田中 崇恵
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.59, pp.347-359, 2013-03-28

This paper discusses the differences in the character of "the Other" and "the Stranger." These concepts, especially "the Stranger," are meaningful for clinical psychology. "The Other" can clarify our identity naturally in the dichotomy of "you" and "I." However, "the Other" is as existence of the alterity which cannot contact forever for us. On the other hand, "the Stranger" seems to appear exceeding our control suddenly at the place where the boundary is ambiguous. It's shown as the Mebius suture type. In addition, an encounter with "the Stranger" seems to bring about the collapse of our old order, but also gives us a feeling of vitality. "The Stranger" appears as what supports our identity rather than appears as "the Other" who is not touched at all. There is greatly a meaning of treating about experiences of "the Stranger" in psychotherapy as well as about the topic of "the Other." In psychotherapy, it is important that psychotherapists listen to a client's narration of experience of "the Stranger" and help that a client makes experience of "the Strangers" internalize.
川崎 良孝
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.59, pp.25-49, 2013

Library and information scholars have largely ignored researching, the American Library Association (ALA) Code of Ethics, especially from a critical historical perspective. However in today's digital post 9/11 environment, library ethics is even more important for library practitioners and researchers alike. This paper explores the history of the Code of Ethics which was formally adopted in December 1938 by ALA Council. In addition the author compares the Code of Ethics with the Library Bill of Rights (LBR) adopted in 1939. Although the two documents were approved only a year apart, this paper finds a major difference between the thinking behind them. In summary, we can call the LBR a forward-thinking plan for a new model of librarianship, whereas the Code of Ethics was built on an earlier model of professional expectations. Perhaps because of this frame, the 1938 Code of Ethics has been nearly forgotten compared to the attention lavished on the LBR.
広瀬 悠三
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.57, pp.67-79, 2011

This paper examines the new possibilities to think enlightenment through reconsidering Kant's idea of enlightenment. It is often said that Kant's enlightenment shows a fundamental paradox of education: enlightenment tries to make one autonomous but at the same time enlightenment itself hinders it because enlightenment is primarily heteronomous. In this context Kant's enlightenment deals with an issue of abstract and closed individual. However there is another aspect of enlightenment that is includes a relationship with society and others. In order to be autonomous and mature through enlightenment, one should think publicly. That is to say, one should communicate with others and examine his view at the others'position. Kant also says that one should be a member of cosmopolitan society. I try to pick up two kinds of cosmopolitan: (1) cosmopolitan who has interests in truth, world, inner value of human being and humanity, in other words, interests which are irrelevant to his own profits. (2) cosmopolitan who has a pluralistic view point stemmed from geographical thinking. With this pluralistic and geographical view point, cosmopolitan can live actually and seek such idealistic idea. Kant's enlightenment asks us to be such cosmopolitan and it suggests dynamic movement to be mature.
西浦 太郎
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.57, pp.167-180, 2011-04-25

In this paper, the figure of "Katago" that appears in the tales of old Japan will be analyzed and the issue of the Japanese returnee students and the present Japanese culture will be discussed. Katago is a 10 year old boy born between a father who is an oni (Japanese ogre) and mother (Japanese) who was taken away by Oni to his country. Katago dedicates himself to bring his mother back to Japan and they finally succeed in returning to Japan. However, he finally commits suicide because of having difficulties living with Japanese people. According to Kawai(Kawai,1994), most of the stories where Katago suffers from his/her duality, being a ogre and a human at the same time, ends with his death. Kawai analyzes the "Katago" from a cultural and psychological perspective and he concludes although Katago's death is almost inevitable, it is the task of Japanese culture not letting the Katago die, as he entails indispensable elements to regenerate the Japanese culture. However, the following two points have not been sufficiently examined; The first point is "why" the Katago has trouble living in Japan. And the second point is what actually happens in the psyche of Katago that leads to his death. The third point is, what kind of possibilities exists that enable Katago to live. Hence, the three points have been examined and discussed on the basis of some case studies children raised up by two different cultures and societies.
谷垣 紀子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.57, pp.139-152, 2011-04-25

Laughter is a research theme with two-sided nature and it is not easy to establish an all-inclusive theory of laughter, because it tends to depart from real laughter. In this paper, which focuses on laughter in myth and folktale, I have a view of both and try to demonstrate a point of view that is helpful to understanding laughter in the practice of psychotherapy. As a consequence, I obtain mainly three viewpoints for laughter. First, there will be arisen the movement such as sound, vibration or the internal movement in an individual by laughter. Second, it arises in the interaction between this world and another. That laughter can be both the entrance and the exit to these worlds. Third, laughter has a great tendency to make a person move passively without consciousness. So, laughter in psychotherapy sometimes has a chance to move dynamically. On the other hand, we need to consider the possibility that the laughter does force us to move.
杉本 均 櫻井 里穂 工藤 瞳
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.55, pp.15-39, 2009-03-31

This paper explores the politics of child labour and compulsory education in Mexico and Peru. highlighting the trajectories of compulsory education and the worldwide childrights movements. Mexico and Peru are selected as they have contrasting child labour policies despite the similarities in geography and child labour profiles. While Mexico extended compulsory education starting the age of three, and the government has been strongly encouraging children's human rights, the country has not yet ratified the ILO's Minimum Age Convention 138, which forbids labour for children less than 15 years of age. Lenient standards for child labour result partially from disseminated cultural traditions that children's work is beneficial for their personal and social development. Peru ratified the Minimum Age Convention 138 in 2002, yet the concept of protagonismo, the capacity to participate in society and transform it forcibly remains. Major advocates are the local NGOs and working children who argue that children should be perceived as independent individuals who can judge and design their own lives, including continuation of work. The paper concludes that child labour and education policies are complex and that examining the relationship between compulsory education and child labour requires in-depth cultural analysis as well as policy analysis.
小原 優貴
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.54, pp.345-358, 2008-03-31

The Protective Discrimination Policy has been implemented to decrease the gap between the different classes in India, where a stratification gap exists due to the deep rooted age-old caste system. The reservation system based on caste has been implemented in India since the era of colonization, and has been functioning as one of the important tools of Protective Discrimination Policy in India. The primary purpose of this reservation system is to secure the opportunity for backward classes in India, such as Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) in the legislative and parliamentary elections, public employment and public education, by reserving seats in proportion to the ratio of their class to the total population. The purpose of this paper is to address the present status and the difficulties of reservation system in education. Firstly, the paper will briefly look at the Protective Discrimination Policy and reservation system. Secondly, the author will look at the one of the most controversial issues of reservation system, reservation for OBCs. Finally, the author will discuss the present status and the difficulties of reservation system in Indian education.
隼瀬 悠里
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.57, pp.615-625, 2011-04-25

Expanding the period of teacher education from a Bachelor’s degree to a Master’s degree is now being planned in Japan. Teacher education in Finland is famous for the requirement of a Master’s degree not only for secondary school teachers, but also for elementary school teachers. This tradition was started more than 30 years ago. Furthermore, Finnish teacher education is called “research-based” teacher education; the teaching practice is also seen as an opportunity to practice research. We must know why such features of Finnish teacher education have occurred because teacher education is based on the contexts of one’s own country. To explore the contexts of Finnish teacher education is the purpose of this paper. Especially, it focuses on the 1970s because many educational reforms took place in Finland at that time. A Master’s degree is considered as the basic degree of graduation from universities because of the reform in higher education. One reason for this is that Finnish higher education had been infl uenced by the German Democratic Republic. The discipline of education in Finland has been developed with teacher education, so didactics is the most important sub discipline of education there. This is why teacher education in Finland has a “research-based” character.
坂田 真穂
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.61, pp.93-105, 2015-03-31

Corporeality in caring is instrumental in making the body of a caring person into a tool, since it allows this person to be united, physically and mentally, with whomever is in his or her care. The corporeality conveys its message through physical work. The caretaker and the person receiving care are influenced physically and mentally through the instrumentality of the body, the ambiguous of subject and object, undivided relation of body and mind, and verbal expressions. In this report, I show my own counseling cases of inner conflict in nurses, administering care, as clinical vignettes. Physical care makes the caretaker experience his or her own existence by helping others, but it may lead to a deep unconscious projection onto a patient. It is worrisome that corporeality in care is fading in medical site becomes more computerized, automated, and intellectual, even when it is important to determine the physical signs of the patient.
次橋 秀樹
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.65, pp.331-343, 2019

長谷 雄太
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.67, pp.293-306, 2021

悪は多くの論の中で曖昧に扱われ, その全容を掴むことが難しい概念である。本稿では, 犯罪現象を通して悪の性質について検討を行った。その中で, 悪は道徳的なルーツを持つものと主観的体験にルーツを持つものに分けて考えられた。また犯罪に至る内的要因として, 主体の持つ"力"の欠乏感や, それに伴う恐れや不安といった破壊的情動の存在が示唆された。ここで, 恐れや不安には発達的段階があり, そうした情動を対象化する器として悪が機能していた。そして, 悪と罪悪感との関わりを論じる中で, 主体の破壊的情動を抱える基盤の重要性が挙げられ, 司法・犯罪領域の心理臨床では, 動的犯罪要因への働きかけと同等に, 情緒的基盤に働きかける力動的なアプローチも必要だと考えられた。こうした犯罪における主体の在り方を正確に掴むためにも, 臨床家は道徳的悪に捉われず, 主体の体験的悪に迫る営みを専門的に行っていく必要があることが示唆された。
森本 和寿
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.67, pp.123-136, 2021
