鍵山 恒臣 筒井 智樹 三ヶ田 均 森田 裕一 松島 健 井口 正人 及川 純 山岡 耕春 熊谷 博之 西村 裕一 宮町 宏樹 渡辺 了 西村 太志 高木 朗充 山本 圭吾 浜口 博之 岡田 弘 前川 徳光 大島 弘光 植木 貞人 橋本 恵一 仁田 交一 茂原 諭 中道 治久 汐見 勝彦 中原 恒 青木 重樹 青地 秀雄 井田 喜明
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.70, no.2/4, pp.33-60, 1996-03-15

In recent years, investigations on the structures of volcanoes have been noteworthy for further understanding volcanic processes, including locations of magma reservoirs, magma rising process before eruptions and causes of related phenomena. In 1994, a joint experiment was conducted on Kirishima Volcanoes, Southern Kyushu, to reveal the structure and the magma supply system by a group of scientists from national universities under the National Research Project for the Prediction of Volcanic Eruptions. The experiment was carried out by seismological, electromagnetic and other geophysical methods. The following seven papers including this one present some results of the experiments. This paper outlines a seismic explosion experiment in Kirishima, and presents all data on the first motion. An extensive explosion seismic experiment was conducted on December 1, 1994. Observations were made along a 30-km major line lying in the NNW-SSE direction and other sub-lines which cross the major line in and around the Kirishima Volcanoes. Along these lines, 6 shots with a charge size of 200-250 kg, and 163 temporary observations were arranged by many universities and institutes. A newly developed data logger was used for these temporal observations, and the position of each site was determined by GPS. All 6 shots were successfully fired, and clear onset and significant phases were observed at most observation sites. A travel time diagram suggests that a high velocity layer crops out south of the Kirishima Volcanoes, while in the Kirishima Volcanoes, this layer is covered with a lower velocity layer, which is thick at the northern part. It is also suggested that a structural discontinuity exists between S3 and S4.


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東京大学“タイトル: 霧島火山群における人工地震探査:観測および初動の読みとり その他のタイトル: 霧島火山における1994年爆発実験”

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