し,剽窃行為を中心に,学生のレポート作成過程の調査を続けている。レポートの作業過程を確認していくと,一見して質の低いと思われるWeb上の情報をコピペによって組み合わせ,体裁を整えただけのレポートが少なからず存在する現状が依然としてある。先行研究では,このようなレポートについて学生がどの程度コピペ剽窃をしているかについて,文字数の増加やコピペの頻度などの量的なデータに注目して調査を続けてきたが,コピペ剽窃情報の質については検討してこなかった。どのような教育的介入がコピペ剽窃だけに頼らないレポートの質の向上に繋がるかを考える上で,学生がどのような質の情報に頼ってレポート作成しているのかを調査することは非常に重要な視点であろう。そこで平成28年度の研究では,初年次学生がどのような情報に依拠してレポートを作成しているか,特に情報源の信頼性に着目して調査した。その結果,初年次学生のレポートにおいては情報源として書籍よりもWebを数多く引用していること,Web資料については,四次資料,すなわち三次資料にも該当しない,大学生以上のレポートの根拠として利用できる信頼性を有していないと考えられる資料を多くの学生が利用していることが明らかになった。平成29年度の研究では,こういった問題のあるWeb上の資料をどのように引用,あるいは「コピペ」しているかについてプロセス分析での調査をした。その結果,一次・二次・三次資料からのコピー&ペーストの場合にはその殆どが正しい形式で引用されているのに対して,四次資料の場合は半数以上がその出典は「不記載」であった。レポートを作成する際に,四次資料に依拠する場合には Webページ上の情報をそのままコピペして使用されることに繋がりやすく,その出典は明記されない傾向が明らかになった。
宮本 淳子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.62, no.1, pp.89-127, 2011-09

This paper attempts to enumerate research performed to investigate the use and distribution of kana in Zenchiku's writing.Zenchiku was Zeami's son-in-law and is well-known as a writer of Noh plays and Noh theory. This investigation focuses on where Zenchiku placed kana in his words (e.g. at the beginning of a word sets). In order to make it clear where he placed the kana and which kana he chose, the researcher counted the number of alternative kana, and considered why they were used in the initial or terminal position. The results showed:(1) Zenchiku used more kinds of kana than Zeami.(2) Most of Zenchiku's kanas were in two kana combinations that represented one syllable (50.0%).(3) Certain kanas tended to be used in the initial position, while others were rarely used. It is possible that they were selected depending on their position in the word.(4) Some kanas tend to used in the second initial position in compound words. It can be said that Zenchiku's writing style helps us understand what Zenchiku thought about the unity of words.金春禅竹(1405~1471)は世阿弥(?1363~?1443)の女婿であり、能作者としても活躍、数々の著作を残したことでも知られている。本稿では、禅竹が平仮名をどのように使用していたのか、その使用実態を探る。今回扱う、禅竹自筆『五音三曲集』は近年になって発見されたもので、先行する用字法研究では扱われてこなかったものである。本稿では、同じ一音に対し複数の字母がどのように併用されているか、一音二字母の場合に焦点をあて語の位置別(語頭・非語頭・付属語)に分類、その特徴をまとめた。分析の結果、禅竹筆『五音三曲集』では世阿弥自筆本よりも多くの種類の字母が使用されており、語頭・非語頭で偏りが見られることが明らかとなった。最後に語頭専用と思われる字母「志」を例に複合語・二字漢語の語中で使用されている点に注目した。語頭・非語頭での使用分析により、禅竹自身が一語と捉えていた範囲を明らかにする一つの手がかりとなると思われる点についても論及した。
宮本 淳子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.62, no.1, pp.89-127, 2011-09
