高見 正利 橋詰 努 北川 博巳 米田 郁夫 黒田 大治郎 奥 英久 糟谷 佐紀
vol.2007, no.16, pp.349-352, 2007-12-12

We developed a new instrumentation for measuring traveling characteristics of wheelchair and set up running roads with various surface shapes in our laboratory. We measured driving torque and whole-body vibration during running on these road surfaces. Root-mean-square (RMS) values of acceleration vibration were calculated for the three directions according to the ISO 2631 procedure.The driving torque of this system, like a manual wheelchair on the market, increases in proportion to height of steps on the road surface. In steady state running, the driving torque increases in proportion to velocity of wheelchair. The whole-body vibration at the sheet of wheelchair increases in proportion to both the heights of steps on the road surface and the velocity of wheelchair. In both a field and a laboratory, the vertical component of the vibration was greater than the fore-aft or horizontal vibration. The whole-body vibration value of a dummy mounted wheelchair shows a similar tendency to that of human beings. The following expression is derived from the above: this new measuring system is effective in detecting the presence of the vibration and the driving torque of manual wheelchair on various road surfaces.
郭 裕之 綱島 均 西 恭一 本庄 孝司 坂井 卓爾
vol.2000, no.9, pp.89-92, 2000-12-12

Several methods are proposed for investigating the complex traffic flow. However, the dynamics of vehicle and the driver's characteristic, which are important factor for the traffic flow analysis, are not considered enough so far. This paper describes a new concept for simulating complex traffic flow by multiagents. The agents are considered as a kind of artificial life (A-Life) and they behave based on their own knowledge independently. Drivers, vehicles, roads and traffic environment, which are essential elements in our simulation, are defined as the agents. The vehicle agent combined with a driver agent works based on driver's region of sight and their own characteristics. The road agent communicates with the vehicle agent responding velocity, position of the vehicle. The effectiveness of our new method for modeling the traffic flow is shown by simulation study.
大和 裕幸 稗方 和夫 坪内 孝太 尾石 航 山中 佑治 柿沼 徹也
vol.2006, no.15, pp.149-152, 2006-12-13

"On-demand bus system" is an approach to improve mobility in a city. Time flexibility is one of the advantages of On-demand bus system. However, passengers feel inconvenient because the bus often arrives later than the expected time. This paper describes "A New On-demand bus system" which passengers can get time schedule of the bus during reservation, and bus always arrives on schedule. IT system based on original scheduling algorithm, database technology and mobile communication technology between driver and server play an important role in implementing system. The experiment had been carried out in Kashiwa city. The results show some values of "A New On-demand bus system".
林田 守正 水間 毅 大野 寛之 成澤 和幸 大聖 泰弘 紙屋 雄史 田中 洋祐
vol.2006, no.15, pp.171-174, 2006-12-13

An advanced on-demand bus system has been developed for regional public transportation using the advanced electric buses (WEB) as a part of NEDO's project. The on-demand system utilizes advanced ITS and associated technologies. It consists of three subsystems of a driver navigation system responding to demands by operations on mobile phones, a traffic running simulator for best routing and an estimation system for number of passengers. On-road proving tests were carried out using WEB in Honjo city, Saitama prefecture, and the reliability and the convenience for passengers' mobility have been clarified.