中元 崇 NAKAMOTO Takashi
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13460307)
vol.66, no.2, pp.109-125, 2020-03-31

The purpose of this study is to clarify what factors affect both the intentions and obstructions experienced for university staff members considering going to graduate school. In recent years with the advancement and specialization of jobs at higher education institutions, several graduate courses for university staff have been established. However, while some staff go to graduate school, the majority do not. This paper aim to explore the causes for this difference. A secondary analysis using the data from the "National University Administrative Staff Survey" was performed. The study found significant differences among several factors (age, presence / absence of knowledge to be learned, intention to take other learning opportunities, fields of interest, etc.) between those who had the intention to go to graduate school and those who did not. Similarly, there were significant differences among several factors that related to the work environment between those who felt obstructed to go to graduate school and those who did not. An analysis was performed to discern whether the intention of going to graduate school had relation with individual's perceived obstructive factors, yet no significant difference was related to individual intention. These results suggest the necessity to explore various measures more thoroughly such as methods to promote learning from an early stage, to communicate with employees to give them clear indication for career path, and to improve the work environment.
中嶋 哲彦 NAKAJIMA Tetsuhiko
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13460307)
vol.66, no.2, pp.1-32, 2020-03-31

From April 1998 to March 2020, I have been engaged in research and education on education administration, school law, and education policy at the Graduate School of Education and Development Sciences, Nagoya University. At the same time, he served concurrently as a member of Inuyama City Board of Education from October 2000 to September 2008, served as the chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Faculty and Staff Union of Japanese Universities (Zendaikyo) from July 2009 to June 2015, and served the Principal of Nagoya University Affiliated Upper and Lower Secondary Schools from April 2017 for two years. In addition, in April 2010, we joined the establishment of Nationwide Network for “End Child Poverty.” Through the activities of this civil association, I encouraged the Diet to enact and revise the Act on the Promotion of Poverty for Children, and to make connections between local citizens and local governments. Some people think that education and research in university should be distinguished from labor and social movements, but for me they all are on the same horizon. Has also participated. It may be a distinction between college education and research and the work and social movements, but for me they are all on the same horizon. I believe that the essence of learning lies in expanding oneself through the acquisition of new knowledges. Self-expansion is not about setting boundaries with others, but about creating a new self that incorporates others. Understanding others is also creating a new self. And a self that incorporates others is nothing but a self that loves others and can get angry for others. Also, I think that those who engage in social science have a responsibility to discover the social problems to be solved, analyze their essence, and propose solutions. By fulfilling this responsibility, academics can be socially recognized for their raison d’etre and secure their social and material existence base. In this paper, “1. Approach to Social Science” outlines the path that I have taken before reaching the social sciences, limited to before entering graduate school. I will introduce photos that represent my efforts from junior high school to university. And in “2. Modern Capitalist State and Neoliberal State Reform”, I sketch the understanding of the essence of the modern capitalist state and its neoliberal reform in the background of my pedagogical research. This part is part of the introduction included in my book “State and Education: Personality Formation for Love and Anger” (Seido-sha, March 2020).
野村 駿 太田 知彩 上地 香杜 加藤 一晃 内田 良 NOMURA Hayao OTA Kazusa KAMIJI Koto KATO Kazuaki UCHIDA Ryo
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13460307)
vol.65, no.2, pp.109-121, 2019-03-31

This paper uses the viewpoint of a teacher's past experience to reveal the mechanism that relates to a teacher's subjective feelings when coaching extracurricular club activities. Currently in Japan, there is much discussion of work-type reforms regarding the way teachers work in public and at academic levels. Various investigations show the situation of teachers in contemporary Japanese society as one of excessive overwork. In particular, for junior high school teachers, the temporal and psychological burden of monitoring club activities has been regarded as a problem. Although previous studies have pointed out problems due to extracurricular club activities, the problem of a teacher's subjective feelings – over-reacting, acting out, or passionately involved – has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, in this paper, we examine the mechanism by which teachers experience subjectively the coaching of extracurricular club activities. The results of this paper are as follows. Firstly, the temporal burden of coaching of extracurricular club activities falls hard on younger teachers. However, in all tasks, including club activities, young teachers express a desire for increased work, making it appear s though they were inviting themselves to be busier. Secondly, from the viewpoint of subjective enjoyment experienced from recalled participation their own junior high school and high school club activities, young teachers who found enjoyment from participating in current school club activities were those who had evaluated their own past club experiences positively, so tended to contribute a longer time to overseeing these activities as teachers. However, those teachers who recall their past club activities as not having been so enjoyable do not find the current participation in club activities as teachers so positively. Yet due that fact that they are young teachers, they are forced to instruct a club activity for a long time. Thirdly, there are many young teachers who have been involved in the same club activities consistently from their own junior high school years up through the present time; they derive pleasure from coaching the club activities so their time commitment for coaching is longer. At the same time among young teachers, there are many who do not enjoy being in charge of club activities they have themselves not experienced previously and dislike being forced to commit a long time for such guidance. In this paper, we have analyzed the issue of teachers' subjective feelings regarding responsibilities toward club activities and point out the necessity to set up opportunities during the pre-service teacher training stage for each pre-service teacher to express his/her own experience of past club activities.本稿は,日本教職員組合寄付金(「課題名:部活動のあり方に関する意識調査」研究代表:内田良)による研究成果の一部である。
大谷 尚 Otani Takashi
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13460307)
vol.54, no.2, pp.27-44, 2008-03 (Released:2008-04-10)

小論では,初学者が比較的容易に着手し得る質的データ分析のための手法SCAT(Steps for Coding and Theorization)を紹介する。この手法は,筆者自身の大学院ゼミでの指導を通して,その有効性を一定に検証しているとともに,質的研究手法に関するいくつかのワークショップで紹介し,その後,参加者によって実際に研究に使用されている。この手法では,観察記録や面接記録などの言語データをセグメント化し,そのそれぞれに,〈1〉データの中の着目すべき語句,〈2〉それを言いかえるためのデータ外の語句,〈3〉それを説明するための語句,〈4〉そこから浮き上がるテーマ・構成概念の順にコードを考案して付していく4ステップのコーディングと,そのテーマや構成概念を紡いでストーリー・ラインと理論を記述する手続きとからなる分析手法である。この手法は,一つだけのケースのデータやアンケートの自由記述欄などの比較的小さな質的データの分析にも有効である。小論ではその手続きを,具体的な分析例とともに示し,実施の際の注意点を述べている。この手法の意義は,分析手続きの明示化,分析の初段階への円滑な誘導,分析過程の省察可能性と反証可能性の増大,理論的コーディングと質的データ分析の統合である。 In this paper, the author introduces an easily accessible qualitative data analysis method, "SCAT" (Step Coding and Theorization). This method of qualitative analysis has been examined and proved effective through its practical usage in graduate seminars. The author has also intro-duced it in workshops in order that participants could utilize it in their own research. The analysis method consists of a four-step coding process in which the researcher edits segmented text, putting <1> focused words from within the text, <2> words outside of the text that are replaceable with the words from 1, <3> words which explain the words in 1 and 2, and <4> themes and constructs, including a process of writing a story-line and offering theories that weave together the themes and constructs. This method is applicable for analyses of small scale data as represented by one case or in the example of open-ended questionnaire responses. The detailed process of the method is shown in the examples of the analyses. The significance of the method is suggested in its explicit process of analysis, its smooth guidance towards the steps of analysis, the enhancement of the reflective quality of critique and falsifiability, and the integration of theoretical coding and qualitative data analysis.