野村 駿
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.103, pp.25-45, 2018-11-30 (Released:2020-06-26)

本稿の目的は,「音楽で成功する」といった夢を掲げ,その実現に向けて活動するロック系バンドのミュージシャン(以下,バンドマン)を事例に,夢の実現可能性に関する解釈実践の内実を検討し,若者が夢を追い続ける社会的背景を明らかにすることである。バンドマンを対象とした質的調査の結果に基づき,次の4点を明らかにした。 第1に,夢の実現可能性に関するバンドマンの語りの特徴として,可能性と限界という2つの認識が内包されていることを示した。そして,なぜ夢の実現可能性に限界を感じながら,夢を追い続けることができるのかを検討した。 その結果,第2に,「夢の実現には時間がかかる」という認識枠組みが獲得されることによって,また第3に,周囲のバンド仲間の状況を選択的に参照する行為によって,夢を実現できていない自己の正当化と将来における夢の実現期待が同時に達成されることで,夢を追い続けることが可能になっていると指摘した。加えて,第4に,夢の実現可能性を低く見積もる因習的見解からの作用が,バンドマンの夢追いアスピレーションを加熱させることで,夢追いの継続という意図せざる帰結を導いてしまうことを明らかにした。 以上の知見をもとに,先行研究で論じられてきた進路選択・進路指導の実践を再考し,教育社会学においても積極的に学校外部へと視野を広げて,子ども・若者の進路選択プロセスを検討する必要があると論じた。
野村 駿
東海社会学会年報 (ISSN:18839452)
vol.10, pp.122-132, 2018-07

本稿の目的は,「音楽で成功する」といった夢を掲げ,その実現に向けて活動するロック系バンドのミュージシャン(以下,バンドマン)を事例に,夢を追う若者がフリーターを積極的に選択・維持するプロセスとその背景を,若者文化の側面に着目して明らかにすることである. 若者の学校から職業への移行を扱ったこれまでの研究が,フリーターを積極的に選択・維持する若者の移行過程を看過してきたという問題意識から,バンドマンを対象とした聞き取り調査のデータを分析し,次の3つの知見を導出した.第1に,バンドマンはバンド活動を「やりたいこと」だと見なしながら,それと同時にバンドメンバー同士の相互作用の中でフリーターを選択していた.第2に,バンドマンはライブ出演に向けてメンバー間で場所と時間を共有する必要があることからフリーターを選択・維持していた.第3に,フリーターであることによって生起する金銭的困難が,バンドという活動形態の集団性とバンド単位で支払いを求める音楽業界の料金システムによって緩和されていた. 以上の知見を踏まえ,バンドという活動形態の集団性と音楽業界の料金システムが若者文化の内部構造として存在するために,それに適応しなければ夢が追えないバンドマンは合理的な進路としてフリーターを積極的に選択・維持していると結論付けた.
野村 駿
労働社会学研究 (ISSN:13457357)
vol.20, pp.1-23, 2019 (Released:2019-03-30)

This study aims to reveal the working conditions and problems experienced in the process of occupational achievement through a case study of rock musicians intending to make a living from musical activities. In particular, this investigation focuses on the network they form for live performances. Accordingly, data were gathered from interviews with 24rock musicians, who performed in various concerts. Of those 24, the narratives of 8rock musicians are included in this paper. The results revealed the following. First, rock musicians form their networks strategically; they change their connections with the people in their network depending on the differences in the cities in which they perform. Second, the networks they form carry out the following instrumental and expressive functions: give the opportunity to appear in live concerts, provide concrete advice on live performances, and support their positive self-image. Third, these networks exploit the musicians’ labor and make it difficult for them to achieve success in their occupation. This study notes that rock musicians are exploited both at live music clubs and in management offices, even when the exploitation is not intentional. As a result, musicians find it challenging to work there, and these problematic situations are difficult to address due to the uncertainties of the music industry.
上地 香杜 加藤 一晃 野村 駿 太田 知彩 内田 良 KAMIJI Koto KATO Kazuaki NOMURA Hayao OTA Kazusa UCHIDA Ryo
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13460307)
vol.65, no.2, pp.97-107, 2019-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to clarify how the existence of family for a teacher affects the way he/ she works, revealing gender differences. Recently in Japan a “work style reform” has been suggested in the hopes of alleviating overly long working hours as well as to better appreciate the diversity of working styles. This movement also includes adopting a more open attitude toward balancing childcare, nursing care, and career, so the reform also includes a focus on the family members of workers. This reform talk has encouraged active discussion about teachers’ work styles. However, where previous research has clarified the situation of long working hours and the resultant mental health of teachers, there are few studies focusing on diversity among teachers. In particular, there are few studies that focus on gender differences or on differences in family relationships among teachers. This paper, which focuses on gender differences in teaching takes into consideration the family style of teachers and the effect it has on the actual condition of teachers’ working styles. The following three has been clarified. (1) Working time commitment is shorter when a teacher has their own children. In addition, working hours tend to be shorter for female teachers. (2) Wheras women teachers express they feel busier when they have their own children, this tendency was not seen among male teachers with children. (3) Analyzing work hours and busyness, in general, teachers with children feel busier than teachers without children, with female teachers feeling four times busier than male teachers. This paper suggests a necessity to discuss the existence of teachers’ families when discussing the “work style reform” that will affect them.
野村 駿
東海社会学会年報 (ISSN:18839452)
no.10, pp.122-132, 2018-07

本稿の目的は,「音楽で成功する」といった夢を掲げ,その実現に向けて活動するロック系バンドのミュージシャン(以下,バンドマン)を事例に,夢を追う若者がフリーターを積極的に選択・維持するプロセスとその背景を,若者文化の側面に着目して明らかにすることである. 若者の学校から職業への移行を扱ったこれまでの研究が,フリーターを積極的に選択・維持する若者の移行過程を看過してきたという問題意識から,バンドマンを対象とした聞き取り調査のデータを分析し,次の3つの知見を導出した.第1に,バンドマンはバンド活動を「やりたいこと」だと見なしながら,それと同時にバンドメンバー同士の相互作用の中でフリーターを選択していた.第2に,バンドマンはライブ出演に向けてメンバー間で場所と時間を共有する必要があることからフリーターを選択・維持していた.第3に,フリーターであることによって生起する金銭的困難が,バンドという活動形態の集団性とバンド単位で支払いを求める音楽業界の料金システムによって緩和されていた. 以上の知見を踏まえ,バンドという活動形態の集団性と音楽業界の料金システムが若者文化の内部構造として存在するために,それに適応しなければ夢が追えないバンドマンは合理的な進路としてフリーターを積極的に選択・維持していると結論付けた.
野村 駿 太田 知彩 上地 香杜 加藤 一晃 内田 良 NOMURA Hayao OTA Kazusa KAMIJI Koto KATO Kazuaki UCHIDA Ryo
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13460307)
vol.65, no.2, pp.109-121, 2019-03-31

This paper uses the viewpoint of a teacher’s past experience to reveal the mechanism that relates to a teacher’s subjective feelings when coaching extracurricular club activities. Currently in Japan, there is much discussion of work-type reforms regarding the way teachers work in public and at academic levels. Various investigations show the situation of teachers in contemporary Japanese society as one of excessive overwork. In particular, for junior high school teachers, the temporal and psychological burden of monitoring club activities has been regarded as a problem. Although previous studies have pointed out problems due to extracurricular club activities, the problem of a teacher’s subjective feelings – over-reacting, acting out, or passionately involved – has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, in this paper, we examine the mechanism by which teachers experience subjectively the coaching of extracurricular club activities. The results of this paper are as follows. Firstly, the temporal burden of coaching of extracurricular club activities falls hard on younger teachers. However, in all tasks, including club activities, young teachers express a desire for increased work, making it appear s though they were inviting themselves to be busier. Secondly, from the viewpoint of subjective enjoyment experienced from recalled participation their own junior high school and high school club activities, young teachers who found enjoyment from participating in current school club activities were those who had evaluated their own past club experiences positively, so tended to contribute a longer time to overseeing these activities as teachers. However, those teachers who recall their past club activities as not having been so enjoyable do not find the current participation in club activities as teachers so positively. Yet due that fact that they are young teachers, they are forced to instruct a club activity for a long time. Thirdly, there are many young teachers who have been involved in the same club activities consistently from their own junior high school years up through the present time; they derive pleasure from coaching the club activities so their time commitment for coaching is longer. At the same time among young teachers, there are many who do not enjoy being in charge of club activities they have themselves not experienced previously and dislike being forced to commit a long time for such guidance. In this paper, we have analyzed the issue of teachers’ subjective feelings regarding responsibilities toward club activities and point out the necessity to set up opportunities during the pre-service teacher training stage for each pre-service teacher to express his/her own experience of past club activities.
加藤 一晃 野村 駿 太田 知彩 上地 香杜 内田 良 KATO Kazuaki NOMURA Hayao OTA Kazusa KAMIJI Koto UCHIDA Ryo
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13460307)
vol.66, no.2, pp.199-209, 2020-03-31

From 1960’s, sports activities, such as Junior Sport Clubs Association and private sports club for elementary school age has been expanded. The purpose of this paper was to clarify the impact on junior high school extra-curricular club activities caused by the expansion of sports activities among elementary school age. Through analyzing the data acquired from questionnaire survey for junior high school teachers, we got the following results. 1. When looking at the athletic club as a whole, the clubs with few experienced students account for about 30 to 40%. However, there are about 20% of the clubs where almost all of them are made up of experienced students. And the clubs consisted by more experienced students practice more frequently and the participation frequency of practice games tend to be overheated. 2. The number of experienced people depends on the kind of sports, and there are many experienced students especially in baseball and soccer. There are few experienced players in badminton, tennis, “track and fields” and table tennis. The sports in which the more experienced students participate is likely to practice more frequently. From this result, it can be inferred that the expansion of sports opportunities at the elementary school level has increased the number of people already skilled at the time of entering junior high school, which has led to overheating. 3. However, even in the kind of sports with few experienced people, some clubs have many experienced students. As long as there are a lot of experienced people, there is a tendency to participate in high-level competitions. However, only in the case of baseball and soccer, practice time and practice game frequency correlate with the percentage of experienced players. In other kind of sports, there is no correlation between the number of experienced students and the time of activity or practice game frequency. For baseball and soccer, it is more common to experience in elementary school and then continue it in the junior high school sports club. This may have increased the impact of elementary school level experience not only on competition results but also on practice time or practice game frequency. Based on the above results, the importance of focusing on the continuity of sports from elementary school level to junior high school level was discussed.
太田 知彩 上地 香杜 加藤 一晃 野村 駿 内田 良 OTA Kazusa KAMIJI Koto KATO Kazuaki NOMURA Hayao UCHIDA Ryo
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13460307)
vol.66, no.2, pp.211-219, 2020-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the actual situation of club activities in junior high school and teachers’ awareness of them by focusing on school size. Recently in Japan, there are a lot of discussions about work-type reforms regarding the way teachers work in public and academic levels because many surveys showed that the working hours of teachers in japan have been too long. And club activities have been pointed out as the cause of overworking, however, there have been few studies of the working hours of teachers and actual situations of club activities by focusing on school size. Therefore, in this paper, we examine the actual situation of club activities and how the teachers think about them by focusing the class size which means the number of students. The results of this paper are as follows. First, there are differences regarding working hours and hours of club activities depending on school size, which suggests that teachers who work at larger schools work much longer. Secondly, the larger schools offer more types of club activities yet less rest days from club activities during holidays. And the ratio of teachers who teach club activities is equal but teachers who work at smaller school coach alone. Finally, teachers who work at larger schools tend to prefer to coach club activities much longer than teachers who work at smaller schools. Regarding this, we suggested that teachers who work at larger schools have more chances to coach club activities for which they have had experience through their own junior high school years; also, they are able to coach prefered activities as there is a larger number of activities to choose from in a larger school. Based on the above, this paper suggests that the school size and the number of club activities play an important role in securing a workload more acceptable for teachers and their duties with club activities.
野村 駿
東海社会学会年報 (ISSN:18839452)
vol.10, pp.122-132, 2018

野村 駿 太田 知彩 上地 香杜 加藤 一晃 内田 良 NOMURA Hayao OTA Kazusa KAMIJI Koto KATO Kazuaki UCHIDA Ryo
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13460307)
vol.65, no.2, pp.109-121, 2019-03-31

This paper uses the viewpoint of a teacher's past experience to reveal the mechanism that relates to a teacher's subjective feelings when coaching extracurricular club activities. Currently in Japan, there is much discussion of work-type reforms regarding the way teachers work in public and at academic levels. Various investigations show the situation of teachers in contemporary Japanese society as one of excessive overwork. In particular, for junior high school teachers, the temporal and psychological burden of monitoring club activities has been regarded as a problem. Although previous studies have pointed out problems due to extracurricular club activities, the problem of a teacher's subjective feelings – over-reacting, acting out, or passionately involved – has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, in this paper, we examine the mechanism by which teachers experience subjectively the coaching of extracurricular club activities. The results of this paper are as follows. Firstly, the temporal burden of coaching of extracurricular club activities falls hard on younger teachers. However, in all tasks, including club activities, young teachers express a desire for increased work, making it appear s though they were inviting themselves to be busier. Secondly, from the viewpoint of subjective enjoyment experienced from recalled participation their own junior high school and high school club activities, young teachers who found enjoyment from participating in current school club activities were those who had evaluated their own past club experiences positively, so tended to contribute a longer time to overseeing these activities as teachers. However, those teachers who recall their past club activities as not having been so enjoyable do not find the current participation in club activities as teachers so positively. Yet due that fact that they are young teachers, they are forced to instruct a club activity for a long time. Thirdly, there are many young teachers who have been involved in the same club activities consistently from their own junior high school years up through the present time; they derive pleasure from coaching the club activities so their time commitment for coaching is longer. At the same time among young teachers, there are many who do not enjoy being in charge of club activities they have themselves not experienced previously and dislike being forced to commit a long time for such guidance. In this paper, we have analyzed the issue of teachers' subjective feelings regarding responsibilities toward club activities and point out the necessity to set up opportunities during the pre-service teacher training stage for each pre-service teacher to express his/her own experience of past club activities.本稿は,日本教職員組合寄付金(「課題名:部活動のあり方に関する意識調査」研究代表:内田良)による研究成果の一部である。
坂本 寛和 中村 優太 野村 駿 濱中 真太郎 山口 実靖 小林 亜樹
vol.2015, no.10, pp.1-8, 2015-01-19

Android 搭載端末をはじめとするスマートフォンの課題の一つに,消費電力の大きさがあり,ユーザの意識調査では最大の不満点となっている.本研究では,出力 RGB 値と消費電力・照度の関係の調査結果を示す.そして,その結果に基づいた RGB 値の制御により消費電力を削減する手法を提案する.通常手法 (端末の明るさ設定) で消費電力の低減を行った場合と提案手法を用いて消費電力の低減を行った場合の消費電力を比較した結果,通常手法,提案手法ともに同程度に消費電力を減少させることが可能であることが分かった.また,通常手法と提案手法においてほぼ同等の消費電力のときにどちらの手法による表示方法が見やすいかを主観評価により調査を行った.結果,メールやブラウザなどのテキスト表示において提案手法が有効であることが分かった.