柿本 佳美 KAKIMOTO Yoshimi
現代社会研究 (ISSN:18842623)
vol.9, pp.79-91, 2006-12

本稿では、日本社会における中絶の意味と役割の変化をたどり、胎児の性による中絶を手がかりに、優生主義について検討することを目的とする。江戸時代末期まで、中絶は家族計画の手段の一つとして、女性たちの間で処理されてきた事柄であった。しかし、明治政府成立後、中絶は、1880年の堕胎罪の創設を経て、1940年、国民優生法によって非合法化された。この法では、「国民素質ノ向上ヲ期スル」という言葉に当時の優生思想の影響を見ることができる。そして、この流れを受け継ぐ形で制定された優生保護法では、中絶は人口政策および優生主義の実践の一環として機能することとなった。優生主義が問題となるのは、これが既存の社会構造にある差別的な状況を反映し、これを強化する傾向にあるからである。胎児の性を理由とする中絶が示すように、中絶は、女性の身体への自由を超えて、優生主義的な個人の「欲望」を実現する医学的手段ともなりうるのである。This article aims to make clear the change of the sense of abortion, from one of the means of birth control to a way of a practice of selection of fetus. The group of disability people in 1970's Japan opposed to the activists of "Women's Lib (Women's Liberation)", insisting that the selective abortion makes a society which tolerates to eliminate many handicapped people, and that women's right of abortion permits it. Accepting their accusation, women activists have arrived to the position that "want to have a child is egoistic, want not to a child is also egoistic". But the progress of medical technology makes possible to select a fetus, either avoiding the physical state undesirable, or choosing the sex desirable. And the new eugenics, especially called "laissez-faire eugenics", describes the prenatal diagnostic as the hopeful and useful technology, because it realizes a society in which people do not have any painful future having a child undesirable. We can see a moral difficulty of new eugenics by reason of admitting the condition of elimination of the fetus, which reflects the disability in this society and the inequality of female.
柿本 佳美 柿本 佳美
アジア・ジェンダー文化学研究 = Gender and culture in Asia (ISSN:24329525)
vol.1, pp.51-60, 2017

Abortion as women's freedom of body and social justice This paper aims to clarify that the French procedure of legalization of abortion and its modification in recent years has been done in the direction of human rights approach, and that in this view, abortion is situated as the one of the alternative in the procreation. In 2016 January, French Government decided the modification of Veil law, that is, the suppression of the period of reflection in one week before final decision, authorization to mid-wives on deliberation of the mifepristone, and the direct payment of the public recompense of abortion to the medical services. We can see the difficult situation of the isolated women who had faced to unwanted pregnancy from the reason of the necessity of the modification. In France, women's movement of legalization of abortion in 1960-1970s is the important turning point of women's rights. Beauvoir analyzed why women cannot live as their own way: procreation and labor make women in the state of exclusion from the family of their parents and that of their husbands. She indicated the lack of the point of view that women is human being as like as man and the women's situation not to commit the world lacking the way to invent their own futures. She stated that in order to make women as human being, we must know the procedure of social elimination of women and take back their autonomy. Analyzing the modification of Veil law teaches us that French abortion has been sustained by the principle of protection of women's rights as the person and that it informs us the existence of socio-economic difficulties of women.
柿本 佳美 KAKIMOTO Yoshimi
現代社会研究 (ISSN:18842623)
vol.12, pp.39-51, 2009-12

本稿は、「甘え」が象徴する社会構造によって、日本社会における「自由」と「権利」概念理解のずれが生じることを指摘する。土居は、日本社会においては、「甘え」に象徴される、子が親から無条件で受容される関係が関係性のモデルとなることで、個人による集団への従属を善とする社会規範が形成され、「自由」を「わがまま」とも理解するずれが生じたことを指摘する。明治初期における西欧世界からの法システムの導入は、個々人の属性に依存する社会関係が存続したことで、諸概念の理解においてゆがみを伴っていた。属性に依存する社会規範は、社会関係が希薄化した現代社会においても、個々人に「分を守る」ことを求める。「自由」と「権利」の概念理解の両義性は、属性・役割を社会規範の規準とし、個の意識を曖昧にすることで「甘え」を許容する日本の社会構造から生じる。ここに、既存の社会にはない新しい知の理解には、その社会の価値規範の影響によるずれを避けることができないことを見て取ることができよう。This article aims to clarify the reason why Japanese people have the double-edged understanding about the notion of the freedom and the rights. The word "Amae" symbolises the social structure in Japan where parents accept the unconditional indulgence of their child. Being based on this model of the relationship, this structure makes the miss-leading about the freedom and the rights, sustained by the social norms which premise the dependence of the individual to the society. This doulde-edged understanding on the freedom and the rights comes from the structure of the Japanese society, which depends on the personal social status and position and which weakens the self-consciousness, too. We can see the inevitable influence of the social value and norm on the introduction of the sciences which have developped in the different culture back ground.
田村 公江 鍋島 直樹 柿本 佳美 細谷 実 川畑 智子 荒谷 大輔
