41 0 0 0 OA 知の格差

長谷川 哲也 内田 良
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.259-280, 2014-05-31 (Released:2015-06-03)

本研究の目的は,大学図書館の図書資料費に関して,大学間の格差の実態とその推移を明らかにすることである。資料の電子化という地殻変動のなかで,大学間の格差はどう変容してきたのか。図書館研究と高等教育研究はいずれもこの問題を等閑視してきただけに,格差の全体像を丁寧に検証することが求められる。 とくに高等教育の資源格差は,各大学の機能の相異として是認されうるため,本研究では4つの視点──大学間の不均等度,大学階層間の開き,時間軸上の変化(縦断的視点),大学本体との比較(横断的視点)──を用いて多角的に分析をおこなう。分析には『日本の図書館』の個票データを用いた。国立大学法人化以降(2004-2011年度)の図書費,雑誌費,電子ジャーナル費に関して,「大学間格差」(個別大学間の不均等度)を算出し,さらに「大学階層間格差」(群間の開き)を明らかにした。 主な知見は次のとおりである。第一に,電子ジャーナル費では大学間の不均等度は縮小しているものの,階層間格差はむしろ拡がっている。これまで電子ジャーナルの購読では階層間格差は小さくなると考えられてきただけに,重要な知見である。第二に,雑誌費では大学間の不均等度が高くなり,さらに階層間格差が拡大するという,深刻な事態が生じている。「電子化」の背後で進むこれら図書資料費の「格差化」にいかに向き合うかが,大学図書館の今後の課題である。
上地 香杜 加藤 一晃 野村 駿 太田 知彩 内田 良 KAMIJI Koto KATO Kazuaki NOMURA Hayao OTA Kazusa UCHIDA Ryo
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13460307)
vol.65, no.2, pp.97-107, 2019-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to clarify how the existence of family for a teacher affects the way he/ she works, revealing gender differences. Recently in Japan a “work style reform” has been suggested in the hopes of alleviating overly long working hours as well as to better appreciate the diversity of working styles. This movement also includes adopting a more open attitude toward balancing childcare, nursing care, and career, so the reform also includes a focus on the family members of workers. This reform talk has encouraged active discussion about teachers’ work styles. However, where previous research has clarified the situation of long working hours and the resultant mental health of teachers, there are few studies focusing on diversity among teachers. In particular, there are few studies that focus on gender differences or on differences in family relationships among teachers. This paper, which focuses on gender differences in teaching takes into consideration the family style of teachers and the effect it has on the actual condition of teachers’ working styles. The following three has been clarified. (1) Working time commitment is shorter when a teacher has their own children. In addition, working hours tend to be shorter for female teachers. (2) Wheras women teachers express they feel busier when they have their own children, this tendency was not seen among male teachers with children. (3) Analyzing work hours and busyness, in general, teachers with children feel busier than teachers without children, with female teachers feeling four times busier than male teachers. This paper suggests a necessity to discuss the existence of teachers’ families when discussing the “work style reform” that will affect them.
内田 良
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.86, pp.201-221[含 英語文要旨], 2010

野村 駿 太田 知彩 上地 香杜 加藤 一晃 内田 良 NOMURA Hayao OTA Kazusa KAMIJI Koto KATO Kazuaki UCHIDA Ryo
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13460307)
vol.65, no.2, pp.109-121, 2019-03-31

This paper uses the viewpoint of a teacher’s past experience to reveal the mechanism that relates to a teacher’s subjective feelings when coaching extracurricular club activities. Currently in Japan, there is much discussion of work-type reforms regarding the way teachers work in public and at academic levels. Various investigations show the situation of teachers in contemporary Japanese society as one of excessive overwork. In particular, for junior high school teachers, the temporal and psychological burden of monitoring club activities has been regarded as a problem. Although previous studies have pointed out problems due to extracurricular club activities, the problem of a teacher’s subjective feelings – over-reacting, acting out, or passionately involved – has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, in this paper, we examine the mechanism by which teachers experience subjectively the coaching of extracurricular club activities. The results of this paper are as follows. Firstly, the temporal burden of coaching of extracurricular club activities falls hard on younger teachers. However, in all tasks, including club activities, young teachers express a desire for increased work, making it appear s though they were inviting themselves to be busier. Secondly, from the viewpoint of subjective enjoyment experienced from recalled participation their own junior high school and high school club activities, young teachers who found enjoyment from participating in current school club activities were those who had evaluated their own past club experiences positively, so tended to contribute a longer time to overseeing these activities as teachers. However, those teachers who recall their past club activities as not having been so enjoyable do not find the current participation in club activities as teachers so positively. Yet due that fact that they are young teachers, they are forced to instruct a club activity for a long time. Thirdly, there are many young teachers who have been involved in the same club activities consistently from their own junior high school years up through the present time; they derive pleasure from coaching the club activities so their time commitment for coaching is longer. At the same time among young teachers, there are many who do not enjoy being in charge of club activities they have themselves not experienced previously and dislike being forced to commit a long time for such guidance. In this paper, we have analyzed the issue of teachers’ subjective feelings regarding responsibilities toward club activities and point out the necessity to set up opportunities during the pre-service teacher training stage for each pre-service teacher to express his/her own experience of past club activities.
内田 良
愛知教育大学教育実践総合センタ-紀要 (ISSN:13442597)
no.12, pp.269-277, 2009-02

加藤 一晃 野村 駿 太田 知彩 上地 香杜 内田 良 KATO Kazuaki NOMURA Hayao OTA Kazusa KAMIJI Koto UCHIDA Ryo
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13460307)
vol.66, no.2, pp.199-209, 2020-03-31

From 1960’s, sports activities, such as Junior Sport Clubs Association and private sports club for elementary school age has been expanded. The purpose of this paper was to clarify the impact on junior high school extra-curricular club activities caused by the expansion of sports activities among elementary school age. Through analyzing the data acquired from questionnaire survey for junior high school teachers, we got the following results. 1. When looking at the athletic club as a whole, the clubs with few experienced students account for about 30 to 40%. However, there are about 20% of the clubs where almost all of them are made up of experienced students. And the clubs consisted by more experienced students practice more frequently and the participation frequency of practice games tend to be overheated. 2. The number of experienced people depends on the kind of sports, and there are many experienced students especially in baseball and soccer. There are few experienced players in badminton, tennis, “track and fields” and table tennis. The sports in which the more experienced students participate is likely to practice more frequently. From this result, it can be inferred that the expansion of sports opportunities at the elementary school level has increased the number of people already skilled at the time of entering junior high school, which has led to overheating. 3. However, even in the kind of sports with few experienced people, some clubs have many experienced students. As long as there are a lot of experienced people, there is a tendency to participate in high-level competitions. However, only in the case of baseball and soccer, practice time and practice game frequency correlate with the percentage of experienced players. In other kind of sports, there is no correlation between the number of experienced students and the time of activity or practice game frequency. For baseball and soccer, it is more common to experience in elementary school and then continue it in the junior high school sports club. This may have increased the impact of elementary school level experience not only on competition results but also on practice time or practice game frequency. Based on the above results, the importance of focusing on the continuity of sports from elementary school level to junior high school level was discussed.
内田 良 長谷川 哲也 上地 香杜
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.90, no.3, pp.422-434, 2023 (Released:2023-12-13)

内田 良
愛知教育大学教育実践総合センタ-紀要 (ISSN:13442597)
no.13, pp.203-210, 2010-02

内田 良
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.86, pp.201-221, 2010-06-30 (Released:2017-04-21)

本稿の目的は,「リスク」の理論と分析手法を用いて,学校管理下における各種事故の「実在」,とくに事故の発生確率を比較することから,学校安全に関する今日的な「認知」のあり方を批判的に検討し,エビデンスにもとづいた学校安全施策を提唱することである。 今日,学校安全の名のもと不審者対策に多くの資源が投入されている。いっぽう,学校における多種多様な事故を広く見渡して,事故の発生件数や確率を調べようとする試みは少ない。そこで本稿では多義的なリスク概念を手がかりに,次のように分析を進めた。 まず社会学のリスク論から,リスクは社会的に構築されるという視点を得た。事故は「認知」に左右される。次に自然科学の方法から,事故の「実在」に注目して各種死亡事故の発生確率を算出した。その結果,不審者犯罪よりも発生確率が高い事故が多くあることが明らかとなった。 学校事故の特殊性は,管理するという「決定」に,多くの主体(国,自治体,学校,保護者,地域住民)が容易に関与できる点である。このとき,「決定」はリスクをめぐるコミュニケーションを活性化させ,リスクに対する人びとの認知を敏感にさせていく。 本稿が提唱したいのは,危機感が増幅し始めた早い段階においてエビデンスが参照されることである。事故を管理しようとする意志が多くの主体に増幅していく前に,「決定」の大きな権力を有する教育行政が,エビデンスにもとづいた「決定」をなすべきである。
清水 睦美 内田 良
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.84, pp.103-121, 2009-05-31

The purpose of this paper is to review the qualitative researches that have been carried out in the last decade, in the field of sociology of education. First, we explore the studies in the new field of "sociology of education", which focus on the educational processes in school where students assimilate cultures under social control. These studies reveal demonstratively, for example, how a 'macro-level' educational idea takes shape in a 'micro-level' classroom, or how a change in the 'macro-level' educational situation is related to a change in the 'micro-level' classroom. Then, we examine the studies of education for the new comers, which area of study has been expanding and deepening recently. The new-comer students in Japan have been treated as minority, and researchers have applied the qualitative methods to look into the reality of the situation. Empirical researches, as well as critical ones, have led to the new studies which evaluate the educational practice theoretically. It must be noted that constructionism has played an important role on the development of qualitative researches. Social constructionists deal with educational discourse, deviant behavior and social problems, adopting observations of participants, interviews, and/or ethnographies. And, they apply the methodology to the problems specific to educational practice. Lastly, we consider relationship between the researcher and the subject, and raise a question how to describe the relationship in the articles. Qualitative researchers often interact face to face with their subjects, communicating with each other in the process of field work However, it all depends on the researcher to analyze the data and present them, even though the subject takes part in an active and important way. Consequently, the reader could not see what kind of relationship the researcher has with the subject, unless the writer describe anything about it. We divide researchers into a few groups, according to their styles of description of the relationship; (1) researcher in a position of social scientist, (2) researcher describing the relation in a way of; (a) making people aware of it, (b) utilizing it as research material. After examining these groups, we have reached the conclusion that researcher need to devote more attention to the process of observing and interviewing their subjects, and describing the result. When researchers make their own reports of the facts that they observe, they must always give detailed account of their methods. To promote the qualitative researches in the field of sociology of education, it is worth bearing in mind that the researcher should give an accurate description of the issue, as well as the methods they have adopted.
太田 知彩 上地 香杜 加藤 一晃 野村 駿 内田 良 OTA Kazusa KAMIJI Koto KATO Kazuaki NOMURA Hayao UCHIDA Ryo
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13460307)
vol.66, no.2, pp.211-219, 2020-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the actual situation of club activities in junior high school and teachers’ awareness of them by focusing on school size. Recently in Japan, there are a lot of discussions about work-type reforms regarding the way teachers work in public and academic levels because many surveys showed that the working hours of teachers in japan have been too long. And club activities have been pointed out as the cause of overworking, however, there have been few studies of the working hours of teachers and actual situations of club activities by focusing on school size. Therefore, in this paper, we examine the actual situation of club activities and how the teachers think about them by focusing the class size which means the number of students. The results of this paper are as follows. First, there are differences regarding working hours and hours of club activities depending on school size, which suggests that teachers who work at larger schools work much longer. Secondly, the larger schools offer more types of club activities yet less rest days from club activities during holidays. And the ratio of teachers who teach club activities is equal but teachers who work at smaller school coach alone. Finally, teachers who work at larger schools tend to prefer to coach club activities much longer than teachers who work at smaller schools. Regarding this, we suggested that teachers who work at larger schools have more chances to coach club activities for which they have had experience through their own junior high school years; also, they are able to coach prefered activities as there is a larger number of activities to choose from in a larger school. Based on the above, this paper suggests that the school size and the number of club activities play an important role in securing a workload more acceptable for teachers and their duties with club activities.
大塚雄作 内田良# 尾見康博 金子雅臣#

企画趣旨 日本教育心理学会でハラスメント防止委員会が発足し,総会時に同委員会の企画する講演会やシンポジウムが開催されるようになって,今年度で9回目を迎える。これまでの企画では,主にハラスメントに対する会員への啓発的な内容が取り上げられてきた。昨年11月の同委員会で本年度の企画について話し合われ,われわれ教育心理学の教育,研究に携わる者として小学校~高校の教育現場でのハラスメントの実際をもっと知る必要があるのではないかという提案があった。たしかに,教育現場でのハラスメントがマスコミで伝えられることが少なくないにも拘わらず,その実態を深く知る機会は少ない。そこで,今回は教育現場でのハラスメントのうち,部活動に焦点を当てて,教育社会学と教育心理学の立場からこの問題を研究されている,それぞれ内田良氏と尾見康博氏の2人の研究者にご登壇いただき,教育現場のハラスメントについて深く知る機会としたい。 なお,指定討論者を本防止委員会専門委員の金子雅臣氏,司会を本企画立案の中心となった大塚雄作前委員長が務める。大塚氏は京都大学アメリカンフットボール部長の経験ももつ。制度設計なき部活動のリスクと未来を考える内田 良 本報告では,「制度設計の不備」の視点から,学校の部活動に付随するリスク(ハラスメントや事故)を検討する。学習指導要領において部活動は,教育課程外ではあるものの「学校教育の一環」として「生徒の自主的,自発的な参加により行われる」というかたちで,学校の教育活動のなかに位置づけられている。この中途半端な位置づけによって,生徒はさまざまなハラスメントや事故のリスクに晒される。危険な場所での活動 部活動の練習はしばしば,廊下や階段を含むさまざまな空きスペースでおこなわれる。教育課程内の授業であれば,学習指導要領に定められた事項が適切に教育されるよう,施設(校舎外のグラウンドを含む)が用意されている。だが部活動においては,「学校教育の一環」であること以上の具体的な設計がなく,リソースも配分されていない。それゆえ一斉に部活動が開始されると,練習場所が不足し,不適当な空きスペースで練習がおこなわれ,事故のリスクが高まる。問われる外部指導者の質 部活動では,人的資源(専門的指導者)も不足している。教員は,部活動指導の専門家ではない。その解決策として,外部指導者の導入が進められている。ところが外部指導者も不足しているため,その質が問われないままに,生徒の指導が任されていく。指導者が外部の者である場合,学校や教育委員会の管理が届きにくく,また暴言・暴行事案を起こしても,介入が難しい。過熱が止まらない 教科というのは年間の標準的な時間数や単位数が決まっており,各クラスで時間割も組まれている。教えるべき内容も定まっている。このように制度設計が整っていると,50分の時間のなかで,授業が楽しくなる方法を教師は考える。他方で部活動では,活動時間をどれくらいに設定するかは,学校現場の自由裁量である。全国大会を頂点とする競争原理のもとに部活動が置かれている限りは,その活動実態はおのずと肥大化し,生徒に過酷な練習を突きつけることになる。 以上の3つのリスクを踏まえるならば,部活動を「自主的な活動」だと美化するわけにはいかない。むしろ,教育行政がそこに積極的に管理・介入することが,部活動のリスクを低減し,その持続可能性を高めていく。『主体的な学び』はハラスメント構造に風穴を開けられるか尾見康博 『ハラスメント』概念の登場によって,それまで後景に退いていたものが可視化され,女性をはじめ社会的弱者の(隠されていた)人権が認められるようになったことはたしかであろう。他方,現役大臣が「セクハラ罪という罪はない」と,セクハラの疑いのある部下をかばう発言をするなど,ハラスメントが軽く扱われることも少なくない。 部活においても,あたかも対応する刑罰がないから問題ないといわんばかりの指導がなされることがある。体罰を行使する指導者は体罰を『指導の一環』だと強弁することが多いし,身体的接触を伴わない怒号や罵声も「厳しい」「熱い」指導としていまだに受け入れられている。さらに深刻なのは,体罰を受けたと自認する者が受けた体罰を積極的にかつ前向きに容認していることであり,「たしかに殴られたが自分は体罰とは思っていない。厳しい指導をして下さって感謝している」といった受け止め方が珍しくないことである。 こうしたことの背景に,部活の集団組織としての特徴があると考えられる。そしてこの特徴は同時にハラスメントの背景にもなっていると考えられる。理不尽なことであっても顧問や先輩が絶対,といった『長幼の序』の過度の運用が部活において慣習化されていることがその一つである。たとえば,中学校に入ったとたん,誕生日が一日違うだけで「さん」とか「先輩」をつけて呼ばなければいけなくなったり敬語の使用が求められたりする。部活の場合にはさらに,後輩は先輩より先に集合しなければならない,などといった独自のルールが作られていることもある。こうした規律が厳しくなればなるほど,後輩は顧問や先輩に言われたことに疑問を感じても,何も言わずに黙って従うことが無難であり「正解」であり,主体的に考えないようになっていく。 逆に言えば,主体的に考えるような子どもたちばかりになれば,部活特有の規律は成立しにくくなる。そうした意味で,昨今の学校教育界隈で推奨されている『主体的な学び』に向けた積極的な取り組みは,部活の文化を変えることになるかもしれないし,逆に,部活が変わらなければ子どもたちに主体的に学ばせる習慣を身につけさせられなかったということになり,教育政策の失敗ということになるかもしれない。参考文献内田 良 (2019). 学校ハラスメント:暴力・セクハラ・部活動―なぜ教育は「行き過ぎる」か 朝日新書内田 良ほか (2018). 調査報告 学校の部活動と働き方改革:教師の意識と実態から考える 岩波ブックレット内田 良 (2017). ブラック部活動―子どもと先生の苦しみに向き合う 東洋館出版社内田 良 (2015). 教育という病―子どもと先生を苦しめる「教育リスク」 光文社新書尾見康博 (2019). 日本の部活(BUKATSU)―文化と心理・行動を読み解く ちとせプレス尾見康博 (2019). 日本の部活の特殊性 心と社会(日本精神衛生会),175,115-119.Omi, Y. (2019). Corporal punishment in extracurricular sports activities (bukatsu) represents an aspect of Japanese culture. In L. Tateo., (ed.) Educational dilemmas: A Cultural psychological perspective. Routledge, pp.139-145.Omi, Y. (2015). The potential of the globalization of education in Japan: The Japanese style of school sports activities (Bukatsu). In G. Marsico, V. Dazzani, M. Ristum, & A.C.S., Bastos (eds.) Educational contexts and borders through a cultural lens: Looking inside, viewing outside. Springer, pp.255-266.

8 0 0 0 OA 柔道

内田良平 (一元道人) 著
長谷川 哲也 内田 良
大学図書館研究 (ISSN:03860507)
vol.108, pp.1718, 2018-03-31 (Released:2018-03-07)

加藤 史訓 諏訪 義雄 鳩貝 聡 本間 基寛 内田 良始
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) (ISSN:18842399)
vol.68, no.2, pp.I_326-I_330, 2012 (Released:2012-11-15)

We proposed a method to estimate tsunami inundation area according to tsunami height predicted by Japan Meteorological Agency. Fault models that corresponded to the predicted tsunami height for the southern part of the Sendai plain were extracted from 3,404 combinations of fault model parameters for both near-field tsunamis and far-field tsunamis. Tsunami inundation area was estimated by numerical simulations with the extracted fault models considering ground subsidence caused by the earthquakes. Area and depth of tsunami inundation can be estimated at the time of tsunami warnings by preparing a database system on the largest inundation areas of each tsunami height range based on our method.
長谷川 哲也 内田 良
愛知教育大学教育創造開発機構紀要 (ISSN:21860793)
vol.1, pp.1-9, 2011-03-31

内田 良
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.68, pp.187-206, 2001-05-25 (Released:2011-03-18)
3 1

Much of the discussion on child abuse is influenced by the medical andpsychological perspectives. Child abuse, however, is also a sociologicalissue. The purpose of this study is, by approaching the life-world of abusedchildren, to consider the stigmatization and psychological damage that isbrought on by the stigmatization. For children, and especially for abusedchildren, experiences in the family of orientation have very significantmeanings. When we think of the experience of abuse through a sociologicalperspective, we find there are important points in how the abused interpretshis/her experiences in the family, from which we can discover thepossibility of the stigmatization.The first section is an introduction, from a sociological perspective, to the problem of child abuse. The second, which is a review of earlierliterature discussing the relationship between child abuse and stigma, formsthe overall perspective for this study. The concept of stigma is also reviewed.In the third, three cases of abuse are analyzed from the viewpoint of socialinteractionism. The data obtained from the cases is summarized in thefourth section, and the implications of this study are discussed in the last.Oral life histories of abused children explain how stigmatizationoccurs and how the psychological damage is created (and occasionallyreduced) through interactions with others under the norm of familyaffection. This research may be quite significant as psychological damageis usually discussed within the medical and psychological perspectives, but not dealt with from the basis of social stigmatization.
内田 良
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.71, pp.89-109, 2002-10-31 (Released:2011-03-18)

The purpose of this study is to consider the definitions of child abuse by professionals, and the aims behind these definitions, and to clarify, with reference to the opinions of abusers, the issue of definitions in the course of support. The nuance of cruelty of the word “abuse”(in Japanese, gyakutai), is a key to this discussion.In recent decades, broad definition based on the welfare of children has become popular, but we have not paid great attention to the way the word gyakutai is used. Some earlier literature have suggested, in a summary way, the problems of definition, while others have researched and illustrated differences and consensus among professionals or lay people, leading to quantitative analysis. This literature is lacking in examinations of the relation between the professional and the abuser. In this study, with the aim of achieving the purpose suggested before, I conducted interviews with eleven helpers engaged in different jobs, and also interviewed a mother who had abused her child and referred to autobiographies and articles written by abusers. In analyzing the data, I took the stance of presuming that what a person perceives to be problems is precisely what should be looked at by the researcher.The results of the research are as follows. The definitions formulated by helpers were not necessarily based on social roles. Although many mothers felt that their treatment of their children was inappropriate, they did not define their actions as gyakutai. The definition by a helper depends more on whether he/she is mainly concerned with the welfare of children, leading to a broad definition, or the emotion of mothers, leading to narrow one, rather than on his/her social role. It is interesting to note that in the course of providing support, helpers who agree on the broad definition avoid using gyakutai, just like those who prefer the narrow sense, because of concern over the nuance of cruelty that gyakutai can have.It should be concluded, as stated above, that when we support or intervene in a case, or enlighten people, it is necessary to propose that gyakutai be the term not for condemning the abusers but for promoting the welfare of children and supporting the parents.
内田 良一
Drug Delivery System (ISSN:09135006)
vol.33, no.4, pp.252-258, 2018-09-25 (Released:2018-12-25)
