駒林 麻理子
東海大学紀要. 教養学部 (ISSN:03892018)
vol.9, pp.47-62, 1978
沖野 成紀
東海大学紀要. 教養学部 (ISSN:03892018)
vol.37, pp.55-76, 2006

From the standpoint of Jungian psychology, we have made a comparative study of Chat Botte between Perrault's original work and its animation by Toei Doga (1969), in whose production a now famous animation director, Hayao Miyazaki, participated as a young one of the making staff. The conclusion is that the significance of this animation is on the full and realistic realization of the factors latent in the original work : the trickstership of Chat Botte and the self-realization process of human characters, which are important concepts in Jung's analytical psychology. Especially, the process in this animation may be interpreted as that of one's autonomy and independence, his combination with a creative trickster, and his integration with his anima.
北野 忠 畠山 類
東海大学紀要. 教養学部 (ISSN:03892018)
vol.36, pp.235-244, 2006-03-30

The population changes of giant water bugs and seasonal changes in their suitable habitats were investigated in paddy fields in Inasa-Cho, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan from July 1997 to December 1998 to obtain a basic ecological understanding of this species. Our results showed them to appear for only a limited period between May and August. The investigation also revealed that the sites investigated were breeding grounds for the species and that the period between June and August was the growing season for the larvae. During the period in which the species was observed, the water temperature and the population density of tadpoles were higher, and a water depth of approximately 20cm was maintained due to water management for rice production. On the other hand, no giant water bugs were seen from September to April of the next year. During this period, the water temperature and tadpole population density were lower and the water was shallower, at less than 10cm. Therefore, in the sites investigated, the presence of giant water bugs changed with the schedule of the water management of the paddy field. In addition, the growing period of the larvae was consistent with the period in which the water temperature and the population density of tadpoles were higher. Next, the relationship between the population of giant water bugs and the population density of tadpoles, which are prey species for the water bugs, was investigated in June 1999. Paddy fields with higher population densities of tadpoles showed greater populations of giant water bugs. It therefore appears that the propagation of the giant water bug depends on the population densities of frogs.
福田 達夫
東海大学紀要 教養学部 (ISSN:03892018)
no.18, pp.p37-49, 1987
上野 大輔
東海大学紀要. 教養学部 (ISSN:03892018)
vol.38, pp.97-113, 2007

A concept of Twelve-Tone Technique by A. Schoenberg (1874-1951) is one of his "musical ideas". It originated in the music after the loss of tonality, but it was characterized by the function of tonality : while the tonality gave the unifying and articulating character to musical form, so he thought that the musical work composed by Twelve-Tone Technique should have a "comprehensibility" with the unifying and articulating character. Consequently, Twelve-Tone Technique was a symbol of New Music, but is based on the traditional concept of tonal music. So, with this technique Schoenberg gave a direct expression to his musical works.
阿部 望
東海大学紀要. 教養学部 (ISSN:03892018)
vol.33, pp.23-58, 2003-03-30

The EU Summit held in June 2001, which is called the Gothenburg European Council, adopted the Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) for the European Union. This Strategy, which is considered as a core factor of the EU policy as a whole, strongly requests the policy integration, which means that each sector policy should include the environmental, social and economic considerations into its contents. In this sense, the SDS provides a very comprehensive policy and shows a future direction of the EU policy making. Obviously the SDS is not an idea which was suddenly hit on by European politicians but has been gradually prepared and implemented in the EU. This paper examines the historical development of the SDS in the EU and clarifies what the SDS truly implies. Furthermore, it tries to assess how much the SDS and policy integration have been realised as was initially expected since the beginning of 1990. The findings and conclusions of this paper are as follows: First, the development of the SDS in the EU has not been straight nor linear but proceeded along a long and winding road. Nevertheless the EU has been and seems very confident in setting the SDS at a core part of its policy making. Secondly, the SDS does not seem well structured to be consistently implemented through all relevant EU formations, sector Directorates-General in particular. Perhaps the SDS should be structured to conform to the Structural Indicators in the EU. Finally, it is not so clear whether the SDS has well functioned so far as was expected. It may be safe to conclude that the assessment of the implementation of the SDS is modest at the most judging from various points of view. Nevertheless it is so important to keep the SDS at a core part of the EU policy making since it will provide a consistent system of policy measures in the EU.
吉田 武夫
東海大学紀要. 教養学部 (ISSN:03892018)
vol.35, pp.1-20, 2005-03-30

In this paper I shall try to apply an alternative approach to the Modern Design Movement. The approach is a method to decode "a classic" of the history of modern design. The Movement is classified into three levels. Those are individual activities, the relation between them and the connection of all activities. Therefor, it can be said that the aim of decoding "a classic" is to elucidate the structure of the Movement. As for the concrete procedure, the method of system analysis like below is quoted. 1) Specification of influences (inputs to a process or system) to each activities. 2) Decoding the contents (functions of a system) of activities. 3) The result (the output) of activities. 4) Specification of the organization and groups influenced by the results. The subjects of design activities as conversion systems are classified into three levels like movement, organization or group and individual. Here, however, the level of organization or group is mainly dealt with. In this paper, the author makes use of Pevsner's "The Sources of Modern Architecture and Design" which is a classic of the history of modern design as a model case. And the method mentioned above is applied to this book. The main results of decoding are as follows. 1) The each activities contributed to the Modern Movement plays a very important role in changing the initial value of factors which decided the characteristic of the Modern Design into the direction of the targeted value. The factors mean the criteria of evaluation to Pevsner as a historian. It is thought that this criteria were the means to select appropriate ones out of innumerable facts. 2) The relations between individual activities were supposed to be complicated networks which have bidirectional connections in some cases. However, the decoding for it was left as a future problem. 3) Figure 2 shows the total structure of Pevsner's "The Sources of Modern Architecture and Design". The factors as a whole are, so to speak, an appliance to measure the modernization of design activities. And the conditions are the scale of the appliance. This measuring instrument with scale is Pevsner's historical view, in other words, it is the framework of his history. The system constituted of various activities done by innumerable members which were measured with this appliance and given the higher evaluation than a certain level seems to be "Pevsner's history of modern design".