小田原 のどか
アジア・ジェンダー文化学研究 (ISSN:24329525)
no.5, pp.21-30, 2021

[特集] 国際シンポジウム「都市空間とジェンダー:身体表象と記憶をめぐって」※本稿は国際シンポジウム「都市空間とジェンダー:身体表象と記憶をめぐって」の発表原稿で あり、内容は「空の台座:公共空間の女性裸体像をめぐって」(『彫刻1』所収)を大幅に改稿し たものである。
沈 韻之
アジア・ジェンダー文化学研究 (ISSN:24329525)
no.4, pp.61-71, 2020-06

十五年戦争期に、食料不足のため、銃後国民に節約が要求されていた。「浪費」が排除されるなか、戦時家庭祝い膳は見立てと料理の命名に戦勝祈念と「少国民」に対する期待が意味づけられ、 節約と戦時イデオロギーを巧みに融合した。戦時家庭祝い膳は母と子両方に教育意義があるとされ、さらに、隣組共同炊事の祝い膳は演出の意味を持って、食料・燃料の節約と同時に、隣組の連 帯感を強化する狙いがある。戦時家庭祝い膳は「母性愛」と「少国民錬成」を結合した総力戦的精神作りに向かう食文化である。During the Fifteen Years War, Japanese civilians on the home front were required to save all kinds of supplies. Saving food was particularly important because of the severe shortage of food. While extravagance was eliminated rigorously, Wartime Celebratory Meal at home was a skillful combination of mitate (using food cut in certain shape to resemble something, to be likened to something) and wartime ideology. By using patriotic motifs, War-time Celebratory Meal was expected to be effective for the purpose of education for both mothers and children. In addition, it was some kind of performance, especially cooking and eating with neighborhood association (Tonarigumi). It was aimed to saving food as well as fueled, strengthening the sense of unity of the neighborhood. In conclusion, War-time Celebratory Meal at home was a created dietary culture, an "eating propaganda" combined of encouraging "maternal affection" for women and "trainingrising generation" for children, preparing for the all-out war.
柿本 佳美 柿本 佳美
アジア・ジェンダー文化学研究 = Gender and culture in Asia (ISSN:24329525)
vol.1, pp.51-60, 2017

Abortion as women's freedom of body and social justice This paper aims to clarify that the French procedure of legalization of abortion and its modification in recent years has been done in the direction of human rights approach, and that in this view, abortion is situated as the one of the alternative in the procreation. In 2016 January, French Government decided the modification of Veil law, that is, the suppression of the period of reflection in one week before final decision, authorization to mid-wives on deliberation of the mifepristone, and the direct payment of the public recompense of abortion to the medical services. We can see the difficult situation of the isolated women who had faced to unwanted pregnancy from the reason of the necessity of the modification. In France, women's movement of legalization of abortion in 1960-1970s is the important turning point of women's rights. Beauvoir analyzed why women cannot live as their own way: procreation and labor make women in the state of exclusion from the family of their parents and that of their husbands. She indicated the lack of the point of view that women is human being as like as man and the women's situation not to commit the world lacking the way to invent their own futures. She stated that in order to make women as human being, we must know the procedure of social elimination of women and take back their autonomy. Analyzing the modification of Veil law teaches us that French abortion has been sustained by the principle of protection of women's rights as the person and that it informs us the existence of socio-economic difficulties of women.
松岡 悦子 松岡 悦子
アジア・ジェンダー文化学研究 = Gender and culture in Asia (ISSN:24329525)
vol.5, pp.39-51, 2021

寄稿論文授乳と女性との関係は、文化や歴史の中で多様であったが、現在の北米ではミドルクラスの 女性たちが公的な場で授乳する権利を求め、授乳をノーマライズする運動を繰り広げている。本 稿では、そのような北米の状況を踏まえた上で、アメリカと日本の授乳フォトが持つ意味を比較 する。 北米では乳房は性的なものと見なされ、公的な場での授乳が抑制されてきた。Facebookな どのソーシャルメディアは、2015年までのヌード規定に従って、授乳している女性の写真を削 除し、飛行機やレストランでは授乳した女性が制止されるケースが多く見られた。アメリカの授 乳フォトには、女性が自撮りしてソーシャルメディアに載せるものと写真家によるものとがある が、いずれも授乳を女性の自然な行為として可視化し、標準的な母のイメージを覆し、授乳に対 する社会の態度を変えようとするメッセージを秘めている。それに対して、日本では授乳が政治 的な対立となっておらず、授乳フォトは写真館で記念写真として撮影されるため、社会が期待す る幸せのイメージを反映したものが多い。だがそこには、社会がもつ幸せのイメージと女性が感 じる育児の矛盾とのずれが存在する。 以上のように、授乳フォトはそれが誰の視点で切り取られるのか、また母乳がそれぞれの社 会でどのように形作られるのかによって異なる意味を持つと言える。 The relationship between breastfeeding and women has taken varied forms throughout history and among different cultures. In North America movements led by middle class women to protect breastfeeding in public and to normalize it are gaining momentum. This article tries to interpret images of breastfeeding by comparing breastfeeding photos in North America and in Japan. In North America social media companies, such as Facebook, took down photographs of breastfeeding women many times before 2015 based on their standards of nudity. Breastfeeding in public places such as on airplanes or in restaurants was restrained because breasts were (are) seen as sexual objects that needed to be censored. Breastfeeding photos are either selfies taken and uploaded by breastfeeding women or those taken by photographers. Both types of photos in North America are filled with messages which intend to change society's attitudes toward breastfeeding by making breastfeeding visible as a natural maternal behavior and by dismantling traditional imagesof motherhood. In Japan breastfeeding photos are normally taken as commemorative photosin a photo studio where a photographer molds them to the image of happiness. However, a discrepancy between societal images of happiness and women's actual childcare experiences is detected in the photos. To conclude, breastfeeding photos in North America and Japan represent different images depending on whoseperspective they embody and how breastmilk/breastfeeding is construed in both societies.
上尾 さと子
アジア・ジェンダー文化学研究 (ISSN:24329525)
no.4, pp.51-60, 2020-06

日本政府の公式発表によれば中国残留孤児の総数は2,818人である。しかし、その男女の内訳は明らかではない。筆者は集団訪日調査の男女数と集団訪日調査を含む全体の男女数を厚生労働省中国残留邦人等支援室に正式に依頼し、その情報について提供を受けた。本稿はそのデータをジェンダーの視点から分析したものである。分析の結果、判明したのは、中国残留孤児全体の男女比には不均衡があること、すなわち中国残留孤児は著しく女性が多いことである。その主な理由としては、家の継承のため帰国の際、女児よりも男児を優先して連れ帰ろうとしたこと、当時、中国の農村で広く行われていた「童養媳」(幼女売買婚)という婚姻習俗がその一因としてあったことが指摘できる。日中相互の親同士の思惑がはからずも一致した結果、残留孤児に女性が多くなったと考えられる。また、集団訪日調査の男女比にも一定の傾向があり、集団訪日調査の後半になると女性が多くなることが判明した。 その主な理由としては、当時の中国における封建的な家族関係や教育状況の中で、女性の訪日調査が遅れたことが挙げられる。ジェンダーの視点から女性比率に着目して中国残留孤児問題を考えると、日中相互のジェンダー問題が浮かびあがってくる。 According to the official announcement of the Government of Japan, the total number of Japanese orphans in Manchuria is 2,818. However, the gender ratio of them is not clear. The author formally requested Relief Division of Remaining Japanese Orphans in China of Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare for the number of men and women in the group of investigation is its to Japan and the total number of the orphans and its gender ratio. This paper analyzes the data from a gender perspective. As a result of the analysis, it is fund that there is a gender imbalance of them, in short, the number of females of them is remarkably more than it of males. The main reasons for this can be pointed out that at the time of return, boys were more respected for the succession of the family in Japan and there was a marriage custom of "Tong Yang Xi", which a family would adopt or buy a pre-adolescent daughter as a future bride for one of their pre-adolescent sons, that was widely prevailed in rural China. A result of a speculation of the parents of both countries matching unexpectedly during the day, women occupied more in orphans. In addition, there is a certain trend in the gender ratio in the group of investigation visit to Japan. It is found that the number of women increased in the latter of the visits due to feudal family relations and educational environment disregarding women in China at that time. Considering from a gender perspective and ratio, the problem of Japanese orphans emerges gender issues both in China and Japan.