田中 規子
昭和女子大学女性文化研究所紀要 = Bulletin of the Institute of Women's Culture Showa Women's University (ISSN:09160957)
no.46, pp.81-95, 2019-03-31

Most recent job satisfaction studies are quantitative rather than qualitative in their methodology. Therefore, this research employs interviews to clearly elucidate the elements of job satisfaction. The sample for this investigation was formed by 16 people who have lived in the metropolitan area in Tokai and Kansai district, and who are currently employed. The results obtained from the analysis of the interviews clarified that job satisfaction can be explained through four elements: evaluation or recognition, personal growth, wages, and life satisfaction. The examination clearly demonstrates that overall job satisfaction is related both to intrinsic and extrinsic motivation under conditions of positive human relationships within an office. The findings also reveal that the sense of job satisfaction is further influenced by an individual’s feeling of fulfillment in personal life, indicating a synergy between job and life satisfaction.
島崎 里子 Satoko Shimazaki 昭和女子大学文学研究科
昭和女子大学女性文化研究所紀要 = Bulletin of the Institute of Women's Culture, Showa Women's University (ISSN:09160957)
no.43, pp.1-25, 2016-03-31

AElfric (c.955-c.1010) composed Lives of Saints at the request of AEthelweard and AEthelmæ, who were known as strong supporters of Benedictine Reform in the 10th century England. In the Lives, he dealt with "married saints" as well as church men, kings, soldiers and female virgin martyrs in order to strengthen Christian faith among monks and keen lay audience as his patrons. AElfric's concern about married saints, who preserve virginity in marriage, is unique because no other contemporary authors such as Wulfstan treated this sensitive issue, which could disturb the boundary between secular and sacred lives and give rise to religious disputes.Latin Lives originally came from the continent to England and it had been received by English authors such as Aldhelm in the 7th century, Bede in the 8th century and anonymous authors of Old English Martyrology in the 9th century. In the process of transmission, the original texts, including married saints, had been changed consciously or unconsciously by the authors, which are expected to reflect authors' intentions. This paper provides deplomatic texts of three couples of married saints (Julian and Basilissa, Cecilia and Valerian and Chrythansus and Daria) in AElfric's Lives of Saints on the basis of the early eleventh century English manuscript (Cotton Julius E Vii), comparing with the former two editions, Skeat (1898-1900) and Upchurch (2007), so that they could allow us for close examination of AElfric's treatment of these saints.
島崎 里子 リーダーシップ111キャリアサポート委員会
昭和女子大学女性文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:09160957)
vol.34, pp.131-136, 2007-03-31

個人が主体的にキャリアを選択・設計する方向へと社会構造が移行するに従い、現代女性のキャリア形成のあり方にもさまざまな多様性が見られるようになった。このような社会状況を充分踏まえた上で、女性がビジョンをもってキャリアを積み、社会的に活躍をしていくためには何が必要なのだろうか。 第17回目を迎えた今年度の女性学公開講座では、多様化する女性のキャリア選択・設計のための方策を、「女性」と「キャリア」をキーワードとしながら、学外講師による基調講演「キャリア・ビジョンをまず描こう!!」(第1部)と、それに続くテーマ別グループ討論(第2部)を通して模索した。テーマ別グループ討論には、昭和女子大学の学部学生・院生85名と、学外者34名の計119名が6つのグループに分かれて参加し、活発な意見交換を行った。参加者は事前のアンケート調査で、本人の希望に沿って5つのテーマに分けられた。また、各界で活躍中の「リーダーシップ111」の会員でもあるキャリア女性15名が各グループのリーダーとして参画した。 なお、司会は本学女性文化研究所の尾崎保子所員が務め、基調講演に先立って、坂東眞理子副学長・所長の挨拶、基調講演者並びに「リーダーシップ111」のメンバーの紹介が行われた。