橋本 順光
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.11, no.1, pp.17-26, 1999-06-30

デフォーの『コンソリデイター』(1705)よ従来, 三つの観点から研究されてきた。第一に, 月世界旅行記に仮託した政治パンフレットとみなす解釈。第二に, 古代と現代とのどちらの学芸が優れているかをめぐる当時の新旧論争に注目し現代派を擁護したとする解釈。第三に, 作中の中国の記述を取り上げ, 同時代の中国崇拝を風刺しだとする解釈。本稿は, 論じられることの少なかった新旧論争における中国評価に注目することで, これら三解釈を統合しようとする試みである。古代派の代表テンプルは中国を文明の起源と考え, その政治体制と高度な学芸を賛美した。それに対して現代派ウォットンは, ギリシアを近代ヨーロッパ科学の起源とし中国を停滞した専制国家と批判した。それを踏まえて, 『コンソリデイター』では, 学芸の起源を求めてヨーロッパから中国そして月世界へと旅し最後にはその月世界もヨーロッパに出来していたという円環が描かれる。ここでは, 現代派に基づいて中国崇拝を批判しつつも, 起源をめぐる新旧論争自体が風刺されているのである。
韓 仁愛 ハン インエイ Han Inae
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.26, no.2, 2015-03

This literature considered condition of care and education for children under three from two perspectives: working mothers and guarantee of the rights to get childcare of children, focuses on the time period of 1945~mid-1950 as to follow `The Actual Conditions of Care and Education for Children under Three before the Second World War' and `With contents of care and education for children under three before World War II , actually -focused on the theory about "the fundamental habits of life.'The content completed the actual condition of childcare by going through Childcare League News, "The Points of Childcare< which is the first guide of childcare and policies of care and education for children under three from "The Guideline of Nurture<; including child welfare facility, at nursery school. Also it gives general view of children and childcare which scholars and practitioners at that time were desirous as referring "Encyclopedia of New Child-Rearing< that conducts investigation of actual conditions of nurture scenes and households. Furthermore, it suggests hardship of care and education for children under three and the role of nursery schools as to pick three nursery schools from practiced examples of care and education for children under three that are put into practice all parts of the country. In the condition of care and education for children under three in postwar era, there was encouragement of guarantee to receive childcare for children and support for working mothers as extended line of practices in prewar time, that are taken by people who had involved in care and education for children under three before the war even though the situations over care and education for children under three were different. There were people like Akita Yoshiko who tried to deepen care and education for children under three in postwar period after use the experience of actual practices in prewar era. On the other hand, Matsuda Michio, after involved in publishing "Encyclopedia of New Child-Rearing<, he proposed the necessity of care and education for children under three in mass while it is called into question of argument over care and education for children under three after 1960s and played significant role to broaden understanding.
久米 秀作
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.8, no.1, pp.53-58, 1996-03-31

In order to investigate the psychosocial factors influencing the recreation activity of college students, a survey was administered to 951 college students between 18 and 22 years of age It was found that almost college students had good image to recreation activity, and they expect the friend-ship, peaceful mind and stress management to paticipant of recreation activity But actually they participated days per week have only one day for 38 1%, 2 days for 25 4% respectively It was result that most college students have desire to much participated chance to recreation activity
黒崎 征佑
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.9, no.2, pp.53-58, 1997-12-28

It was just after the WW 2 that Japanese farmers were compelled to deliver rice to the State. But they were against it because of the end of the WW 2. They were reluctant to do so even in the WW 2. Such consciousness spread out over Japan at once. The State, which GHQ supported, forced to do so. And riots arose at last. The riots seemed to spread out and last some years. But these riots and disturbances declined immediately. Why they happened ?
江川 由布子
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.23, no.2, pp.455-462, 2012-03

My former article "Cathedral and Urban Community in Medieval Strasbourg< (2004) dealt with the unity of citizens in a Christian community that was of great significance as a base for the formation of the medieval urban community in Strasbourg and the development of its self-government. In answer to the comments on the article which were given by the late Mr. Takeshi HAYASHI, one of the leading figures in the field of studies on medieval German urban history, this paper will show the main focus of the study clearer, namely, the close interaction between religious factors and the political autonomy of urban communities in medieval Europe.