根本 真弓
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.54, pp.491-504, 2008-03-31

A sense of loneliness exists in clients with psychiatric symptoms and psychological problems. Their sense of loneliness is considered linked to both the pathology of their psychiatric disorders -- such as schizophrenia or depression -- and their creation of new world views, such as new insights and discoveries. In this study, the author discusses the human experience of loneliness based on psychotherapy sessions In clinical practice with a client. When people experience true loneliness, they attempt to avoid it by linking to imaginary objects generated by the unconscious, thereby defending themselves from the anxiety and fear caused by loneliness. The imaginary objects, as transitional objects, also have a function in linking the objective and subjective worlds. The author discusses the importance of; (1) 'linking' to internal and external objects just as an embryo is connected to the mother's womb by an umbilical cord, and (2) 'being surrounded' by the environment (i.e., people, Nature) just as an embryo is surrounded in amniotic fluid in the womb, to protect it from destructive loneliness and help in returning to reality from the imaginary world.
荘島 幸子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.54, pp.138-151, 2008-03-31

While narrative based inquiry became one of the main qualitative study and method across a wide variety of disciplines, narrative based inquiry had crowded the field of qualitative study. Also, a definition of "narrative" was not integrated yet. In this paper, drawing Mishler's (1995) model of narrative analysis, three categories of the narrative analysis model (1.Reference and temporal order, 2.Textual coherence and structure, 3. Narrative functions) were described. After examination, the three categories of narrative analysis model, multilayered contexts in which narratives were generated were refocused as an important perspective. Four contexts were extracted and explained, i.e., 1. an aspect of interaction of narratives, 2. an aspect of social action of narratives, and linkage between narrative and social historical contexts, 3. outside narratives and undertone narratives, 4. multi voices and life around the narrator's life. Finally, a connection between narrative and the self was discussed, introducing a concept of "transitional space" (Sclater, 2003) to narrative based inquiry.
楠山 研
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.54, pp.24-38, 2008-03-31

Owing to the political confusion after the formation of the People's Republic of China, the number of local universities, managed by local governments, had increased and decreased intensively. Since the 1980's, local universities managed by local governments had increased rapidly. Moreover, the central government managed universities were transferred to the local districts as well. Presently, more than 90 percent of the universities in China are local universities, which are managed by local governments. Several changes and reformations such as, reconsidering the managing system, recruiting system and educational activities (obtaining two degrees in four years by taking both major and minor courses) were established by the local universities in order to possess its specific characteristics. Also many local universities had no specific goals or characteristics. This article aims to display the lack of specific characteristics and purposes that local universities in China posses. Shenzhen University, located in the special economic district area - Shenzhen city, had established its own win- win system. The system which focused not only on its education but also its academic research is an excellent example of a local university which has successfully coped with the local demands.