井戸 一元
名古屋外国語大学現代国際学部紀要 (ISSN:13499602)
no.8, pp.19-53, 2012-03

会計基準を設定する際のアプローチの仕方には2種類ある。「生成・一般承認アプローチ」(evolving, general acceptance approach)(Type A)と、「企画設計・概念ベーストアプローチ」(designing, conceptual based approach)(Type B)である。 国際財務報告基準(IFRS)の設定は、Type Bによってなされている。しかし、それは、現実の会計実務からは乖離した会計基準の設定となる潜在性をもっているために、世界各国それぞれの国によって異なった詳細な基準実施ルールを生み出してしまい、その結果、財務諸表の国際比較可能性を強化することはできない。 そこで本稿では、日本の財務報告と会計規制をめぐる検討課題を整理し、会計規制を設定するアプローチの仕方に立ち返った上でその解決策を、会計基準を設定するための基準、すなわち「メタ・ルール」(Meta-Rule)に考察を加えることにより、「事実上の標準」(de facto standard)とするための道を検討したい。
安達 理恵
名古屋外国語大学現代国際学部紀要 (ISSN:13499602)
no.6, pp.255-278, 2010-03

This study focuses on the intercultural attitudes of Japanese students. The number of foreigners in Japan has increased year after year, and it is expected that there will be more opportunities for Japanese to have contact with people from different cultural backgrounds than ever. The aim of this study is to investigate the "Intercultural receptive attitude" of Japanese junior high school students and its effect factors. The intercultural receptive attitude differs from intercultural adaptation on the minority side such as outsiders or sojourners. It indicates the attitude on the majority part toward people with different cultures. The writer conducted a survey on junior high school students' attitudes toward foreigners and some influential factors in a local city in Aichi prefecture in February, 2007. This study analyzed 251 subjects and found that students have a certain amount of the intercultural receptive attitude. There are some influential factors such as kindness without bias, interests in foreign cultures, impressions of foreigners, interests in English language and interests in foreign languages spoken in Japan. The writer concluded that junior high school students' attitudes have a much simpler structure than the attitudes of older people, which can consist of two factors as was shown in her previous study and that the students' impressions of foreigners and their appreciation of human diversity have a great influence on their attitudes.