山本 真知子
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.49, no.1, pp.25-41, 2020

<p>This research aims to rethink the meanings of the act of narrating discrimination in an anti-military movement. While narrating discrimination has been scrutinised as a teleological performance, it has not been examined as the process of verbalising an experience that is difficult to put into words. Considering this academic situation, it would be necessary to recognise the significance of addressing the issue that people narrate discrimination is likely to be influenced directly by their understanding of the norm of "political correctness" in the movement. Then it will be possible to explore the discussion on mnemonic practices that can open the possibility of reconnecting to others through noticing mishear. Through examining how I had misheard the narrative of a participant of the anti-military movement in Okinawa, whose parents are ex-leprosy patients, this paper tries to shed light on the language order related to narrating discrimination and uncover how noticing that I had misheard the voices of others can transform existing relationships and/or memories.</p>
Japan Communication Association
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.44, no.2, pp.135-150, 2016-03-31 (Released:2017-01-16)

Abstract. This study examines relationship-specific rumination(RSR)as a key cognitive factor corresponding with relational uncertainty(RU)in romantic relationships to extend the relational uncertainty model(Knobloch, 2007). Actorpartner interdependence models were employed to investigate the impact of RSR not only on the ruminatorsʼ own uncertainty, but also on their partnerʼs uncertainty. One hundred and twenty dating couples completed self-report measures examining their relationship, self, and partner uncertainty as well as RSR. Results revealed that RSR was associated with the ruminatorsʼ own relationship and partner uncertainty as well as their partnerʼs relationship and self uncertainty. The discussion highlights the theoretical implications of these findings for extending the relational uncertainty model.
宮本 淳子 増田 靖
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.48, no.1, pp.5-27, 2019-11-30 (Released:2019-12-03)

This paper presents characteristics of “interactive” communication to promote innovation. In recent years, many researchers have shown interest in “interactive” communication in science and technology communities as a means of promoting innovation. However, collaboration and “interactive” communication do not guarantee success, which is dependent on the quality of the communication and the methods employed. This paper investigates the development of successful collaboration in the field of innovative technology. We examined the specific case of removing old paint using laser beams to elucidate an “interactive” communication method that promotes innovation. We conducted three in-depth interviews with key members of the development team and a group interview involving all participants and analyzed and interpreted the data using the framework of “Katari=Antenarrative” theory. As a result, the following factors were identified as characteristics of “interactive” communication promoting innovation: “chains of awareness and meaning transformation in a ternary relationship,” “Katari to create empathy,” “mutual responsiveness,” and “listener’s flexibility.” Furthermore, we brought up “Katari-tsutae” as a new concept of “Katari=Antenarrative” theory. In conclusion, we suggest that innovation will be promoted by recognizing and practicing these four characteristics of “interactive” communication when working on technology development.
今井 達也
Japan Communication Association
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.45, no.1, pp.5-25, 2016-11-30 (Released:2017-05-20)

Stigma associated with schizophrenia has been found to negatively impact the communication a schizophrenic individual has with others in face-to-face interactions, but the negative effect on computer-mediated communication has not been fully explored. Four hundred and fourteen participants interacted with a hypothetical target on Facebook, who was believed to have either depression, schizophrenia, or a cavity (i.e., the control group). Results indicated that participants rejected the target labeled as schizophrenic more than the targets without mental illness or labeled as depressive. The mental illness stigma effect on rejection was partially mediated by a low predicted outcome value attached to the schizophrenic target. Further, the target with schizophrenia received more rejecting messages than accepting messages. However, there was not a significant difference between the frequency of rejecting messages and that of the accepting messages the depressed target received. Theoretical and practical contributions were considered.
雨宮 はるな
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.46, no.2, pp.169-192, 2018-05-31 (Released:2018-09-01)

The purpose of this essay is to explore the 17th century imagination of Baroque as a conceptualization of generative subject against the backdrop of the Foucauldian episteme of the Classical. The essay reads a potential of Descartes’ texts of Rules for Spiritual Direction and The Passions of the Soul in the reference of Foucault’s argument regarding 17th century imagination of the classical age. The essay attempts to locate the imagination in the Cartesian text as the locus of in-between spirit and body that deconstructs its dualism, the space of “res extensa” where subjects are rhetorically composed within on-going differences and continual movements. As the point of departure for this argument, this essay critically demonstrates a failure of Bradford Vivian (2000) who tried to explore the power of rhetorical forms in the process of composing the self as a subject in the modern West by adopting the “philosophy of becoming” by Gilles Deleuze and the “technologies of the self” by Michel Foucault. The essay points out the failure of Vivian’s argument on the reiteration of Cartesian subject in the modern episteme after the 19th century based on his misrecognition that not only misses the historical rupture of epistemes between the Classical and the modern but also misunderstands the location of subject in Deleuzian philosophy of becoming and fold. With critical reading of Descartes’ texts, the essay analyzes Rembrandt’s Philosopher in Meditation that metaphorically presents the space of 17th century imagination wherein intellect is composed as folds and well contemplated by the eye of spirit.
木下 浩一
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.48, no.1, pp.29-48, 2019-11-30 (Released:2019-12-03)

Audio Visual Translation (AVT) is essential for importing and exporting moving pictures overseas. Dubbing and subtitling are the two processes involved in AVT. While dubbing is mainstream in Japanese terrestrial TV broadcasting, this was not the case at its inception. Dubbing emerged as a way to facilitate interaction between senders and audiences. This research investigated the dubbing process in NET (Nippon-Educational-Television, current TV Asahi). NET was the forerunner of AVT in Japanese TV from the 1950s to the 1970s. The translation norms of the sender were clarified by analyzing chronological changes in the form of the AVT used and the interaction between senders and audiences in Japanese TV. The study draws the following conclusions: 1) A significant degree of overlap exists between accountability and expectancy norms. The strength of expectancy norms was emphasized by Chesterman (1997) and was verified by this study. 2) Comprehension and naturalness used to be viewed as the standard in expectancy norms. However, the growing emphasis on richness and identity of expression overtook these previously held standards. 3) The norms were found to be stronger for adult programs and theater-movies than for children’s programs and television movies.
山本 真知子
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.48, no.1, pp.49-65, 2019-11-30 (Released:2019-12-03)

The purpose of this essay is to rethink how not only the participants of social movement, but also journalists and scholars have directed their eye gaze towards “others.” This essay analyzes the experience of the “elderly” who have engaged with the Okinawa Issue in both Okinawa and Tokyo. It attempts to consider the process of seeking a way to govern their own bodies, languages, and feelings in order to avoid being absorbed into the politics of the nation-state. By examining these experiences in retrospect, one can observe the ramifications resulting from the birth of new ways in the governing of the body, especially for the “young” and the majority of the local populace—who have been observed to be content with their “safe” position despite the exclusion of others from their society.
菅野 遼
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.47, no.2, pp.87-111, 2019-05-31 (Released:2019-06-03)

In recent years, the fields of human sciences have witnessed growing interests in understanding the elusive nature of matters and the porous process of materialization. In response to the new intellectual trend that is often labeled “new materialism,” this paper critically argues that “Android Lincoln,” the prototype of audio-animatronics that Walt Disney invented in 1964, can be best understood as an “anthropomorphic machine of rhetoric”: it literally embodies a new materialist conception of human-speaking practice. Viewing the apparatus as a mechanical chimera that materializes humans’ technē of speech, this paper marks a first step toward a genealogy of the mechanical embodiment of rhetoric and promotes a theoretical reconfiguration of the relationship among rhetoric, materiality, and culture.
船山 和泉
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.47, no.2, pp.137-159, 2019-05-31 (Released:2019-06-03)

Coaching is increasingly regarded as a useful method for personal growth and professional achievement. It is now an industry, and it has experienced significant growth especially in the last decade. Whereas academic inquiry into coaching can be interdisciplinary, the present paper studies coaching as a collaborative narrative practice carried out between two individuals. This study is based on dialogic analysis of recorded and transcribed data from an actual coaching session. Specifically, this paper analyzes how metaphor (re)shapes the way in which narratives unfold, contributing to the collaborative and interactive transformation of a story. That is, this paper sheds light on the way in which metaphor can create a pivotal point at which collaborative narratives expand and allow for (re)creating a meaningful story.
トパチョール ハサン
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.46, no.1, pp.61-80, 2017

<p>The Meiji Restoration was a chain of events that many scholars consider to mark the beginning of Japanese Modernization. In 1968, to honor its modern incarnation, Japan celebrated the Meiji Centennial as one of its biggest media events after World War II. The Japanese Government focused on Japan's achievements over the past century and aimed to create a positive image by establishing Tokyo as the symbol of Japanese Modernization. It also became involved with the Meiji Centennial celebrated in Hawaii by Japanese-Americans.</p><p>For the Japanese, the meaning of the event was to show respect for ancestors who worked hard, fought for their country, and even died on the path to modernization. However, Japanese-Americans in Hawaii celebrated this event to show appreciation for their elders who worked hard to create a positive image of Japanese immigrants. They focused on their immigration history because their memories were very different from what the Japanese Government wanted to impose. Furthermore, for Japanese-Americans "The Memory of the Realm" in Japan was not Tokyo, but Kyoto. Therefore, Japanese-Americans in Hawaii used imagery from Kyoto rather than Tokyo. Thus arose a conflict in giving meaning to the Meiji Centennial, as both sides aimed to create a different memory of the past.</p><p>This study analyses the Meiji Centennial event in Hawaii and its differences from that held in Japan. It explains the meaning of the event for Japanese-Americans in Hawaii and the meaning that the Japanese Government attempted to ascribe to it. It also explains the miscommunication that occurred between Japan and Japanese-Americans. The analysis focuses on two projects (Rainbow Over the Pacific and the Byodo-in Temple) and explains differences in memories of The Meiji Restoration between Japan and Hawaii from the point of memory studies.</p>