山口 訓史 後藤 丹十郎 小日置 佳世子 大谷 翔子 吉田 裕一
岡山大学農学部学術報告 (ISSN:21867755)
vol.102, pp.29-34, 2013-02-01

As occurrence of abnormal inflorescence in Gypsophila paniculata 'Altair' is caused by environmental conditions, effects of day length, supplemental lighting strength, shading period and minimum night temperature on occurrence of abnormal inflorescence were investigated. Abnormal inflorescence was classified into four types : normal, pattern 1 (Short-flower stalk), pattern 2 (Coalescent two-flower stalk) and pattern 3 (Looping and irregular-flower stalk). Neither of 12h, 16h, 20h or 24h day length by fluorescent lamp, nor 24h by incandescent lamp affected occurrence of abnormal inflorescence. Effects of four levels of light intensity (fluorescent lamp : PPFD 1μmol・m−2・s−1, incandescent lamp : PPFD 3μmol・m−2・s−1, metal halide lamp : PPFD 14μmol・m−2・s−1 and high-pressure sodium lamp : PPFD 48μmol・m−2・s−1) were examined in 16h photoperiod. Occurrence of abnormal inflorescence was not affected by different light intensities, neither was it affected by shading period. Occurrence of abnormal inflorescence at 15°C was however significantly reduced compared to that at 8°C. In particular, patterns 2 and 3 at 15°C were significantly reduced compared to those at 8°C. There was a strong negative correlation between average night temperature from starting the treatment to flower budding (7.1°C, 9.0°C, 9.2°C, 11.6°C and 16.4°C) and incidence of pattern 3 (13.1%, 8.7%, 7.1%, 1.1% and 0.7%). Therefore, as average night temperature increased, occurrence of abnormal inflorescence decreased. The results show that low night temperature may be the main factor inducing occurrence of abnormal inflorescence.シュッコンカスミソウ'アルタイル'の形態異常花序の発生には環境要因が関与していると考えられたので,日長,補光強度,遮光時期および最低夜温が形態異常花序発生に及ぼす影響を調査した.形態異常程度は4種類のパターン (0:正常,1:茎が短いもの,2:2本の茎が癒着,3:ひどく湾曲し変形したもの) に分類し,その影響を受けた小花の割合を求めた.蛍光灯による日長処理(12時間,16時間,20時間,24時間)や白熱灯による日長処理(自然日長,24時間)は形態異常花序発生率に影響を及ぼさなかった.蛍光灯(PPFD 1μmol・m-2・s-1),白熱灯(PPFD 3μmol・m-2・s-1),メタルハライドランプ(PPFD 14μmol・m-2・s-1),高圧ナトリウムランプ(PPFD 48μmol・m-2・s-1)を用いて16時間の補光を行った.異なる光源による光強度でも形態異常発生率に一定の傾向は認められなかった.遮光時期を変えても形態異常発生率に一定の傾向は認められなかった. 最低夜温を15℃に上げると8℃区と比較して15℃区の形態異常発生は大きく減少した.特にパターン2と3の発生率は大幅に低下した.各実験の処理開始から発蕾までの平均夜温(7.1℃,9.0℃,9.2℃,11.6℃,16.4℃)と,パターン3の形態異常発生率(13.1%,8.7%,7.1%,1.1%,0.7%)との間に高い負の相関(R2=0.849)が認められ,処理開始から発蕾までの平均夜温が高いほど形態異常発生率は低下した.以上のことから,形態異常花序発生には夜間の温度が大きく関与しているのではないかと推察された.
Setiawan Eko Poerwanto Roedhy Fukuda Fumio Kubota Naohiro
岡山大学農学部学術報告 (ISSN:21867755)
no.101, pp.39-47, 2012-02-01

Productivity and quality of mangosteen fruit is markedly affected by tree age and sector (position in canopy). The objective of this study was to make clear seasonal changes in meteorological conditions of mangosteen orchard, and C-N ratio of leaves in relation to tree age and sector. The experiment was conducted using mangosteen trees grown in commercial orchard in Bogor, Indonesia during May to October 2010. Mangosteen trees of 3 different ages, young (20-year-old), middle (35-year-old), and old(50-year-old), each of five trees, were selected for study, and the canopy of each tree was divided into 9 sectors based on height (bottom, middle, top) and width (inner, center, outer). The light intensity on sunny days was higher in Sector 9, it was 8.1, 7.5, and 7.7 μmol・M(−2)・s(−1) in young, middle-aged and old trees, respectively, whereas in Sector 1 it was low, resulting 0.5, 0.4, and 0.5 μmol・M(−2)・s(−1) in young, middle-aged and old trees, respectively. Regardless of tree age, light intensity in outer position in canopy was higher than in the inner, and also it was higher in taller than in lower positions in canopy. In 2010, the phenological aspects of mangosteen orchard markedly changed because of irregular rainfall. In spite of tree age, SPAD value of leaves in upper parts such as Sectors 5-9 was high comparing with lower ones such as Sectors 1-4. In young trees, carbohydrate content of leaves was higher in top positions such as Sectors 7-9 than in bottom ones such as Sectors 1-3, whereas in middle-aged and old trees, no significant difference of carbohydrate content was observed among sectors. Regardless of month and tree age measured, nitrogen content of leaves was higher in lower positions in canopy such as Sectors 1-4 than in upper ones such as Sectors 5-9. Consequently, the C-N ratio of leaves was higher in the upper part of canopy compared to the lower. Based on the results, the relationships between meteorological status and C-N ratio of leaves and fruit productivity and quality of mangosteen are discussed inrelation to position in canopy and tree age.マンゴスチンの果実生産性や果実品質が樹冠部位や樹齢によって異なる点について,インドネシア西ジャワの商業的マンゴスチン園で照度と降雨量を調査するとともに,20,35および50年生樹を5個体ずつ選び,各個体樹冠の高さと幅から9つのセクター(樹冠部位)に分け,葉の葉色値(SPAD値),クロロフィル含量,炭水化物含量,窒素含量およびC-N率を比較した.晴天日の照度は,樹齢による差は小さくセクター9(各樹齢7.5~8.1μmol・M(-2)・S(-1))が最も高く,一方セクター1(各樹齢0.4~0.5μmol・M(-2)・S(-1))で最も低かった.樹冠外部の照度はいずれの樹齢も樹冠内部よりも高く,またセクター1,2,3のような下部よりも7,8,9のような上部で高かった.調査を行った2010年は雨季の開始が例年よりも2~3か月早く,このため樹体の生育相が例年とは大きく異なった.葉色値は樹齢に関係なくセクター1~4のような下部の葉よりもセクター5~9のような上部の葉で高かった.葉の炭水化物含量は,20年生樹ではセクター1~3の下部よりも7~9の上部で高かったが,35年生と50年生樹ではそれぞれ50.7~53.0%と51.3~52.6%で大差なかった.一方,葉の窒素含量は樹齢や測定時期に関係なくセクター5~9の上部よりもセクター1~4の下部で高かった.このため,葉のC-N率は樹冠の下部よりも上部で高かった.この結果をもとにマンゴスチンの果実生産性と品質および樹冠部位と樹齢との関係を考察した.
田中 義行
岡山大学農学部学術報告 (ISSN:21867755)
vol.103, pp.37-43, 2014-02-01

In the course of analyses of nonpungent capsaicinoidanalogs named capsinoids, two unknown compounds werediscovered in pepper fruits. These compounds were isolatedfrom the fruit of 'CCB'(Capsicum baccatum var.praetermissum). Their structures were determined to beconiferyl (E)‒8‒methyl‒6‒nonenoate and coniferyl8‒methylnonanoate. These novel capsaicin analogs werenamed capsiconiate and dihydrocapsiconiate, respectively,and the coniferyl ester group was named capsiconinoid.Capsiconinoids have agonist activity for transient receptorpotential vanilloid type 1, and their pungency is very low, assimilar to that of capsinoids. Cultivars containing highlevels of capsiconinoid are considered to be important forvegetable or dietary supplement. HPLC analysis wasconducted to determine capsiconinoid content in fruits of54 Capsicum cultivars : 28 cultivars of C. annuum, 9 ofC. baccatum, 12 of C. chinense, 4 of C. frutescens, and 1 ofC. pubescens. Twelve cultivars contained capsiconinoids.'CCB' showed the highest capsiconinoid content level (3314μg・g‒1 DW) and 'Charapita' (C. chinense) had the secondhighest (2694 μg・g‒1 DW). The other 10 cultivars containedmuch lower capsiconinoid than these two cultivars(<300 μg・g‒1 DW). Time-course analysis during fruitdevelopment clarified that capsiconinoid content increasedand reached maximum level in green mature fruit.Capsaicinoid contents also increased, correspondingly. Asfruits matured, capsiconinoid contents decreased rapidly,while capsaicinoid content either did not change ordecreased slightly.
田村 隆 揖斐 隆之 稲垣 賢二 久保 康隆 奥田 潔
岡山大学農学部学術報告 (ISSN:21867755)
vol.105, pp.1-5, 2016-02-01

This study investigated the current status and causes underneath the life of university students who tend to lack breakfast at a relatively high frequency, and statistical analysis on consequences leading to such lack of well-nourished eating habitat in their university life. In October 2014, self-assessed questionnaires were administered to over 150 faculty students. It contained questions about breakfast habits, time allowance for the morning class, and lunchtime setting in their high school timetable. Breakfast states were clearly separated in three groups : 68% of students regularly have breakfast throughout the weekdays, 21% students skipping the breakfast occasionally, and 11% student no habit for breakfast at all. The survey on the high school lives revealed that 70% students used to have lunch 30 min later than the lunchtime set in the university timetable, 7% of them had the lunch time even more than 1 h later. Lunchtime varies among high schools, and statistical significance was revealed (p<0.01) that schools with higher deviation scores tend have late lunch beyond 12: 30. Accordingly, university students were given directions to prepare for the timetable reform on postulation of having lunch time over one o'clock. After continuous survey on the breakfast habits during the second semester, more than 90% of students established the habit of breakfast regularly in their university lives with the improved consciousness toward well-balanced healthy breakfast contents for their higher level of education quality.