橘 日出来
日本ニュージーランド学会誌 (ISSN:18839304)
vol.20, pp.54-66, 2013-06-15 (Released:2017-04-15)

The aim of this paper is to investigate the origin of Maori pa(fortified village) from the viewpoint of kumara(sweet potato) which is considered to be one of the principal food for Maori people. First, I present the outline of the previous research concerning kumara and pa. Second, factors related to kumara cultivation such as claimate, soil, and etc. are examined. Third, technology or art concerning kumara cultivation will be considered. Forth, characteristics of kumara as a food will be investigated. Finally, based on the above mentioned characteristics related to kumara, I will frame a hypothesis and try to demonstrate the hypothesis as follows; that is, kumara cultivation invites people to kumara land, and the population there increases, as a result there happens shortage of kumara, therefore, conflicts as to acquisition of kumara garden among the tribes concerned break out, and each tribe takes necessary measures to protect the people and property and begins construction of fortified villages, thus pa originates in the kumara land among others in the northern part of North Island, Aotearoa where provides suitable field for kumara cultivation. As a coclusion, my premise from kumara cultivation to pa construction is proved, I think. That is to say, the origin of Maori pa is directory and closely related to kumara cultivation.
山本 英嗣
日本ニュージーランド学会誌 (ISSN:18839304)
vol.22, pp.30-38, 2015-07-04 (Released:2017-04-15)

The article aims at considering some historical legal issues about whaling that have risen by the decision of Whale Case in ICJ in 2014. In this case, what was the problem is the international legality of the Japanese government whaling in the Southern Ocean. Through the historical aspects of Japan and New Zealand for "whaling," the domestic and international laws should be interpreted for protecting whales as natural resources.
秦 玲子
日本ニュージーランド学会誌 (ISSN:18839304)
vol.18, pp.53-66, 2011-06-18

The purpose of this paper is revealing how people revitalized Moko/Maori Tattoo. Maori people have strongly revitalized many cultural aspects in New Zealand from 1960s-70s. Moko is one of the cultural aspects revitalized, and now Moko, especially facial Moko, is acknowledged as an important cultural aspect of Maori and often symbolizes Maori on TV or in Magazines. However, the process of the revitalization of Moko/Maori Tattoo and Ta Moko/Maori Tattooing is unveiled. From the early contact period, the 18th-19th century, Moko have always attracted people's attention. There are many Europeans' writings and drawings on Moko, and some researches which examine those historical records. However, the research on the revitalization is not fully advanced. Though there are some photographic works and academic researches on the revival, it is still unclear that how the revitalization has been progressed and how Ta Moko is practiced now. This paper examines and put in order the history of the revitalization. The main materials to draw the picture are local magazines, news papers and interviews with artists. The key aspect of the revitalization is detaching "Maori Moko" from marginality or stigmatism of "tattoo", which is also parallel to making more positive public view on Maori. After the practice of Ta Moko stopped in the middle of 20th century, tattooing practice was carried out by local gangs and activists. Though gang and global tattoo culture played a great roll to keep the practice, Moko was added marginality. The people who got rid of the stigmatism from Moko are the artists who came in the late 1980s-90s from Maori Arts. Through Ta Moko Wananga/Ta Moko learning or seminar and Ta Moko events, they educated people and reclaimed the positive view of Moko within Maori Culture.
松本 晃徳
日本ニュージーランド学会誌 (ISSN:18839304)
vol.12, pp.48-57, 2005

In 1996, I observed some significant differences between the attitudes of people in Christchurch and those of people in a multicultural city, Melbourne, in Australia, where I lived for about nine years before coming to New Zealand. At that time it seemed that many Christchurch residents were unaccustomed to contact with foreigners and were strongly influenced by British culture. However, significant changes in relation to ethnic and cultural issues have occurred in the city during over the last eight years. Although the number of Asian tourists, students and migrants dropped due to 9/11 and the SARS epidemic, the figures for Asian migrants are still dramatically higher compared with those of the 1980's. In addition, refugees have come from African countries such as Somalia and Ethiopia. as well as from some Asian countries. In 1981, according to the Press, the local newspaper in Christchurch, out of every 40 residents in Christchurch, 38 were "Pakeha" (this means European New Zealanders in the Maori language), 1 person was Maori and 1 either a Pacific Islander or a Chinese or an Indian. At present 35 out of every 40 residents are "Pakeha", 3 are Maori and the remaining 2 are Asians. There are now also numerous Asian restaurants and shops, and it is possible to meet people with a variety of ethnic backgrounds in the city. However, some serious racial and ethnic conflicts between Asian migrants and local New Zealanders have occurred in this city recently. In order to solve such ethnic conflicts, on 4 May 2004 Christchurch's Mayor, Garry Moore, organised a public hearing, inviting a previous Minister of Immigration, councillors and representatives from ethnic groups in Christchurch. However, about 2000 people demonstrated against racism on 8 May 2004. Racial issues in Christchurch have now become an important matter of public interest in New Zealand, and a number of articles about these issues appeared in May, 2004. The Press also conducted a telephone survey of the opinions of 500 Christchurch residents and 300 Auckland residents in relation to racial and ethnic issues in both cities and New Zealand in general. The survey showed that Auckland residents seemed to be more accustomed to cultural diversity than those in Christchurch. On 1 June 2004 Prime Minister, Helen Clark held a community forum in Christchurch, and presented some significant policies on ethnic issues to representatives of ethnic groups in New Zealand. The New Zealand Government has now begun to make a serious effort to tackle ethnic and multicultural issues in the same way as the Australian government did in the 1980's.
山本 英嗣
日本ニュージーランド学会誌 (ISSN:18839304)
vol.21, pp.40-50, 2014-06-21 (Released:2017-04-15)

The purpose of this essay shows that the the author analyze the present immigration policy and legisration in New Zealand. Some important cases-Ye, Ding and Zaoui- has been influenced the legistration of New Zealand immigration policy. Among some difiicult interpretation between international lawsand domestic laws, New Zeland has tried to solve in adptable way, especially, "the child's interests." In this paper, by comparing the situation of immigration and refugees in Japan and New Zealand, the author will consider the gap of the law and reality of immigration policy.
山本 英嗣
日本ニュージーランド学会誌 (ISSN:18839304)
vol.19, pp.29-44, 2012-06-23 (Released:2017-04-15)

In this essay, we will make a comparative assessment of the electoral systems of Japan and New Zealand and the respective right of foreigners to vote. The last general election in New Zealand was held in 2011. Every citizen of New Zealand enjoys the right to vote under Section 12 (a) of BORA. Advocating similar provisions for suffrage, Article 15 of the Japanese Constitution states that the selection and dismissal of public officials are the inherent rights of the people. Section 2 of Article 93 also mentions that the tenure of local governments and other official members of the Congress are established by law, that is, the residents of the country elect their representatives to direct them. Comparing with New Zealand, which grants the right to vote to 'citizens' above 18, not only 'permanent residents' but also 'non-permanent residents' are recognized as "foreigners" and do not grant voting rights in Japan. In this paper, by comparing the rights of foreigners to vote in Japan and New Zealand, the author will describe the legal history related to domestic legislation of the voting rights in New Zealand.
松岡 博幸
日本ニュージーランド学会誌 (ISSN:18839304)
vol.10, pp.62-67, 2003-06-21 (Released:2017-04-15)

A key aspect of New Zealand's immigration issues is the quantity and quality of the immigrants. For example, the National party discusses that the total number of immigrants should be reduced. Moreover, NZ government has to put priority on particular skilled immigrants. Also, the contents of investments by business immigrants should be reexamined to stimulate economic activities of NZ.
Johnston Charles 河井 潤二
日本ニュージーランド学会誌 (ISSN:18839304)
vol.18, pp.5-19, 2011-06-18
