Usmanova Larisa
北東アジア研究 (ISSN:13463810)
no.10, pp.45-66, 2006-01

The paper focuses on the migration of Russian Turk-Tatars (Idel-Ural Tatars) to the Northeast Asia from 1898 up to the 1950^<th>. It is one of rare attempts to make a historical review based on sociological concepts for one of the large non-Russian speaking national part of Russian emigre Diaspora in this region. The paper presents an up-to-date account of migration based on a review of Tatar-language magazines and newspaper that has been publishing during the pre-war period by Turk-Tatars emigrants in the Eastern Asia and Europe, especially Milli Bairak (1935-1945, Mukden), Yana Yapon Mohbiri (1933-1938, Tokyo), Yana Milli Yol (1929-1939, Berlin). The author argues that "Turk-Tatar Diaspora" is preferable definition comparing with others. She presents five historical migration periods of Turk-Tatars' presence in the Eastern Asia: in the first period (from 1898 up to the 1917) the migration of Turk-Tatars from Russian Empire into the Eastern Asia started, the second period (from 1917 up to 1933) characterized by flow of immigrants escaping Russian civil war and Soviet regime, the third period (from 1933 up to 1939) has shown a raising of nationalism among Turk-Tatars, during the forth period (from 1939 up to August of 1945) Turk-Tatar Diaspora has been weakening and during last period (from September of 19459 up to 1960) it has been disappearing. The author shows how their identity shifts provoked the community evolution from a Muslim community (mahallya) into a national society with a distinct political goal, that latter being recovery of national statehood together with retention of Islamic origin of spiritual life. In contrast to standard interpretations, she concludes that Turk-Tatar Diaspora Muslim community had influenced on development of Islam in this region. This paper is based on unpublished materials, including ones from Russian Federation Federal Security Agency Archive, The National Library and The National Archive Republic of Tatarstan, the Hamilton Library of the University of Hawaii, The Library of Japanese congress, the Archive of Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japanese, Russian, German universities and libraries and private archives of Tatar Diaspora representatives.
江口 伸吾 Shingo EGUCHI
北東アジア研究 = Shimane journal of North East Asian research : North East Asian region (ISSN:13463810)
no.29, pp.53-69, 2018-03-31

This article clarifies the evolution and features of Chinese 'deliberative democracy', which has drawn attention with its importance in 'the opinions of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening the Work of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference', publicly disclosed on February 8th, 2006, and contributed to the construction of the institution by publishing another document proposing to promote socialist consultative democracy on February 10th, 2015. From a viewpoint of 'the modernization of the state governance system and capacity', which was raised in the third plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee on November 12th, 2013, this article seeks to explore not only the purpose of 'deliberative democracy', which is inherent to democracy, but also the political and social context functioning as a tool of state governance. In so doing, this paper examines Zhejiang province as a wide variety of practices about 'deliberative democracy' in Chinese grassroots society including 'democratic deliberation' in Wenling city and 'village sage council' in Deqing county. This paper also considers the process of reconstructing consultative authoritarianism, which is currently attempting to balance democracy with governance in the Chinese government.
貴志 俊彦
北東アジア研究 (ISSN:13463810)
no.1, pp.245-268, 2001-03

I Under the Circumstances Leading up to the Foundation of NCTT : The Telecommunications Problems of the East Hebei District and Hebei-Chahar District before and after the Lukouqiao Incident II The Trend of NCTT under the East Asian Telecommunication Block System III The Reorganization of NCTT on the Final War System This article is a basic research for summing up the East Asian media history in the former century and establishing the historical viewpoints to foresee the forthcoming multimedia society in the 21st century. From the viewpoint of the political cultural media history, I argue various topics about NCTT, which was established in Aug. 1938 and was famous as the nonpolitical telecommunication company in North China. Fortunately, there are 2, 256 volumes of documents about NCTT written in Japanese at the 2nd Historical Archives (Nanjing). So we can research the wartime telecommunication block and control system by using them. Before the Chinese-Japanese War, Manchuria Telegraph & Telephone Co. (MTT) took advantage of the agreement to reform the telecommunication system with the Autonomous Committee in East Hebei and got the opportunity for invading beyond the Great Wall. After Lukouqiao Incident, MTT established telecommunication bureaus at Tianjin and Beijing and began to control the telecommunication system of major cities in North China area. But NCTT encountered many difficulties, which Japan's North China Garrison Army compelled it to undertake. And it had to manage its own business under the contradictory control between MTT, which was looking forward to construct the second Manchuria Kingdom, and Japanese Ministry of Telecommunication (JMT), which was seeking to extend the Japanese Style System. And to oppose against Chongqing Nationalist Government and the Chinese Communist Party, NCTT had to develop original and applicable technologies (ex. nonloaded cable, a Japanese telegraph code, and so on) and to seek "Enclosed Innovation" under East Asian Telecommunication Block Regime. In April 1941, NCTT was attempting to integrate and coordinate the East Asian Telegraph Telephone System, which included North China, Manchuria, Mongol, and Central China. This new system would mean that the JMT leading Japanese system would came to include the networks of North China and Central China. NCTT's Organization was changed into decentralized Local General Bureaus at Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, Jinan, Taiyuan, and Xuzhou. In December 1941, as the Asia-Pacific War broken out, North China and Central China came to be important regions as military base for entering the South area. As the System moved to a wartime structure, rising prices and the lack of materials had serious impact on NCTT. In January 1942, according to the Telecommunication Business Agreement of East Asia Mutual Prosperity Bloc, a new mutual aid system was introduced to an integrated structure within the area of Japanese Imperial domination. But in fact, this united structure had many systematic problems. In January 1943, the Nationalist Government decided to join World War II , the managing condition of NCTT became tense. In 1944, the telecommunication functions were gradually paralyzed, so by 1945, NCTT could no longer manage them at all. On the other hand, in 1941, after the Nationwide Telecommunication Conference, the Nationalist Government was set to reform the domestic long-distant telephone network. And by using wireless networks, it could escape deviating from worldwide telecommunication networks. The contrast between these strategies and the visions of NCTT was remarkable.
井上 厚史
北東アジア研究 (ISSN:13463810)
no.10, pp.67-93, 2006-01

The history of Korean Confucianism usually reminds us of complicated schools and severe struggles among them. These make us difficult to grasp the total characteristic of that. Especially there are few number of Japanese researchers who have interest in the suddern change of Korean Confucianism in modern era into being religious and also few number of papers which have treated this phenomenon. Korean Confucianism seems to be deeply concerned not to logic but to mind, which is different from Chinese and Japanese Confucianism. Historically the most important matter in Korean Confucianism is a 'mind study' (心学) indispensable to think of the meaning of life. This paper analyzed the genealogical transition of the 'mind study' in Korean Confucianism since 16^<th> century to 19^<th> century, namely from Lee Toe Gye ;李退溪, Lee Song Ho ;李星湖, Chong Yag Yong: 丁若〓and Choi Che Oo ;崔済愚. These famous Korean Confucians of different schools have common interest in mind ;心in their interpretation of Confucian classics. Korea had to generate her own modern identity against Western Impact and Japanese invasion in modern era. Under this situation Korean Confucians rediscover the long tradition of 'mind study'. They managed to create a Korean modern identity through the reexamination of traditional mind study to overcome Western civilization including that of Japan. This big challenge in the world of Korean Confucianism made the Korean Confucianism a very religious one.
スゴメドフ A. K. 伏田 寛範
北東アジア研究 (ISSN:13463810)
vol.8, pp.45-68, 2005-01

This paper is important in many ways and is strongly relevant to contemporary policy issues. On the threshold of 21-st Century the Caspian became a hot crossroad in terms of pipelines and the new cargo-transportation routes. The Caspian Basin earned the title of the energy treasure-trove of the twenty-first century. The leading American research centers look at them as an extension of the oil field of Iran and the Middle East in general. Experts of the Nixon Center for Peace and Freedom describes the area between the mouth of the Volga and Oman "The Strategic Energy Ellipse". In addition, the North-South transportation corridor is one of the largest and most strategically important investment projects involving Russia's active participation. This situation is raising extremely important problem for modern Eurasia: perspectives Caspian region in context of development security for pipelines and transit corridors. But these aspects have been largely ignored hitherto. The originality of the proposed study is following. Most international discussion of oil-pipeline and communication politics focus on the macro-politics of the process: the pattern of international relations and alliances that states enter into as part of their development strategy. Such approaches, while necessary of course, tend to overstate the homogeneity and rationality of the state as a political actor. My research will turn attention to the Meso- and Micro-politics of the process: the interregional, domestic and local political and economic maneuvering that accompanies and shapes the drawing up of pipeline projects and their actual construction and operation. So, I'm using "Mega-, Meso- and Micro-region" conceptual framework within which different political forces and incentives is address policy issues. A general context of study-long-term globalization and regionalization in Eurasia. Using this method I suggest an innovative analytical element in my article. Within this approach I'm involving a Global, Regional and Local kinds of political motives regarding the Caspian pipelines at the end 1990-s and the beginning of 21st Century. This levels represents different political interests and egoisms, social expectations and responsibilities. Thus, I scrutinize this political incentives and motives on roulette principle by unfolding all levels: from the Local to the Global. As a result currently there is no single "Great Game" in Caspian area, but a set of "games", which is consists the interests and aspirations of the main geopolitical, regional powers and the local communities as well as business-actors. This analytical approach would suggest a new imaginative perspective to area studies in general which are in blind alley (See "Slavic Research Center News". Annual Newsletter of the Slavic Research Center. Sapporo. Hokkaido University. No.11. December 2003). This paper is base on firsthand materials and studies the policy of the Russian regions along the Caspian area. My paper to date involved personnel interviews, sociological surveys, local press and documents of the Protocol Departments of regional administrations and local self-administered groups. This included interviewing members of the local administrative, representative and business entities (city and regional heads of administration and their deputies and department heads ; chairs of committees of the regional and city assemblies ; and directors and other senior staff of large enterprises) about the coverage of local policymaking, together with the objectives of it and the perceived pressure on it. Today is clear that Caspian region turned into a geopolitical apple of discord where interests of many states clash. Although there are common challenges and common patterns across the whole region such as terrorism, at present the Caspian region does not constitute a unified and homogenous whole.