江良 智美
帝京平成大学紀要 = Journal of Teikyo Heisei University (ISSN:13415182)
vol.32, pp.27-34, 2021-03

Let's Go Young , which held a prominent place in the history of popular music from the 1970s to the 1980s, provides a valuable record for learning about the trends of the times, from the clothing worn by the different weekly guest performers, hosts, and regular performers, and from their communication with the audience. The relationship between fashion and music in television media runs deep, and it could be argued that fashionable outfits on teen-oriented programs led to an understanding of the reception of new music. This study analyzes the expression methods in the presentation of foreign music as cultural knowledge on the third season of Let's Go Young , focusing on the stylistic expression demonstrated by the performers' outfits.
鈴木 邦明
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
no.32, pp.183-188,

The current study has focused on elementary school curriculum guideline during a decade from 1945 when game of tag was positively adopted as a class at school. Objective was to analyze how the game of tag was handled and clarify educational system and social situation back then. A characteristic of game of tag is that players move their bodies in various ways. Previous studies have found that the game helps improve such abilities as stamina, running, and agility. Also, the game has been found to be good for not only physical aspects but also children's sociality and cooperation. As a result of the research, it has been proved that ratio of game of tag using certain tools was lower in the school curriculum guideline back then compared with that in 2017. It is believed to be associated with lack of supplies after the war. The game is also characterized as being playable without any tools. Furthermore, its rule is so flexible that it can be played depending on conditions. Those characteristics may have led to the results this time.
小舘 英實 小野 諭
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.12, no.1, pp.13-26, 2000-06-30

A tournament-type match table has been widely employed to decide the winner of games. In the case of a balanced table, participants can win after the same number of games, or one time less, depending on the number of participants. Spectators want to watch good exciting games, especially in semi-finals and the final, so powerful participants are given seeded rights in the table. On the other hand, powerful participants may, sometimes, expect to win after one time less or even less. Therefore, there may be two kinds of seeded rights : nominal and substantial. The nominally seeded players have to play the same number of games or one time less and the substantially seeded do one time less or even less. We succeeded in generating a good table by unbalanced partitions, under the strict condition of the 2-3-4 trees structure as one of balanced data structures.
米川 和雄
帝京平成大学紀要 = Journal of Teikyo Heisei University (ISSN:13415182)
vol.25, pp.79-86, 2014-03

The purpose of this study is to clarify the situation of school social worker (SSWr) assignment in the boards of education in Tokyo. As a result, cooperation was obtained from 35 municipalities for the survey; I reported on 36 municipalities through adding some of the past survey results for 1 municipality. (1) SSWr utilization project-related matters: The main part of the business budget framework was <SSWr utilization project in Tokyo (28 municipalities: 77.8%; this project is oriented Tokyo metropolis spending)<. SSWr support was centered on elementary and junior high schools. The assignment form of SSWrs was almost all conducted by dispatching SSWrs upon schools' request. The system of SSWr support was first introduced in 2 wards in Tokyo in 2007, and implemented in 19 cities, 16 wards and 1 town by 2013. Implementation of worker support continued increasing in cities and in wards. Furthermore, approximately 19.4 % of the municipalities were planning to increase SSWr utilization in the future. (2) Employment situation: the number of SSWrs utilized was minimum 1 person, maximum 8 people, and 2.31±1.49 people on the average and standard deviation. As to the ratio of social workers or psychiatric social workers, 61 within 83 SSWrs (73% or more) had the national qualification. On the contrary, workers were neither social workers nor psychiatric social workers in 6 municipalities (16.7%). As for type of employment, approximately a half of the municipalities had employed workers as part-timers, and other types of employment (temporary, consignment, remuneration per activity) accounted for an almost equal proportion each. The average number of work (support) hours of all the workers through the year was 1029.29 (minimum 160 hours, maximum 1536 hours). Converted into an hourly rate, the average wage of all the modes of wage payment (salary, daily wage, hourly wage) was 2,423 yen (minimum 1,466 yen, maximum 5,800 yen). In addition, the total annual number of SSWr support hours per student in each municipality was 0.22 on the average. Furthermore, 18 municipalities (47.2%) provided social insurance (medical insurance & labor insurance & annuity insurance, or only labor insurance), and 21 municipalities (58.3%) provided transportation costs. (3) The presence of a supervisor: 15 municipalities (41.7%) were utilizing supervisors, and the frequency of the use of supervisors varied from 3 times a year to 16 days a month. As seen from the above results, it is conceivable that social action for improvements in SSWr utilization and treatment is required of municipalities with few or non opportunities for SSWrs, and that it is necessary to continue conducting surveys.
齊藤 美代子 サイトウ ミヨコ Saito Miyoko 遠藤 純子 エンドウ ジュンコ Endo Junko 園川 緑 ソノカワ ミドリ Sonokawa Midori 韓 仁愛 ハン インエイ Han Inae
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.26, no.2, 2015-03

On the basis of the past achievements of our child-rearing support program, this study aims to identify educational issues in the childcare worker/teacher training school. In this paper, we have compiled a report on "Puri-Puri Kids Univ<, a child-rearing support program which simultaneously provides our students with training opportunities and on-the-job training (OJT). Also, we investigated current childraising views, child-support programs conducted by other universities and analyzed relevant literature. For the further development of our curriculum, we discussed how we can systematically place a training framework for students within the curriculum which allows them to develop knowledge and skills accumulated through practice in the child-support program during the four-year university education. As a result, the students are thus able to step up efforts to promote better understanding of their discipline, Early Childhood Education and Care.
山際 悟史 奥井 智一朗
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.22, no.1, pp.35-43, 2011-03

The purpose of the present study is to choose a position on the research trend of <reflective practitioner< in the field of education in our country, and to study the issues associated with the teaching quality for the future. First, research papers with the keyword <reflective practitioner< in education were collected and then the classification based on theoretical or practical research was brought under review. As a result, the research showed that teaching quality was not able to choose between a <reflective practitioner< or <technical expert.< In the end, <Reflection-In-Action< was more effective if the reflection was taken in social context. In addition, the study raised the need for the integration of previous findings, based not only on the debates on <reflective< or <technical< but also on a conceptual level of <belief< and <collegiality<.
宮澤 淳一
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.7, no.2, pp.7-14, 1995-10-31

David Young's Glenn (1992) is a play about the Canadian pianist Glenn Gould (1932-82). There are four characters in the play, which portray the eras of Gould's fifty-year life and his thoughts: Prodigy (6-22), Performer (22-31), Perfectionist (31-48), and Puritan (48-50). These characters act and symphonize their voices in the framework of J.S.Bach's The Goldberg Variations according to the voicing and structure of the music. The use of the framework (the aria, 30 variations and the aria da capo) is a successful device of transfering a musical form into a literary form which is independent of the time-space conventions of the theatre. The play also employs successfully the compositional technique named "contrapuntal radio," which overlaps parallel dialogue and makes coincidental conjunction between voices, because it makes the four Goulds disguise other theatrical Gould-like personae who enliven the inter- actions. For all the complicated plot, the play can be analized clearly if one realizes that the crucial hero is Puritan: the plot is the journey of Puritan who goes back through the whole of Gould's life. The recomposed figure of Glenn Gould in the play is a typical Canadian according to the model of Canadian identity in Margaret Atwood's Survival (1972). Glenn Gould was a man of escape who fled from the "South" to the "North" in order to survive himself, but happened to be a hero in the world as well as in Canada, and is by definition a Canadian anti-hero.
隈 久雄 高野 香子 萩原 正浩 渡辺 泉
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.9, no.2, pp.25-32, 1997-12-28

病院情報システムのアーキテクチャとしては, 分散システムが適しているが, 集中システムよりも複雑なために, 保守や拡張性に問題が生じる可能性が高い。オブジェクト指向は, 各オブジェクトがプロセスの中で独立に動作し得る概念であり, 論理的な概念によって分散システムをとらえる仮想分散システムの構築に適している。本紀要第8巻第2号において, 病院の各部門情報システムは, 他部門システムからの自律性が尊重され, 医学の進歩に合わせて, 常に改良・拡張できるフレキシビリティに富んだシステムであることが必要であると論じたが, 本号では, 上記の問題に対する具体的な解決策として, 自律分散型総合病院情報システムのシステム設計にオブジェクト指向によるシステム設計法を応用することを提案し, ADITHISプロトタイプのシステム分析に適用した結果を報告している。
西中 研二
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.23, no.1, pp.109-120, 2012-03

In order to study the loyalty that is the foundation of the Bushido spirit of Japan and Chinaand Korea. It is important to make a basis for comparing the loyalty of each country. At first I found the origin of the concept of the loyalty in the Analects of Confucius. And It was named "loyalty of Kijin". As a result of having arranged the loyalty written in documents except the Analects of Confucius, It was classified below the three parts. (1) Loyalty of Tensei, (2) Loyalty of Gigo, (3) Loyalty of Keigo. And the loyalty of the Satsuma samurai was compared with the loyalty of the Silla samurai using these four loyalty.
朴 南圭
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
no.32, pp.107-112,

Korean baseball game began in 1905 by Gillette, an American missionary at that time. In Korea after colonial liberation, it was difficult to maintain the educational system due to the absence of personnel at many schools. There were also new moves in part, but they had no financial ability or skills to move the whole system. Many US military officers who studied in Japan were appointed during the US military rule that began soon. Military authorities attempted to introduce universities and non-Japanese American education systems to Korea. However, overall reform has not been reached due to lack of management skills and know-how. The education system in the United States will be torn down by the
黒崎 征佑
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.10, no.2, pp.35-49, 1998-12

New face and executive educations are carried out as a plan of TWI in recent years. These are almost done for a week or a few months. Some industries have a plan to do it in religious places, for example, the temple of the Zen. Why do Japanese, not American and English, companies make such a choice? But it gradually decreases of late. Why so?
吉岡 剛志 中村 昌彦
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
no.30, pp.107-112,

The Fu xi Liu shi si gua fang wei tu, which is continuously digested the transition of Gua, was associated with binary system by G. W. Leibniz. And we cleared the mechanism by which Liu shi si gua is generated from Kun, which is considered to be the root of all things, was systematized by the binary system, in addition, the process that a new Gua is generated by the transition of Yi was systematized by symbolic notation. Here, although the xue Liu shi si gua have discussed by the use of binary system, it is not clear why the xue Liu shi si gua is discussed by binary system. In this paper, in order to examine the meaning of discussing the xue Liu shi si gua by binary system, we examine how to discuss it by Boolean algebra, and furthermore, discussed Boolean function formed from the Yi xue Liu shi si gua. binary system, it is not clear why the xue Liu shi si gua is discussed by binary system. In this paper, in order to examine the meaning of discussing the xue Liu shi si gua by binary system, we examine how to discuss it by Boolean algebra, and furthermore, discussed Boolean function formed from the Yi xue Liu shi si gua.
山中 脩也 吉岡 剛志 森倉 悠介
帝京平成大学紀要 = Journal of Teikyo Heisei University (ISSN:13415182)
vol.27, pp.85-93, 2016-03

Recently, a personal ICT (Information and Communication Technology) system is useful for everyday life. In the field of education, research and social contribution activities at higher education institutions, the small-scale ICT systems have also been widely used. Here, we introduce an easy-to-use system built by ourselves, and summarize the practices to the fields of the system. In particular, we focus on the following usage. ・Usage as LMS (Learning Management System) in tuition ・Usage for construction of co-editable site ・Usage for student advising in laboratory ・Usage for work-sharing The system has been built in a cloud server (Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)1) provided by Amazon.com) and a CMS (Content Management System) is being used on it. As CMS, we adopted WordPress 3) on Amazon Linux OS provided by "WordPress powered by AMIMOTO< 2). According to W3Techs 4) and Gigazine 5), the share of WordPress reached 25.0% of websites all over the world. There are cases where it is possible to effectively utilize WordPress built on Amazon EC2 in the field of education, research and social contribution activities. If you think that working efficiency in such fields improves by building the small-scale ICT system in this article, we would like to recommend the aggressive introduction to building the system.
小保方 稔子
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.24, no.1, pp.219-227, 2013-03

Anger control is the one of the most important issue for not only children but also adults in our society. However there are many Buddhist image statues with anger expression in Japan and they comfort our mind. Furthermore, according to Japanese myth "KO-JI-KI(Records of Ancient Matters)<, "Izanaki and Izanami< and "Amaterasu<,and other Japanese gods express and settle their anger in various ways. This essay clarified the meaning of Buddhist image statue with anger expression and the origin of anger and anger management of Japanese from the Japanese myth "KO-JI-KI<.
小舘 英實 コダテ ヒデミ KODATE Hidemi 小野 諭 オノ サトシ ONO Satoshi
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.12, no.1, 2000-06

A tournament-type match table has been widely employed to decide the winner of games. In the case of a balanced table, participants can win after the same number of games, or one time less, depending on the number of participants. Spectators want to watch good exciting games, especially in semi-finals and the final, so powerful participants are given seeded rights in the table. On the other hand, powerful participants may, sometimes, expect to win after one time less or even less. Therefore, there may be two kinds of seeded rights : nominal and substantial. The nominally seeded players have to play the same number of games or one time less and the substantially seeded do one time less or even less. We succeeded in generating a good table by unbalanced partitions, under the strict condition of the 2-3-4 trees structure as one of balanced data structures.
雑賀 美智子 サイカ ミチコ Saika Michiko 濱田 裕生 ハマダ ユイ Hamada Yui
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.29, 2018-03

The purpose of this research is to clarify the causes of troubled and uneasy feelings of ALS homecare patients wearing ventilator, resulted from temporary hospitalization. The research method is a questionnaire survey for ALS home-care patients wearing ventilator, and 5 people responded. Meaningful contents in the answers to the survey items were coded about troubles and anxiety resulted from temporary hospitalization, and were analyzed qualitatively and descriptively using KJ method. From this analysis, 26 codes were extracted, and 6 subcategories and 4 categories [communication method], [attitude / attitude of nurse], [hospital room environment], [About life] were composed.This analysis suggested that temporarily hospitalized ALS home-care patients most need communication supports and hospitals should make efforts to improve hospital room environments tailored to each patient.
加藤 信一郎 牛島 寿人 東 竜雄 築地原 正英 仲井 克己
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.15, no.2, pp.35-46, 2003-12-25

We reported "The Life and Tradition of TANNOKI" in the front number of the bulletin. Then, since there were my understanding newly and a thing which should be corrected, it will compensate. This report is written according to the following items. 1. Introduction 2. Faith of "TANNOKI" 3. New way of "TANNOKI" 4. Talk which played the spider 5. Talk when quarreling with the men of the Yanagawa Okinohata 6. Secret medicine which the old woman who lived in TANNOKl prepared 7. The guardian deity of children which fulfills only one wish 8. The old tales of "TANNOKI" 8-1. The guardian deity of children who hears any wish 8-2. Talk about a stepmother 9. Omakiyama's faith and tradition 9-1. A sacred spring 9-2. The ceremony for making it rain 9-3. Omakiyama's tradition The future subject is as follows. 1) It needs to be investigation inquired over a wide area. 2) It is necessary to use effectively the cultural data obtained by fieldwork as digital contents in the educational spot. We consider practical use of a computer, in order to cope with these problems.
隈 久雄 宮崎 尊博
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.14, no.2, pp.47-53, 2002-12-25

Although study on the machine sign language translation in Japan has begun more than ten years ago, and has made much progress so as to put some products on the market, most of which translate Japanese to sign languages word by word. However, these are different from the sign language used in daily conversation, because Japanese language structure has not been analyzed enough to apply for sign language translation. This report describes algorithms for morpheme analysis and syntactic generation, which are developing for a Japanese sign language translation.
成瀬 かおる ナルセ カオル Naruse Kaoru 白尾 久子 シラオ ヒサコ Shirao Hisako 中根 洋子 ナカネ ヨウコ Nakane Yoko
帝京平成大学紀要 (ISSN:13415182)
vol.26, no.1, 2015-03

We conducted a questionnaire survey involving 108 students in their second year of studying at the nursing department of T University who received a nursing skill test to determine factors influencing their awareness of skill acquisition. The results revealed that: 1) students whose favorite subject was nursing skills showed sufficient self-training, while those whose favorite subject was class work benefited from a mastery learning and felt the importance of points to be noted and the necessity of eagerness to learn; and 2) students with self-awareness that they were skillful undertook sufficient prior learning and self-training and were aware of their success in terms of safety, well-being, attention, and communicating with others. After receiving the test, all students realized their weak skills and the necessity of being aware of this, ability to make decisions, knowledge, and advancing their skills. Repeated self-training in nursing skills facilitates the acquisition of fundamental techniques but does not improve a student's abilities related to emotion/will, such as involving making decisions and attention required for safety and well-being. The study suggests the necessity of improving education methods, coaching systems, and training environments in order to acquire nursing skills to enhance nursing practice abilities.