田島 慎朗
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.48, no.2, pp.93-111, 2020-05-31 (Released:2020-06-10)

This paper addresses the need for the idea of civility in Japan, specifically when assessing impacts and potential effects of contemporary social movements. In order to make this argument, the paper firstly scrutinizes its history and scholarly discussions of the idea among American communication scholars. Secondly, the paper reviews how the idea has been discussed in post-World War II Japan. As the paper confirms the scarcity of civility literatures in Japanese language, it attempts to excavate the idea of civility discussed in fields of politics and public communication. Thirdly, the paper analyzes two specific social movements in contemporary Japan; mannequin flash mob and jitaku keibi tai [home guards]. By and through the analysis, the paper explores the possibility of these new movements for appealing to the public as well as avoiding criticisms while maintaining civility.
塙 幸枝
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.44, no.2, pp.151-164, 2016-03-31 (Released:2017-01-16)

Abstract. Kyousei, literally“ symbiosis,” or, more figuratively,“ living together in harmony,” is a term that has been used with positive connotations in many contexts in contemporary Japanese society. In particular, phrases such as“ living together in harmony with the disabled,” or“ a society that lives together,” often associate kyousei with welfare for the disabled. This type of use of the word kyousei is also intended to convey a connotation of mutual understanding. However, careful consideration will reveal that hidden in the background of this term is a great ambiguity. That is to say, while on the one hand kyousei possesses a dissimilative tendency to accept differences and diversity, it also has an assimilative tendency to suppress differences and diversity. The purpose of this paper is to clarify circumstances surrounding information accessibility for the hearing disabled in the field of art and entertainment by focusing on the issue of accessibility, which is one of the supporting concepts of kyousei. The subject of study of this paper is the captioning of Japanese comedy performances, which presuppose the sharing of a social code. My analysis reveals that this captioning has problems in terms of both technology and content.
塙 幸枝
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.46, no.2, pp.151-167, 2018-05-31 (Released:2018-09-01)

The NHK TV program Baribara, which is concerned with the welfare of disabled people, has been broadcast since 2012. This program is significant in that it is critical of social stereotypes of the disabled and their general representation in the media. More importantly, this program uses the form of the “variety show,” supported by elements of laughter, to express this critical stance. In particular, there is the “SHOW-1 Grand Prix,” a comedy performance featuring disability and impairment played by disabled people, which is provocative because the performance includes two aspects of “laughter” and “performing,” raising the issue of the social position of the body of disabled people from a different angle. The purpose of this paper is to clarify how the framework of fiction/real defines both the body and disability by analyzing the performance from the viewpoint of fictionality.
Tatsuya Imai
Japan Communication Association
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.49, no.1, pp.5-23, 2020-11-30 (Released:2020-12-01)

Previous studies suggest that international students’ self-disclosure and assertiveness to host nationals play significant roles in their cultural adjustment. However, what specific factor helps them disclose themselves and be assertive has not been fully researched. Using culture learning theory, this study hypothesized that ability in the host country’s language (i.e., Japanese) and length of stay in a host country (i.e., Japan) are associated with these two forms of communication. Results indicated that language ability and length of stay were positively associated with levels of self-disclosure. A structural equation model further showed that length of stay was indirectly linked to levels of self-disclosure through Japanese fluency. Surprisingly, international students who stayed for a longer period in Japan with higher levels of Japanese were not more assertive than those who stayed for a shorter period with lower levels of Japanese. This study also investigated differences in the association among those variables between Asian international students and Western international students. These findings suggest that those who try to adjust to a new culture should be aware that what is considered an appropriate communication style varies depending on the host culture.
塙 幸枝
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.43, no.2, pp.109-124, 2015-03-31 (Released:2017-05-17)

Since the inception of film history, disability issues have been treated in a variety of movies. Because there was little understanding of how to communicate with the disabled, until recently films have portrayed disabilities as a condition evoking discrimination, fear, and pity. In recent years, however, films have emerged that present disability as another form of diversity with which we coexist. This has happened due to improved methods of communication. At a glance these portrayals of disability appear to invite the audience to confront disability issues, but in actuality these films fail to acknowledge the variety of types of disabilities. The films are framed within a stereotypical style of communication that is no more than a mechanism used to introduce disabilities in a way that the audience can understand. This paper illustrates the depiction of disabilities in film, discussing the (im) possibility of analyzing these representations in terms of the medical and social models of disability. The paper concludes that the portrayal of disabilities in film is "a problem of communication."
田崎 勝也
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.49, no.2, pp.101-118, 2021-05-31 (Released:2021-06-23)

This study aims at developing instrumental-consummatory communication scales and testing their validity and reliability by examining higher-order factor structures. Twenty-six items were composed in accordance with the definition offered by Festinger (1950) and related discussions. Through maximum likelihood exploratory factor analyses with promax rotation, after deleting five items that did not satisfy our content validity criteria, 21 items converged into 16 item with four factors, i.e., efficiency-clarity (4 items, α=.82), harmonic influence (3 items, α=.82), thoughts organizing (5 items, α=.88), and catharsis (4 items, α=.84) factors. The first two are considered to be sub-factors of instrumental communication and the latter two are thought to be sub-factors of consummatory communication. A series of confirmatory factor analyses and likelihood ratio tests across nest models showed that the fit of the higher-order solution did not significantly deviate from the first-order solution. Based on the fact that one less freely estimated parameter of the second-order model appropriately accounted for the six correlations among factors of the first-order model, it is concluded that the second-order factor model is more appropriate than the first-order model. In addition to the factorial validity of these scales, convergent and discriminant validity tested with related psychological scales and criterion-related validity hypothesized with gender differences in instrumental/consummatory communication were mostly confirmed.
藤巻 光浩
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.45, no.1, pp.47-70, 2016-11-30 (Released:2017-05-20)

“The Aida Makoto Retrospective” had been held at Mori Museum of Fine Arts, Tokyo, from November 2012 to March 2013. It had been well received by both main-stream media and art circles, while criticized as “hugely infringing on women’s dignity.” It, therefore, ignited classical yet not adequately resolved issues, and thus, caused a controversy; if those works are either pornography or art, and if those inherently cause violent effects on the minors and those who are vulnerable to those effects. Instead of choosing an answer within a given choice, this paper provides a context with the issues by bringing in “museum (of fine arts) as modern institutional medium” through which visibility and meanings of art works are put into effect. Through this analysis and criticism, the issues could be re-situated in such a way that the controversy does not necessarily favor a particular position, namely Art History. In addition, this paper argues that “pornography” has to be regarded as an effect of “museum as modern institutional medium,” complicit with Art History. Thus, a theoretical perspective, informed by this paper, attempts to offer a fresh insight at the issues, thereby allowing a critical moment to emerge for astute audience and critics to engage themselves in communicative praxis.
塙 幸枝
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.44, no.2, pp.151-164, 2016

<p><b>Abstract.</b> <i>Kyousei</i>, literally" symbiosis," or, more figuratively," living together in harmony," is a term that has been used with positive connotations in many contexts in contemporary Japanese society. In particular, phrases such as" living together in harmony with the disabled," or" a society that lives together," often associate <i>kyousei</i> with welfare for the disabled. This type of use of the word <i>kyousei</i> is also intended to convey a connotation of mutual understanding. However, careful consideration will reveal that hidden in the background of this term is a great ambiguity. That is to say, while on the one hand <i>kyousei</i> possesses a dissimilative tendency to accept differences and diversity, it also has an assimilative tendency to suppress differences and diversity. The purpose of this paper is to clarify circumstances surrounding information accessibility for the hearing disabled in the field of art and entertainment by focusing on the issue of accessibility, which is one of the supporting concepts of <i>kyousei</i>. The subject of study of this paper is the captioning of Japanese comedy performances, which presuppose the sharing of a social code. My analysis reveals that this captioning has problems in terms of both technology and content.</p>
松永 正樹
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.42, no.Special, pp.51-78, 2014-03-31 (Released:2017-05-17)

This paper reports two studies on the sexual risk of female victims of bullying in Japan and the effects of supportive communication for them. Study 1 utilized the survey data collected from 182 Japanese undergraduates and explored the associations among bullying, support, and sexual risk. Latent profile analysis (LPA) detected five distinct profiles of victims and non-victims. LPA also revealed that the victims who had received less support had higher sexual risk (i.e., earlier sexual debut and a larger number of sexual partners), whereas the type of bullying made little differences. Study 2 utilized the online survey data collected from unmarried female full-timers working at companies in Japan (N=439) and examined a mediational model wherein victims' avoidant-coping tendency and communication efficacy mediate the effects of bullying and social support on sexual risk. Victims' sexual risk was operationalized by their lifetime number of sexual partners, the experience of unplanned sex, and the experience of unprotected sex. SEM revealed that: (a) bullying was positively associated with avoidant-coping tendency and negatively with communication efficacy; (b) stronger avoidant-coping tendency and weaker communication efficacy were associated with higher sexual risk (i.e., a larger number of sexual partners, higher likelihoods of having had an unplanned sex and/or an unprotected sex); and (c) social support showed protective effects to reduce sexual risk, both directly and indirectly (via mediation by the two psychological factors). These results were discussed with reference to the literature on bullying and victims' readjustment. Theoretical speculations about the mechanism underlying the effects of bullying and support were presented in regards to the structure of the bullying phenomenon, reappraisal-based theory of social support, and the importance of the communicative environment surrounding bullied victims. Practical implications and limitations of the current research, as well as the directions for future studies, were also discussed.
王 令薇
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.52, no.1, pp.65-84, 2023-07-31 (Released:2023-07-31)

NHK Chugakusei Nikki was a weekly educational TV program produced by NHK Nagoya Broadcasting Station. It aired nationally from 1972 to 2012. This show was significant because it focused persistently on “the daily lives of ordinary” junior high school students and attracted a larger audience than other educational TV series. Interestingly, amateur teenage actors played themselves in the program. This study analyses how the program was viewed and produced. It also takes the media studies perspective to discuss why viewers considered the images of junior high school students disseminated by the program to be attractive and realistic. In doing so, it specifically references Dean MacCannell’s concept of staged authenticity. The present study is original because it presents the viewpoint that the producers, viewers, and performers of the TV program were all spectators observing the “back region” of other groups, while simultaneously being performers who showed other groups their own back region. The study finds that the television program was underpinned by the desire of viewers and producers to understand junior high school students, scrutinize their human aspects, and function as appropriate adult for students. The program also represented an attempt to preserve the boundaries between adults and junior high school students, and between being in school and out of school. The study could yield a more comprehensive understanding of the nature of real and everyday life depicted on television and other media.
塙 幸枝
日本コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:21887721)
vol.52, no.1, pp.5-22, 2023-07-31 (Released:2023-07-31)

Manzai, Japanese duo stand-up comedy, has a social aspect because it is based on social codes. This study focuses on ‘boyaki (blurting out) manzai’ in postwar Japan and analyzes its content from two perspectives (first, from the social context of then, and second, from the social context of now), in order to clarify its relationship with social norms. In boyaki manzai, the new culture (particularly the fashion and behavior of young women) that was introduced to the country after World War II was the subject of ridicule. However, the content of the manzai of then does not evoke laughter in the present social context. From the modern perspective, it is evident that the statements in boyaki manzai contain gender discrimination based on male-centric principles, and thus, it is sometimes perceived negatively. This study argues that the acceptable range of laughter changes with social norms.