池田 華子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.54, pp.398-411, 2008

Presently we often think that various problems in educational environment, such as bullying and truancy, result from the dilution of human relations in our daily lives. In such contexts, we tend to think that the concept of relation is something substantialsomething we can actively and manipulatively deal with. However, in order to grasp the invisible aspect of the relation, we should take a different approach. This article casts new light on the concept of relation by reexamining Weil's idea about μεταξν. By using the Greek preposition μεταξν as a noun, she shows us the importance of "medium" or "mediation" in our encounters with the other whom we may not recognize easily. Such encounters put us into the state of confusion and conflict. It is the function of μεταξν that gives us energy to tolerate it. In the following, first, our daily lives will be discussed as the state of oblivion of relation. Next, examining her usage of μεταξν, another possibility entailed by the concept of relation will be revealed.
中井 由佳子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.56, pp.265-277, 2010-03-31

This paper intends to obtain deeper insight into the inner world of patients with developmental disorders, the messages they send to therapists, and ideal psychotherapy. As a step toward this objective, images induced during psychotherapy were used. In the case of a patient described here, images of heroes and enemies, such as a snake, gradually changed as both parties fought each other over a given period. In Western countries, it is conventionally assumed that "fighting off a dragon (snake)" by a hero is common in psychotherapy; on the other hand, the patient's and therapist's images suggest that a newly established relationship with the snake is important to associate the patient with his own corporeality and the outer natural environment. This unavoidably leads to involvement in conflicts and contradictions. The patient needs to be open with the snake to reflect his inner collective unconscious, instead of killing to obtain creative power. However, a mistake made in introduction of the snake might have adverse effects on the patient, who may view it as a threat, and on the therapist as the patient's opponent. Thus the findings of this study may be of interest to therapists who treat patients with developmental disorders.
照屋 信治
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.56, pp.293-305, 2010-03-31

This study examines Okinawa Education(1906-1944), journal published by the teachers' association in Okinawa and one of the most important historical materials for the study on Okinawa in the modern era. After a careful analysis of all the articles, this paper tries to describe how Okinawan teachers' recognition of their own language and history changed, when they accepted new educational theories in the period of Taisho Democracy. Several studies have been made on Okinawa Education, in which the journal's nature was described as a medium of Kouminka(assimilation). Many authors, however, discussed Okinawan language and history. Some of them were famous scholars in the field of Okinawan Study, which emphasized the importance of learning Okinawan history and preserving Okinawan language. And new educational theories and movements made Okinawan teachers value the language and respect the historical knowledge on Okinawa. Therefore it can be said that the nature of Okinawa Education in the period from 1923 to 1933 is the medium on the cultural movement in the prefecture, and that the journal was considered a general magazine on Okinawan culture as well as an educational one. This conclusion challenges the generally accepted notion on modern Okinawan history.

1 0 0 0 OA 昇華の価値論

堀川 聡司
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.61, pp.163-174, 2015-03-31
井上 烈
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.57, pp.545-557, 2011-04-25

This paper examines and presents the characteristics of the emotional labor of staff members in the field and it required a professional social worker to analyze interviews with them. Moreover, it discusses the notion that they have conflicted feelings and explains how a support style works out. They are consciously aware of the balance between receptiveness or capacity to empathize and training on professionals. They have conflicted feelings that they balance appropriately. We find that they are emotionally labored. What feelings they express and suppress. This paper called it“ emotional management strategy”. In young staffs, they suppress negative feelings and try to force themselves to express positive feelings to them. Their strategy can be called this repressive emotionally regulation “surface acting”. In experienced staffs, they avoid negative feelings and are willing to express positive feelings to them. Their strategy can be called this avoidant style of coping “deep acting”. Besides, in mid-level staff s, a process of building professionally is confirmed. They control their emotional management by will or choice of it. Without a professionally, they will be unable to balance his or her feelings well. It plays a very critical role that legitimate asymmetric relationship between them, and define their identity. In this way, this paper points out the system or support style keeping by their emotional work.
河野 一紀
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.57, pp.181-194, 2011-04-25

This paper considers the transition in Lacan’s theory of signifier from meaning to jouissance in his consideration of the Oedipus complex. At first, Lacan reconceptualized the Saussurian concept of signifier in his own manner, in which the nature of signifier was related to the Freudian phallus, which played the crucial role in the Oedipus complex. Later, Lacan clearly distinguishes the Oedipus complex from castration, which led to consideration of the origin of signifier in relation to jouissance. This introduced an entirely new relationship between the Symbolic and the Real, and the essential ambiguity of signifier is then doubled. -On the one hand, it stems from the gap in meaning, that is, between signifier and signified, and on the other, the gap in speaking itself, that is, between signifier and jouissance. From these consequences, two clinical concepts are reconsidered: interpretation and transference. Moreover, this primitive mode of language in subject is termed lalangue, and this concept evidently shows Lacan’s rejection of all other linguistics.
川島 大輔
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.53, pp.150-165, 2007-03-31

橋本 京子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.57, pp.489-502, 2011-04-25

This study investigates how students perceive self and the circumstances when writing a graduation thesis, and also the relationship between positive cognitions and mental health. Thirty-one university students who were writing graduation theses were administered a questionnaire six months before the deadline and again one month before it. Students perceived themselves more emotionally unbalanced and more incapable, but more positive about their attitudes concerning their graduation theses than their classmates did. To perceive themselves more optimistic, strong-willed, and emotionally balanced was negatively correlated with feelings of depression in writing a graduation thesis. With regard to cognition about circumstances, they were more aware of the deadline and the progress of the graduation thesis one month before the deadline, and such awareness correlated with feelings of depression. From the analysis of their free descriptions, both enjoyment and suffering in writing a graduation thesis were abstract six months before the deadline, and they got both enjoyment and suffering in the concrete process of writing a graduation thesis and giving meaning to the results of their research one month before the deadline. The enjoyment and suffering in writing a graduation thesis were inextricably linked with each other.
伊達 平和
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.59, pp.207-219, 2013-03-28

This paper presents an analysis of the effects of parents' educational marriage pattern on children's educational attainment, whether they go to college or university, using the cumulative data of EASS 2006 and EASS 2008. This analysis was conducted by birth cohorts and gender, and the cohorts were divided into CH1 (1945-1969), CH2 (1960-1974), and CH3 (1975-1988). These cohorts were mostly equivalent to "Elite phase, " "Mass phase, " and "Universal phase" in the case of Taiwan and Korea as described previously by Trow. There were two main results. First, in universal phase, the effects of parents on their children were decreased in Korea and Taiwan. However, in Japan, the effect of stratification was increased. In addition, the effects of the combination of education level of parents were significant in Japan. However, the effects were not significant in Korea and Taiwan. Second, the effects of patent's marriage pattern differ from societies and genders. For example, in Korea, the effect of the father on the son's educational attainment was significant, while in Japan the effect of higher educated parents on both their daughter(s) and son(s) was strongly significant. These results indicate that the construction of social stratification between genders is different between the three societies.
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.49, pp.507-516, 2003-03-31

春木 奈美子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.56, pp.139-151, 2010-03-31

The end of analysis is one of the questions that have been discussed since the beginning of psychoanalysis. Freud took a negative position, saying that there is a rock of castration beyond which analysis would go no further. Contrary to Freud, late Lacan takes a radical step with the concept of "Identification with symptom". At first, Lacan accented the Symbolic and defined the traversing fantasy as issues of analysis. Later, as the Real takes on importance in his theory, the identification with symptom is repeatedly emphasized. This theoretical turn results from his original reflections on femininity. The concepts of femininity and enjoyment around his famous thesis "Woman does not exist" are articulated by examining two acts : Medea's murder of her own children and Gide's wife's burning of his letters. These two acts are homologous in terms of the woman who does not exist, or the true woman. Another possibility of cure emerges in the identification with symptom.
菱田 一仁
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.59, pp.387-389, 2013-03-28

Dolls are very close to our existence and there are many dolls even in counseling rooms. HISHIDA (2012) thinks the meaning of dolls in Sand Play Therapy as a scapegoat for the clients which shoulders clients' sufferings vicariously. They are used to sweep the sufferings away. But, in historical viewing, there was another way of using dolls: they were used to invite gods in them and treated as spirits themselves. They were thought to be a kind of image which is the home of god. In regard to Sand Play Therapy, Kawai (1991) emphasizes the significance of the spirit of land which dwells in the sand box. The spirit is related to the Soul, the infinity on which Hillman, J. (1982) talks about. And when we think about the dolls as that to invite gods, they have also the meaning to have relationship with the infinity, as the spirit of land, in Sand Play Therapy. Then, Dolls have both meaning to sweep sufferings away and to have connection with the infinity. Because dolls have these two aspects, clients are ensured and opened to creativity at the same time in the Sand Play Therapy. (193 words)
金 智鉉
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.52, pp.108-121, 2006-03-31

池田 華子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.54, pp.398-411, 2008-03-31

Presently we often think that various problems in educational environment, such as bullying and truancy, result from the dilution of human relations in our daily lives. In such contexts, we tend to think that the concept of relation is something substantialsomething we can actively and manipulatively deal with. However, in order to grasp the invisible aspect of the relation, we should take a different approach. This article casts new light on the concept of relation by reexamining Weil's idea about μεταξν. By using the Greek preposition μεταξν as a noun, she shows us the importance of "medium" or "mediation" in our encounters with the other whom we may not recognize easily. Such encounters put us into the state of confusion and conflict. It is the function of μεταξν that gives us energy to tolerate it. In the following, first, our daily lives will be discussed as the state of oblivion of relation. Next, examining her usage of μεταξν, another possibility entailed by the concept of relation will be revealed.